a month and a half between 8 and 7, and 7 and web04 which i think was chapter 6. doesn't look good :(
Thanks for pointing that out. I was totally derping earlier - could've sworn chapters 7 and 8 were released within a month of each other! Oh well. Tsubomi's got some other decent stuff on their web comic, so I'll just have to make do...
While I appreciate the friendship focus, the drama lately has gotten away a bit from what I felt was the best part of the series, which was the dialogue and character interaction. I really want to see Fujiwara and Yuri interacting again soon.
Seriously now. The first three chapters promised me at least a volume's worth of priceless FujiYuri antics! There've still been some good moments, but we're a full two chapters away from any serious teasing.
And @whoever was asking, I've read the Shinobu extra. Pretty good stuff all around.