I was going to suggest an “amputee” tag, but then I thought she was jumping in air... sorry, I seemed to have missed the edge of the drawing to show imagined continuity of her legs.
Cute drawing and I liked the accents expressed in creatively spelled words... reminds me of Mark Twain’s works.
@6kut that's Koishi's third eye, a trait all Satori have. She forcibly closed hers which gave her her powers
Edit: also holy shit Yuugi's nipple is as big as Koishi's eyes
Second place! Man, it was a close call between 1st and 2nd for me. I have a soft spot for color and shading, but the technical expertise with cross-hatching here impressed me a bunch. Text book stuff here! Great work.
^ i agree, in game sorta seemed off for me (i think im just not used to the childhood friends actually getting together lol), but they are still adorable!
I love this couple but wasn't really feeling yuna and ano like other people. And I don't usually like couples who are friend for a long time then get together after things change. The Childhood friend has always gotten my hate but how can you hate hina.