I love how every time a futa doujin gets uploaded here the discussion just explodes. We take porn so seriously. It's beautiful.
are otakus the only nerds that discuss porn seriously?
hmmm... good question. i suppose some do and some don't. i guess it just depends on which category you fall into.
@flips - wrt Lewis McLaren, the art is really nice and the stories appear laid back. really hoping someone takes up the translating effort.
Fetish aside, I've been following the following three artists (well 5). i kind of wish they were more mainstream because the stories are wonderful. each artist brings a good mixture to storytelling, artwork and kinkiness that i find appealing and engaging.
Main artists:
Feretta: https://e-hentai.org/tag/artist:feretta (futanari)
Leslie Brown: https://e-hentai.org/tag/artist:leslie+brown (yuri+yaoi)
Rupert Everton: http ://e-hentai.org/tag/artist:rupert+everton (all of the above)
Also, check out Dark Gods. It is not bad (there are better) if you don't mind gore, and on the stupid and/or silly side, the artists Transmorpher DDS and Cluzmor are always good for a good laugh or two.
@everyone - hopefully this post doesn't violate some dynasty rule about discussing artists from another site.
last edited at Feb 15, 2017 11:54PM