Forum › Suggestions for Improvement V3

omnscient0 Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 1, 2010

I don't seem to be receiving subscriptions notifications the last few days. For example this is a series I'm subscribed to and the latest chapter was uploaded almost 24 hours ago now. Usually I receive notifications within a few hours of chapters being uploaded but there's nothing for it. The latest chapter of Killing Me! has been uploaded just over 24 hours and I didn't get a notification for that either, though the previous chapter was the second to last notification I've gotten from the site.

All outgoing mail from the server is being blocked currently, probably some anti-spam system was put in / changed somewhere. I'll see if I can fix it, but no eta at the moment.

joined Jun 27, 2018

Is it possible to see how many people have viewed a specific story? (I mean, apart from that "Most read this week" on the homepage). I just wanna know how many people I'm reaching with my subliminal communist messages.
joined Jan 7, 2018

Can someone of the staff change my username ? it's not about taste i just really have to for a personal reason.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Can someone of the staff change my username ? it's not about taste i just really have to for a personal reason.

I'll try to ask, what do you want it changed to.
joined Jan 7, 2018

Can someone of the staff change my username ? it's not about taste i just really have to for a personal reason.

I'll try to ask, what do you want it changed to.

could you change it to "DC3"

last edited at Jun 30, 2018 9:32PM

joined Nov 8, 2017

I keep forgetting to bring this up, but these two (NSFW link) have known names. The one in the left is Momoko Kouzuki and the one in the right is Aoi Miyasato (not Miyazato). Since they appear in the Valkyrie Drive Aftermath doujin, they should probably have a tag. Their given names were only revealed in the credits, so I suggest Miyasato x Kouzuki for the tag.

joined May 11, 2015

regarding the discussion in this thread:

It was mentioned that some day a system with hidden tags will be implemented (as I understand like the blackout spoiler tags in text). My suggestion would be to add some form of blacklist to dynasty where you'd add some author or tag to a blacklist and works containing said addition would vanish for you from the front side and only be shown if you'd actually search for them.

There already is a blacklist under "manage profile"...unless I'm not understanding your suggestion.

joined Jun 27, 2018

Arc is right, The blacklist function already exists. Stuff with those tags still show up in search.

This doesn't actually solve the spoiler tag dilemma, since the work has to be tagged with the actual spoilery tag in order for blacklist to work, so I too may be misunderstanding your request.

last edited at Jul 3, 2018 5:45PM

joined May 11, 2015

Arc is right, The blacklist function already exists. Stuff with those tags still show up in search.

This doesn't actually solve the spoiler tag dilemma, since the work has to be tagged with the actual spoilery tag in order for blacklist to work, so I too may be misunderstanding your request.

Sry my bad. I've meant kind of both in the same suggestion which is kinda poorly formulated.

But sitting back for a while and thinking about the whole spoiler thing again I've though of the following:

Until the system gets implemented, would it be an option to tag a story with some kind of "trigger tag"? Like literally call it something generic ("Trigger-tag", "Attention-tag", "Hodor-tag", "Nezchan-tag", "Morgan-tag"... - you get the gist of it ). Sure, that would give a reader the impression something will happen in the story and kinda be a minor spoiler in itself. But you won't actually know what happens (incest, rape, whatever) until you've read the story. On the other hand people how like to avoid certain tags would also know something is fishy about the story and could potentially avoid it or check the comments first to see if they like it and/or read at their own risk. Additionally informing people about the new "trigger tag" could be done with the info-system of the page itself. (You know, the blue text informing about thread in the forum or something.)

last edited at Jul 3, 2018 7:29PM

joined Jun 27, 2018

Until the system gets implemented, would it be an option to tag a story with some kind of "trigger tag"? Like literally call it something generic ("Trigger-tag", "Attention-tag", "Hodor-tag", "Nezchan-tag", "Morgan-tag"... - you get the gist of it ). Sure, that would give a reader the impression something will happen in the story and kinda be a minor spoiler in itself. But you won't actually know what happens (incest, rape, whatever) until you've read the story. On the other hand people how like to avoid certain tags would also know something is fishy about the story and could potentially avoid it or check the comments first to see if they like it and/or read at their own risk. Additionally informing people about the new "trigger tag" could be done with the info-system of the page itself. (You know, the blue text informing about thread in the forum or something.)

The problem is that triggers vary widely from one person to another. Like I mentioned at some point, rape is a panic attack trigger for me, but so is sex with robots (for reasons I explained in the marionette discussion). Therefore I avoid works with both the NSFW and Robot tags. Suppose a nsfw story has a major plot twist at the end which involves revealing a protagonist is a robot. Nobody would have thought of that as a potentially triggering situation, worthy of a "Trigger-tag", even though it is so for me. Likewise, seemingly innocent themes might turn out to be triggers for other people. Sure, some triggers are more common than others, like "rape" or "bestiality", but drpepperfan made clear that those more serious ones would always be tagged, regardless of spoilers.

In essence, I don't think a trigger-tag would work to prevent anxiety or panic any more than we do with the current tag system. It would surely work on the Marionette case, but would it be applicable elsewhere?

joined May 11, 2015

Until the system gets implemented, would it be an option to tag a story with some kind of "trigger tag"? Like literally call it something generic ("Trigger-tag", "Attention-tag", "Hodor-tag", "Nezchan-tag", "Morgan-tag"... - you get the gist of it ). Sure, that would give a reader the impression something will happen in the story and kinda be a minor spoiler in itself. But you won't actually know what happens (incest, rape, whatever) until you've read the story. On the other hand people how like to avoid certain tags would also know something is fishy about the story and could potentially avoid it or check the comments first to see if they like it and/or read at their own risk. Additionally informing people about the new "trigger tag" could be done with the info-system of the page itself. (You know, the blue text informing about thread in the forum or something.)

The problem is that triggers vary widely from one person to another. Like I mentioned at some point, rape is a panic attack trigger for me, but so is sex with robots (for reasons I explained in the marionette discussion). Therefore I avoid works with both the NSFW and Robot tags. Suppose a nsfw story has a major plot twist at the end which involves revealing a protagonist is a robot. Nobody would have thought of that as a potentially triggering situation, worthy of a "Trigger-tag", even though it is so for me. Likewise, seemingly innocent themes might turn out to be triggers for other people. Sure, some triggers are more common than others, like "rape" or "bestiality", but drpepperfan made clear that those more serious ones would always be tagged, regardless of spoilers.

In essence, I don't think a trigger-tag would work to prevent anxiety or panic any more than we do with the current tag system. It would surely work on the Marionette case, but would it be applicable elsewhere?

I think it actually would if it would be used whenever a regular tag won't be used because it would for whatever reason spoil the plot. It doesn't matter WHAT tag was actually not placed for story reasons, it just signalises THAT a tag was not placed.

Take the robot-tag for example.
Let's say a robot sex story would be added and for whatever reason the robot-tag won't be used because one of the characters being a robot is a story spoiler. In the current system you won't have any idea it's about robots. You may see the nsfw tag and read the story up to the point where there are sudenly robots and you get triggered. Now imagine the same situation with a trigger tag: sure, you won't know it is actually about robots, but you would at least know, that a tag was deliberately left out for spoiler reasons and you could avoid the story.

joined Aug 16, 2014

That'd wrap back on a point already made in the other thread: such a tag would be a spoiler for the fact that the story has some kind of big reveal or twist. Again, YMMV on how relevant that is.

last edited at Jul 3, 2018 9:58PM

joined May 11, 2015

That'd wrap back on a point already made in the other thread: such a tag would be a spoiler for the fact that the story has some kind of big reveal or twist. Again, YMMV on how relevant that is.

Excuse me, but when even a generig tag giving just the indication that literally ANY other tag is hidden for story reasons can't be placed because of being itself a spoiler - which is the whole point of being a marker tag - where do you draw a line with this? Following this argument the first story spoiling tag that dynasty would have to get rid of is the "yuri"-tag. While I do not think someone on dynasty will be triggered by yuri, the side does feature het, yaoi and bisexual. All of them spoil a massive part of the plot of nearly every story on this side.

The point remains: does it hurt someone knowing there may be a plot twist wicht could be absolutly anything? Anything you don't know before you've read the whole story? Does it hurt more than people not being able to enjoy reading anything on dynasty? More then people getting triggered by anexity and panic attacks because someone decided to not give a warning so those people, those users can avoid reading those stories? I don't think so.

joined Aug 16, 2014

EDIT: Nevermind, I'm not wasting more time with this nonsense.

last edited at Jul 3, 2018 10:49PM

joined May 11, 2015

EDIT: Nevermind, I'm not wasting more time with this nonsense.

So having an opinion different from yours is nonsense? Or is it nonsense that people who have serious trouble with some stories they like to avoid be warned because you can't be spoiled in the slightest? Which would bring me back to the mentinoed problem about having tags in the first place...

For everyone else:

(Please excuse my PS skills....)

Yes. The "hidden-tag"-tag will give away that something will happen in the story, not disclosed by the tags, BUT you as a reader will have no idea when or what will happen. Try guessing what the plot twist may be. I'm sure I can come up with more plot twists then you'll guess.

last edited at Jul 4, 2018 3:27AM

joined Aug 16, 2014

lol, no. Nonsense was keeping making points already made in a previous thread. You can have your different opinion just fine, I'm just done trying to explain things that I've already explained and which were ignored, which was what that post was doing before.

joined May 11, 2015

lol, no. Nonsense was keeping making points already made in a previous thread. You can have your different opinion just fine, I'm just done trying to explain things that I've already explained and which were ignored, which was what that post was doing before.

Well, since nezchan forbade all discussion on the other thread not being on topic with whatever I think switching over here including your arguments would actually be a good idea. This way you won't have to look up arguments in another thread for as long as the mods don't delete them. On the other hand, if no one is interested in this discussion I guess we have to wait until the day hidden tags will be implemented - whatever year that will be - and people who don't like to read stories with certain tags should just avoid dynasty altogether.

joined May 16, 2017

Fully agree with what EFWds said, two comments back. More information would be good.

Unrelated note, it would be nice if there was some way to easily view my own previous forum contributions, and to be notified in some way if another user responded/mentioned/quoted me. At the moment, it can be somewhat difficult to maintain a conversation or discussion in a timely manner, as the only method (AFAIK) is to manually check the given page for new comments whenever it might come to mind.

joined Jun 27, 2018

I usually access the forum and check which threads have new posts. But it's almost the same as checking manually.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Manga Subscription should be fixed now.

joined Jun 27, 2018

We have a few fantasy creature tags in Dynasty, like Vampire, Demon and Zombies. I don't know if this was discussed before, but I'd very much like Witch and Mermaid tags, since those are some of my favorite themes, and I'd love to find stories similar to Salomelic and Tears of Pearl. (edit: Also, I think a Mermaid tag fits works like Song of the Sea much better than Monster girl).

last edited at Jul 7, 2018 12:31PM

joined Jan 9, 2017

How does a tag to denote multiple stories in a single chapter sound? Occasionally, I see anthologies or doujins like this, where there are several stories that the scanalator has decided not to separate. Mostly, I just want it to make searching for specific manga easier, if I can remember that it is like that but not the mangaka.

joined Nov 8, 2017

@Titanoktonon That is a nice suggestion, I second it.

joined Sep 20, 2017

Chuunibyou tag when

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