This is cute. xD "Doesn't matter." lol
@Akirio-chan I couldn't tell from the thumb that she was pregnant either, I only realized it due to GID's comment. lol
Either way, this is cute.
last edited at May 26, 2018 1:32PM
Oh, this is pretty. :O
This is so great. :O
^It's indeed great, but I've seen people call this ship "YukaReimu" and I like the sound of that better than "ReiYukari". lol
last edited at May 26, 2018 1:35PM
Another character I've never seen before. xD Either way, this is cute.
This is great. <3
Can someone please do a full doujin with this pairing? Pretty please? I'd try but it would come out looking like something from Chinatsu in Yuru Yuri xD
Nebby likes to watch.
@Bugpope I'd like to watch too tbh. lol
Not a single comment here saying "They had lots of sex afterwords", smh.
Nozomi and Maki are doms
What are you guys smoking and where can I get some
Science Babies huh? Quite a fanciful idea that they'd be able to have dog and cat children through science...
Science Babies
last edited at May 26, 2018 6:01PM
I enjoy the idea that the children would be dressed exactly the same as the mother they resemble, creating mini-me's of the parents.
Wanna hug... must hug...
Ahahaha... That mug
Completely unfamiliar with both this doujin and this pairing, but I definitely like the pose and the art.
Dia's eyes remind me of Kumichou.
this cute couple
makes me want to play the game again
but i am fasting right now. need to keep my eye
I need more of this pair! I need Ymir to return to Historia's side!
you'll understand when you get older kids
i'm like half sure i heard something similar to this in the actual game
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