I predict RoyceAxle will like this one a lot.
...no, I don't think so either. Oh well, no complaints here.
A year later, haha
^I can't unsee You's pointy ears now, lol
I approve. Cute.
Really cute and just lovely overall. ..I also really want sweet potatoes now.
I love them so much
Same image but no panties! https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/3046253
Her glasses look like chocolate. That aside, cute image
Really like the sweetness of the image, from the look they're giving each other to the flower petals. Cute :)
<33 very cute
The april fools video still lives on in wonderful stuff like this. Thank you very much..this is so cute.
nice nice.
aw, cute
^Don't we all.
I can understand using one name for all the variations of a character, but you should use their actual name if you're going to do that
Nice drawing, though
^ Yea together with Rin they fuse and form a centaur (Rin's pantsu included)
All you wind instrument players out there..you know what to do.
last edited at Apr 28, 2018 12:15AM
damn, this is good.
Power Bottom
...Remilia's immune system is probably good enough to handle it, I guess
Also, I should watch Symphogear. Been delaying it for a long while.
oh no, that's actually a pretty sad image for whoever played the game :/
I'll never give up on KumiRei.
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