@shermanchurchill: Not act in the sense they are forced or anything like that, but more like role-play they indulge to an extent for fun. I am just musing how much is it role-play, is all.
I mean, look at St. Gloriana, best example (by the by, it is a pretty safe bet Darjeeling is not actually named like that, because all the Gloriana girls have nicknames after teas, it is just so British, lol). It is a posh upper-class school, that puts emphasis on manners and restrained, refined behaviour. Then you get Rosehip, who decidedly does not fit into that. She is loud, addicted to speed, and almost completely lacks the calmness and poise of other Gloriana girls, to the point in one of the mango editions, Darjeeling made her attend lessons on proper manners, whereas in Saunders Rosehip's behaviour would practically be the accepted norm and no one would bat an eye.
So I would say attending a specifically themes institution of any kind will make many act the part, so to say, even though I do not believe anyone is forcing the GuP girls to do so, it seems more like something they indulge in for fun.
last edited at Feb 25, 2018 1:21PM