I will mourn ... much....
Eh? You just wrote the letters there? Isn't ballpen ink poisonous?
I don't hate this.... in fact I'm starting to develop a deep like towards this...
Poor Remi...
Sweet like a sugarcaneeeeeeeeeee!
That position is hot
Reminds me of that scene in Non Non Byori where Hotaru mass of dolls are discovered.
Haha so true but its still so cute. >////<
last edited at Jan 18, 2015 7:09AM
More like Akaza Akane's room from Yuru Yuri.
That should really be Sachiko though! With waaaay more than those. With her goofy face, drooling all over a picture of Yumi, while listening to a recorded Yumi's voice set to a loop . . .
Yuri Rule #Whatever: When in doubt, just push her down!
Hghhh, them back muscles! To quote the Commodores, Ymir is built like an amazon! And I'm perfectly fine with that!
I suppose, but NNB came to mind first so that's why I mentioned that...
Too lewd for Hakka-ya! :O!
it's poisonous only in large quantity. and ballpoint pen ink dries off right after you write it.
lol that's pretty hot and awkward at the same time.
Fuck, I'm gonna cry, if I think to it.. Damn you, Kyoko...
"bight red" someone in /u/ pointed out the error, uploading fixed version.
Characters in manga always have unbelievably high amount of energy when it comes to sex... Not complaining. lol
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