It's like their relationship is just all about I want to say that it's shallow but I might just be biased coz I really love SuminxSeju lol so just whatever..xD
It feels a bit forced because teamblonde is the popular ship. If author likes them so much, they should definitely have thought of a better development for them.
Sumin x Sungji development is easy and cliche. All throughout the story they break up and make up with having sex. And that's about it.
I don't know, I always preferred SuminxSeju too, but Sumin's character has turned me off a lot after the second arc. She acts like a high schooler that is in infatuation and gets excited because she is about to have sex for the first time. Seju is better than that.
I knew they had no chances, but I was hoping we would get a decent development between teamblonde. I know TG has the ability to create nice characters and development, but I guess they are aiming to please their target audience, which is mostly young teenagers. Not that there is something wrong with that, it's just that from my experience, YA targeted stories tend to have more superficial and one sided characters.