Wow, religion, romantic and sexy in the same sentence. Something is not right.
yes it is,
(I've never been a christian, but let's assume it's a middle ground, a religion we are both familiar with).. the mere idea of a woman letting go her desires to be intimate and loved by a man she can actually feel physically to be married to another whom she may never meet in her life.. is purely romantic. the trust, believe.. love.. sacrifice and sufferness.. are all part of it.
another side of that.. how believers think of God..they never saw him.. they may never will.. but there's a yearning to be understood by this God and to receive forgiveness and love from him.. they believe in mutual trust: so they trust him to take care of them.. and he trusts them with whatever he gave them to do good with it.. and when they pray, they get this sense of sacred special connection as if there is no one else but them. The bible for them is the letter they received.. they admire and read it with love and respect.. stories that he shares with them.. warnings.. promises.. it's all there.
these are very romantic aspects of religion.. regardless if you believe in it or not, it is romantic nonetheless. And I only talked about Christianity. hehehe..
the sexy part .. we can talk about it if you are interested still XD
last edited at Jul 13, 2017 3:31PM