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joined Mar 21, 2017


Oh, right, spin offs. Do we know anything more about them?

From what I heard we're gonna have 3 stories: Dawoon x lawyer; how Seju and Sumin fell in love; Sumin and Sungji. but I can't really say how true this information is.

Yeah it's kind of hard to know as it's all second hand information. (My flight is delayed btw)

last edited at Jun 11, 2017 7:57PM

joined Nov 8, 2016

(My flight is delayed btw)

I know how it can be annoying. One time when I traveled from Chicago to Philly the flight was delayed for 5 hours. I hope your situation is better

joined Apr 28, 2016


I realized I was drawing a bad ending for Seju myself, lollllll. She'll keep feeling pain for the rest of her life if she stays friends with both of them, unless she no longer loves Sumin as lover which is impossible.

btw, I've been reading this chapter again.. I think Sungji didn't mean the cake.

No, its not about the cake. That sentence was said after Sumin appeared. It can be translated like this "I know you dont want to, but please go back home". That's it.

Btw, after all the things Sungji listed about Seju's situation, I've realized all kind of endings for Seju is sad and painful for her, its either Seju is all alone leaving or in pain being their friends. Well, I think I wont like the ending much now.

last edited at Jun 11, 2017 8:19PM

joined Feb 4, 2017


No, its not about the cake. That sentence was said after Sumin appeared. It can be translated like this "I know you dont want to, but please go back home". That's it.

I don't agree at all with this translation, it's too out of context. However, we will know what it exactly means in 6 days.
about the cake sentence, why was there a need to specify it in a separate bubble? Sungji was talking about Seju being in pain for too long.. is that what she meant ?

joined Mar 28, 2017

@Foxy lady

slow clapping

joined Apr 28, 2016

True love hopes.... True love waits....

Wow, I really like this sentence, even though your latest 2 posts literally fried my brain with words and emotions xDD. I need to read again to have a better reply.

Edit: I omit the ending pair part. I still have a bet going on, lol.

last edited at Jun 11, 2017 9:21PM

joined Feb 4, 2017

For me, it will not be a SuminxSeju ending

it will be SuminxSeju beginning.

My mind was restless trying to build a scenario. But on the good side of chap. 66, I've got a chance to have a narrative symmetry. I've waited for this and it took 65 chapters to match them as part of the narrative arc that I am closely following.

this narrative symmetry is interesting as it is in (ch2+ch52), (ch3+ch81) linked by ch66.

joined Apr 28, 2016

Foxy Lady

You really love reading books and novels, right? I can see it through your comments. Very investing in reading and understanding characters, narrative art and all. Have you ever considered trying your hand on writing? You could make an awesome writer. I mean it.

As WDTFS comes to an end, I would like to express my gratitude in broadening my horizon. In seeing much of the world in a wider perspective. To be able to empathize and not just "lip servicing" the virtue of compassion and mercy. Not to judge but to understand. To appreciate even more that love indeed knows not boundaries

I love this part. Love indeed has no boundaries and it has so many forms. Love is blind. You'll do anything for love, good and bad, evil or noble. Love is a waiting game. WDTFS really has them all. This is sth not even a famous sappy romantic novel can have.

The story is simple but the narrative structure is complex which always generates AT LEAST two perspectives. For me, I determined eight narrative devices/tools, they are: (1) parallelism, (2) narrative symmetries, (3) integration of manga iconography with its unique WDTFS speech bubble, (4) heavily laden metaphors on characters, colors, objects, (5) surprising concepts on behavioral science, quantum physics, criminal science, classical conditioning(S-R), (6) humor, good vocabulary baseline, (7) pathetic fallacies, (8) allegorical insinuations on culture, traditions and politics(business). THESE NARRATIVE TOOLS WAS ESTABLISHED BY THE AUTHORS IN CHAPTER 1!!! Thus, the ending of WDTFS will be justified by chapter 1.

You and Nora seem to have a same conclusion about this. The author has hinted the ending since long ago and spread it here and there with the story's progression xD. Both of you come to the same ending also. And I really would like to see if both of you are right. However, this is one of the things I want to say, both of you are awesome readers of wdtfs. So invested and have deep understanding for the story. This is sth I want to take off my hat and give you two a little bow xD. I mean it.

last edited at Jun 11, 2017 10:06PM

joined Feb 4, 2017


both of you are awesome readers of wdtfs. So invested and have deep understanding for the story.

I don't know if I ever can be compared to her. Reread her comments once more, you will find it full of analysis and hinted insights.. it could look like she is merely referencing movies and books when she is actually analysing WDTFS. I can't remember talking to someone this insightful.

joined Apr 28, 2016


both of you are awesome readers of wdtfs. So invested and have deep understanding for the story.

I don't know if I ever can be compared to her. Reread her comments once more, you will find it full of analysis and hinted insights.. it could look like she is merely referencing movies and books when she is actually analysing WDTFS. I can't remember talking to someone this insightful.

I know but it seems I have to reread a few chaps while rereading her comment to be able to understand and keep up with her. She is really something else.

joined Apr 28, 2016


No, its not about the cake. That sentence was said after Sumin appeared. It can be translated like this "I know you dont want to, but please go back home". That's it.

I don't agree at all with this translation, it's too out of context. However, we will know what it exactly means in 6 days.
about the cake sentence, why was there a need to specify it in a separate bubble? Sungji was talking about Seju being in pain for too long.. is that what she meant ?

I'm sorry, I only see it now xD.

For the pretending sentence, I believe that's the accurate translation "I know you dont want to, but please go back home" but you can check again when the official one comes out xD.

For the cake sentence, if you know Korean, it's not so out of context xD, it feels natural to me xD. Just a way of playing around with words like Koreans used to like, omitting the subject first sentence then next sentence mentioning the subject alone. But again, you could just wait for the official translation however I believe the ending panels of this chap has nothing special xD. Sungji is far from giving up ;).

last edited at Jun 12, 2017 4:44AM

joined Feb 4, 2017


Btw, if you read the official trans of chp 82, the flow of conversation during the fight scene, how the words were used, it's a bit different and maybe some would agree that seju didn't over react.

That's I agree with you, the tone was slightly different in the official translation. However, Seju's anger intensity exceeded her normal self.


For the cake sentence, if you know Korean, it's not so out of context xD, it feels natural to me xD. Just a way of playing around with words like Koreans used to like, omitting the subject first sentence then next sentence mentioning the subject alone.

I think I confused you, I meant the "pretending" sentence's proposed meaning is so out of context. about the cake sentence: "since we can't leave it like that for too long" did Sungji mean anything other than the cake? the structure of it holds two perspectives, only one of them is specified by "cake".. try rereading the conversation after omitting "I mean the cake", does it sound anything different ?

last edited at Jun 12, 2017 8:38AM

joined Apr 28, 2016


Btw, if you read the official trans of chp 82, the flow of conversation during the fight scene, how the words were used, it's a bit different and maybe some would agree that seju didn't over react.

That's I agree with you, the tone was slightly different in the official translation. However, Seju's anger intensity exceeded her normal self.

I once said with the last chap, we'll feel a different tone with official translation compare to the rough translation. This is exactly what I meant.

One nice Korean thing about the newest chap that I personally like is when Seju refused the cake :)). Normally, out of courtesy, we wont decline people's gift in Seju's manner (I dont eat cake), that's impolite. But Seju's words in Korean is very very polite, a different degree of politeness. Even though her answer is so straightforward but you wont feel she is being impolite at all, it doesnt feel like she disregards Sungji's efforts for the gift, really. For the whole conversation, her language is very polite, except for the childish attitude at the beginning of conversation. Pretty cool since she is not in good mood, moody, sensitive and all, plus Sungji is the indirect reason for that =)))))).

The only time when she's being absolutely rude to Sungji was when she was sick in chap 54. Totally rude, I must say, both attitude and verbal. Short sentences which feel like giving orders. She has that right, btw, since she is the boss but still rude cause the other person just wanted to help.

This personally says alot about Seju's attitude towards Sungji lately

I think I confused you, I meant the "pretending" sentence's proposed meaning is so out of context. about the cake sentence: "since we can't leave it like that for too long" did Sungji mean anything other than the cake? the structure of it holds two perspectives, only one of them is specified by "cake".. try rereading the conversation after omitting "I mean the cake", does it sound anything different ?

Not really, I think it suits the context now after knowing its an idiom but well, we'll just have to wait and see.

As for the cake sentence, no, still not weird to me. Sungji intentionally left out the subject of the sentence then adding it right after, that's for sure. But no, the sentence is totally normal both structure and meaning, very smooth :). But well, could say that if you want to analyze, its indeed unecessary to leave out the subject however, you should consider that its not sth never used before in korean, in fact it happens alot.

last edited at Jun 12, 2017 11:37AM

joined Nov 8, 2016

Not really, I think it suits the context now after knowing its an idiom but well, we'll just have to wait and see.

I friend of mine just asked one of her korean coworkers to translate that sentence
 못 이긴 척 해주세요. The translation is "Please pretend you didn't win", and she didn't mention anything about it being an idiom.

joined Apr 28, 2016

Not really, I think it suits the context now after knowing its an idiom but well, we'll just have to wait and see.

I friend of mine just asked one of her korean coworkers to translate that sentence
 못 이긴 척 해주세요. The translation is "Please pretend you didn't win", and she didn't mention anything about it being an idiom.

That's how I understand it at first too but then someone in other forum said that its an idiom, its Nora who told me this, I'm not sure about this, really. Ok, so confusing, better just wait for the translation. I'm not even good at korean to begin with, lol.

last edited at Jun 12, 2017 12:28PM

joined Nov 8, 2016

That's how I understand it at first too but then someone in other forum said that its an idiom, its Nora who told me this, I'm not sure about this, really. Ok, so confusing, better just wait for the translation. I'm not even good at korean to begin with, lol.

That girl (who translated it) was born in Korea and moved to the US a couple of years ago.

That sentence is so simple to be an idiom. Sounds too straightforward. But I can be wrong. So yeah let's wait for the official translation or just the next chapter (in Korea) cause they'll be released the same day:3

joined Feb 4, 2017

Not really, I think it suits the context now after knowing its an idiom but well, we'll just have to wait and see.

I friend of mine just asked one of her korean coworkers to translate that sentence
 못 이긴 척 해주세요. The translation is "Please pretend you didn't win", and she didn't mention anything about it being an idiom.

oh heeey, True Evil XDDD.. THANK YOU !!
an Anonymous can write whatever !.. so thank you very much for the insight!!

thank you very much for your comment about the tone used during the cafe scene.. I also felt at the beginning that it was a bit impolite, so your comment did help. The other Anonymous gave me the feeling of a desperate trial to give the sentence a more comfortable meaning.
so, it wasn't an idiom !

joined Nov 8, 2016

so, it wasn't an idiom !

She just didn't say anything about it. But just in case I asked my friend to confirm that it's not an idiom. If she texts me back I let you know.
Edit: ok. She confirmed. Yes it's an idiom.

last edited at Jun 12, 2017 1:00PM

joined Feb 4, 2017

Edit: ok. She confirmed. Yes it's an idiom.

does it mean the same meaning that the anonymous said it is ?

last edited at Jun 12, 2017 1:02PM

joined Nov 8, 2016

so you edited just to make sure of that! XD

Don't get your hopes too high

Sorry about it. Cause I asked for the translation and meaning. My bad .

joined Feb 4, 2017

so you edited just to make sure of that! XD

Don't get your hopes too high

Sorry about it. Cause I asked for the translation and meaning. My bad .

I can never believe that the meaning that the anonymous said is true, whether the sentence is an idiom or not. It's so out of context, and inconsistent with Sungji's flow of conversation.

last edited at Jun 12, 2017 1:05PM

joined Nov 8, 2016

I can never believe that the meaning that the anonymous said is true, whether the sentence is an idiom or not. It's so out of context, and inconsistent with Sungji's flow of conversation.

Let's wait for the official translation.

joined Feb 4, 2017

I can never believe that the meaning that the anonymous said is true, whether the sentence is an idiom or not. It's so out of context, and inconsistent with Sungji's flow of conversation.

Let's wait for the official translation.

ah, by the time the new chapter comes out, it may feel like reading two new chapters at once XD

joined Nov 8, 2016

ah, by the time the new chapter comes out, it may feel like reading two new chapters at once XD

I know. That's the problem that we rely on that rough translation too much though it's done by an unprofessional translator (someone who knows a couple of words, and some basic grammar rules ). I did translations before and know how it can be misleading.
Sorry again about that idiom thing. I wish I could talk to that girl personally so I'd give you a better answer abut the meaning and when it's used.

last edited at Jun 12, 2017 1:27PM

joined Jan 5, 2017

Um so

"많이 걱정하는 목소리였으니까요."
"Because her voice sounded very worried."
Is a indication that sung-ji called su-min secretly before sitting down with Se-ju to inform su-min that she found Se-ju, and because sung-ji heard truly worried voice from su-min who was desperate to find se-ju and wasn't like "i don't really care about her", sung-ji decided that she should be kind to the woman that su-min cares so deeply for, whether she is a weird ex of su-min.

"못 이긴척 해주세요."
"So please don't put up a fight and go home together."

The korean sentence is an idiom, yes. It means in a way that says "cut that person some slack" or "just go along with what he / she asks please.". In this case, its used in a way to say "su-min was very worried about you, please stop being childsh and wanting to run away, and just come back home with su-min."

"너무 오래 둘수 없잖아요."
"Since we can't leave it like that for too long."
"The cake, I mean."

I wanted to keep the sentence structure and literal meaning so that she mentions the cake last, so it was a forced sentence grammar which is just confusing.

A more natural sentencing would be

"Since it would go bad."
"The cake, I mean."

She was subtly referencing two things with this sentences and the ones above.
One was asking se-ju to stop being childish and to go home with su-min. The other is with this sentence about the cake, she wanted to go back home quickly together so that the cake won't be spoiled.

Oh my god I'm reading my own translations and I want to just stop now
I see so much stupid sentencing and nonesensical stuff
Most of the meanings are destroyed by just literally translating word for word instead of conveying what the sentence is talking about...



Please read the official translations. Disregard mine.

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