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joined Feb 4, 2017

True Evil

I was not sure how to react to this line, it could go both ways, creative or delusional XD.

Take it as a compliment, darling %)

then I'm flattered.. I will make a story about the assassin and boobylicious falling in love! (What does the pervert say?)

(I know for a certain reason the word "darling" makes you cringe but I couldn't resist the temptation)

couldn't you be more real to your nickname XD?!
wow, this comment is number 911.. and it is directed to you!! high level conspiracy XD
is it an emergency or a disaster

last edited at Jun 11, 2017 9:39AM

joined Mar 21, 2017


Sumin requires empathy too but a more experience based one (Empathy is a mix of nature and nurture/experience) If i had your time and patience i'd go in depth into this but 80 chapters is a lot to re-read and write notes for.

in that one, I agree with yoonie, I must have the willingness to empathise with Sumin character. I could not find this willingness in me.

Was never the point i was trying to make, but thanks for replying to me. Now it's 12:30 at night and i just got home and have a flight to catch in the morning. Enjoy your discussions. : )

joined Nov 8, 2016

is it an emergency or a disaster

Who knows, who knows. I am called true evil in real life for a reason :D

As for the ending of the story I want to see the one where Seju will smile. Not against Sungji. But with her. Happiness for everyone (except Sumin)

What does the pervert say?

The bigger boobs the better

Now it's 12:30 at night and i just got home and have a flight to catch in the morning

have a safe trip

last edited at Jun 11, 2017 11:17AM

joined Feb 4, 2017

The ability to feel empathy is innate but how you show empathy is based on your social environment. If your society looks down on depression for example you are less likely to show empathy for those with a Depressive Disorder.

I admit this, I have a very negative attitude towards depression.. it's not an excuse to be irresponsible and unaware of others feelings.. it's not an excuse for being selfish and pretty much an ass hole.
a hard situation comes, okay.. be depressed, cry for two weeks and eat your favourite surgery/buttery full of happiness food.. but after that, get your shit together and your attitude straight. It's the person's responsibility to behave rather than trying to blame depression for their reckless acts. If a person won't help themselves, they don't deserve to be helped!. Falling in depression isn't a choice, but staying in it, is a choice !

last edited at Jun 11, 2017 11:42AM

joined Nov 8, 2016

Falling in depression isn't a choice, but staying in it, is a choice !

I guess it depends on what causes depression. It's not only about bad things happening in our lives, stress, grief that affect us. They say "changes in brain chemistry, genetics, changes in hormone levels, certain medical conditions" can cause depressive disorder.

joined Feb 4, 2017

True Evil

hey say "changes in brain chemistry, genetics, changes in hormone levels, certain medical conditions" can cause depressive disorder.

even in that case, the person should have the willingness to get better and ask for help when needed.. not shove their weak souls on others !

joined Nov 8, 2016

even in that case, the person should have the willingness to get better and ask for help when needed.. not shove their weak souls on others !

You are absolutely right. I just wanna add that If the cause is external it's easier to deal with it than when it comes from inside.
In some cases it can take way more time (months or years) to get better. People often lack patience (we want to get cured in a day or two) so when after a certain time we see no improvements the depressive disorder can easily worsen

last edited at Jun 11, 2017 12:09PM

joined Apr 28, 2016

well, let me quote Seju in this one: "how can you say it's a joke, you know i'm not the type of person to play fair"

these are her words.. and I will not abandon my bet XD.

You know, Nora, after I commented this, I suddenly remembered Dawoon's words and Sungji has repeated them "Human are born to constantly feel pain when they keep seeing the person they cant have". A famous quote lately in wdtfs. That was when I realized I was drawing a bad ending for Seju myself, lollllll. She'll keep feeling pain for the rest of her life if she stays friends with both of them, unless she no longer loves Sumin as lover which is impossible. Bad yoonie, lol.

joined Feb 4, 2017

You are absolutely right. I just wanna add that If the cause is external it's easier to deal with it than when it comes from inside.
In some cases it can take way more time (months or years) to get better. People often lack patience (we want to get cured in a day or two) so when after a certain time we see no improvements the depressive disorder can easily worsen

The way Sumin dealt with depression is a result of her other personality flaws, for example: she prefers running away from problems rather than solving them.. she also prefers lying on herself than confronting, blaming Seju for everything wrong in her life rather than taking responsibility.
so I could never blame depression alone or empathise with her based on this excuse. Her actions and choices made her sink deeper in depression not the other way around.

last edited at Jun 11, 2017 12:18PM

joined Nov 8, 2016

The way Sumin dealt with depression is a result of her other personality flaws, for example: she prefers running away from problems rather than solving them.. she also prefers lying on herself than confronting.

That's why I want to slap her b*tch face as hard as possible.

joined Feb 4, 2017


I realized I was drawing a bad ending for Seju myself, lollllll. She'll keep feeling pain for the rest of her life if she stays friends with both of them, unless she no longer loves Sumin as lover which is impossible.

btw, I've been reading this chapter again.. I think Sungji didn't mean the cake.

True Evil

That's why I want to slap her b*tch face as hard as possible.

welcome aboard XD

last edited at Jun 11, 2017 12:24PM

joined Nov 8, 2016

btw, I've been reading this chapter again.. I think Sungji didn't mean the cake.

Another thing when they all got home Seju didn't take off the jacket that Sungji gave her. She went upstairs still wearing it. Is it another way to show us her acceptance or its just my wild imagination

joined Feb 4, 2017

to tell you the truth, I missed that thing totally.. I don't even know if it signifies anything.

joined Nov 8, 2016

to tell you the truth, I missed that thing totally.. I don't even know if it signifies anything.

Probably not but I still like it :3

joined Mar 4, 2017

I'm going back home, the connection is good so I'll share my thoughts now, before you produce another 100 pages. I've written them right after I've read both chapters and edited a bit after reading you girls here and checking some things up.

First things first, what surprised me:
1) Seju blew up and ran away.
2) Seju had really blew up. Or at least it really looks like it.
I was not expecting her yelling at Sumin at all and the first thing I thought when she walked out of that apartment was - ok, she's in her game again. But then it didn't look like she wanted to go back. If Sungji didn't walk into her, I don't know what could've happened. But... I think Seju overreacted a lot. It was a simple question to which she could've simply answer instead of making a scene...

Gotta say Sungji and her sister in-law can eat a lot. A whole cake? I'd like to see Sumin doing something similar (she's going to do all the eating, right? :P).

I'm more than ever convinced the end will be Sumin with Sungji. It's nearly impossible for Sumin to go back to Seju. I can't see her breaking up with Sungji and I can't see her moving on if Sungji breaks up with her again. Those little hearts when she saw Sungji left a perfect mark with a lipstick... Aww. Then we have what Sungji told Seju - "there's a family that believes in me. And friends. And Team Leader Nim. I'm not alone." She's not giving up. What she told Seju looks more like an advise IMO. That maybe she should consider leaving to end or at least ease the pain she's in. And the last one... Sumin forgot about Seju's birthday. If you love someone, really care for them, want them to be happy, you never forget things like birthdays. Especially in Asian culture and when you have literally nothing to do because you don't work. So there's no excuse for Sumin forgetting about it. She did because she's completely fallen for Sungji and Sungji is the only thing Sumin sees right now.

It was great to see Sungji knows everything about Seju's situation. It's clear she and Sumin talk about stuff rather than leave it in secrecy. Too bad we've never seen it though.

What I wish to see now is all 3 talk to each other, find a way to deal with this situation. For Seju to be happy whatever happens and I wish for her to decide it. If my feelings are right and the end isn't for her and Sumin then I want Seju to make this decision - let go, tell them she wish them happiness etc. I also want her to remain friends with the other two, but after what Sungji said, I think if she'll really chose to let go, she'll leave their lives. At least for some time, to deal with her own feelings.

I also want to know what's going on with the assassin. Is TG dealing with her behind the scenes?

Nora, I know what you're gonna say - it's not over until it's over. So I'll use my personal fav - Seju doesn't need Sumin to be happy :) And with this, I'll say that if Seju ends up with Sumin it'll mean TG lied.

I disagree about the "win" part of Sungji's talk to Seju. Someone on 4chan said that it's an idiom, has nothing to do with winning or losing and is used when someone doesn't want do to another person a favour, but does it anyway because that person begged for it. I'd copy it, but somehow I can't...

As for depression - it's not always a choice. Usually it's not and it's because of the hormonal changes in the brain. If your brain can't function properly, you won't be able to choose better.

Sorry if there are any mistakes, I'm using mobile and autocorrection can suck from time to time. Especially with swift keyboard using flow.

joined Nov 8, 2016

I also want to know what's going on with the assassin. Is TG dealing with her behind the scenes?

Yeah dealing with her as well as with Dawoon and Nami. Since those two have been gone only Nora knows for how many chapters.

joined Mar 4, 2017

I also want to know what's going on with the assassin. Is TG dealing with her behind the scenes?

Yeah dealing with her as well as with Dawoon and Nami. Since those two have been gone only Nora knows for how many chapters.

I don't think we'll see those 2. How many chapters left? 2 or 3? It'll be hard to deal with the assassin, no time for Nami and Dawoon.

joined Feb 4, 2017

True Evil

the Assassin and Bang Uri were last seen in a hotel room, Nammi is on her way XD

-> people wanted a threesome, how about this XD

joined Nov 8, 2016

I don't think we'll see those 2. How many chapters left? 2 or 3? It'll be hard to deal with the assassin, no time for Nami and Dawoon.

I think only 2 chapters left since it ends in June. It was said one of the spin-offs is about Dawoon x lawyer. I wonder if Nami's fate will be left unknown...poor Nami...

people wanted a threesome, how about this XD

God forbid! They don't match. Only in my nightmares

last edited at Jun 11, 2017 6:07PM

joined Mar 21, 2017

Some facts while i wait for my flight. South Korea has the second highest suicide rates in developing countries according to the OECD and the 10th highest in the world according to the world health organisation.

90 percent of people in South Korea who have commited suicide have a mental illness, Depression being one.

When talking about Depression please check to see whether you are talking about the mood or talking about the disorder as they are different things. Which one you believe Sumin has is up to you but i think Depression is a touchy subject and should be approached with caution.

Have fun : )

last edited at Jun 11, 2017 6:24PM

joined Feb 4, 2017

Depression is a touchy subject and should be approached with caution.

is the excuse for every ass hole being a genuine ass, when in reality, their flawed personalities and actions is what caused them to be depressed in the first place!

joined Mar 28, 2017

Depression is a touchy subject and should be approached with caution.

is the excuse for every ass hole being a genuine ass, when in reality, their flawed personalities and actions is what caused them to be depressed in the first place!

Don't be too harsh. Empathy is the key <3.

joined Mar 4, 2017

True Evil

I think only 2 chapters left since it ends in June. It was said one of the spin-offs is about Dawoon x lawyer. I wonder if Nami's fate will be left unknown...poor Nami...

Oh, right, spin offs. Do we know anything more about them?

Then Seju is an ass too because if depression is an excuse then so is PTSD. I think you don't know what can cause a depression. It's not really the way someone is living. Usually it's some kind of traumatic event. If it's severe, it'll end up as PTSD which is very often combined with depression. Seju is showing signs of both right now. She was ready to die last chapter. Sumin is too blind to see it, just like Seju was too blind to see Sumin's real state years ago. Sungji on the other hand... she's damn perceptive and it looks like she sees it.

last edited at Jun 11, 2017 6:46PM

joined Feb 4, 2017


yes, but this excuse of Sumin being depressed sounds as if she doesn't have control on her actions!! her way of dealing with issues, sorry I mean running from issues is annoying to the point of disgusting!!.. of course she will be depressed if she enjoys lying to herself constantly and blaming others for her problems as she admits herself. Depression, oh right!.. no amount of xanax can fix this

okay, it seems that the topic of depression as an excuse really pushes my buttons, so I will refrain from further possible insults and aggression.

last edited at Jun 11, 2017 7:11PM

joined Nov 8, 2016


Oh, right, spin offs. Do we know anything more about them?

From what I heard we're gonna have 3 stories: Dawoon x lawyer; how Seju and Sumin fell in love; Sumin and Sungji. but I can't really say how true this information is.

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