Forum › What Does the Fox Say discussion

joined Feb 4, 2017


but if she's already mad, why wont she go all out and yelling at Sumin also for accusing her of taking the ring? When Sumin mentions the ring, Seju just remains silent, just like when she was accused of sleeping with Nami. However, now she already snaps at Sumin, already says sth back , why doesnt she also say that she didn't take it? It was in her hand but she didn't take it?

Why didn't she go all out? Why didn't she make the fight go bigger and yell more to clear that misunderstandings but stay silent for that accusation and leaves? Like she accepted that accusation? Just why though?

Seju: I know how much you don't have trust in me, but I didn't take the scarf.

let's look at ch26 and ch49 -> Sumin would never listen or believe Seju.
as yoonie0104 said, even after she knew that Seju didn't sleep with Nammi, Sumin didn't even bother to apologise !!

by experience, I think Seju was hopeless enough to know that even if she denied it, and tried to explain, Sumin won't believe her.
it was about time that Seju really reaches her limit after 10 years.
and I think at the end of the chapter, Seju was referring to something that Sumin said to her in ch54. (and maybe ch74 as well)

Seju: you would be better off if I was gone, right!
anyways, if Sungji tells the story of how she lost the ring in ch53, this thing can reveal a lot !
BUT, I could never expect what TG would do.

last edited at May 29, 2017 7:11AM

joined Apr 28, 2016

Anyway, this comment is just for fun, loolllll. Do you know what the most amusing comment I've read today, lolllll?

Seju is so manipulative. She has hurt herself to be able to stay with Sumin and now she's even planning and acting childishly while throwing tantrums and fakingly running out so Sungji could catch her being intimate with Sumin outside of the house. Queen of manipulations

Seriously, I lollll so hard at this. How I wish I could have Seju's brain. So brilliant. In a matter of seconds when Sumin said Sungji is coming over and accusing her of taking the scarf, she has come up with one hell of a plan to run out of the house dramatically. She can even time exactly when Sungji will arrive to run out. Ok, where would I be able to borrow this awesome brain which masters the art of manipulation like a magic? I would like to learn and have that brain =))))))))). So brilliant =)))))))

last edited at May 29, 2017 7:35AM

joined Apr 28, 2016


and with all this brilliance, she couldn't plot a plan in the last 10 years to get Sumin back hehehe !

Today is a free day at work and I got too much free time, apparently, lolll. I feel like I'm reading a totally different characters from them in one story =))))))). Only TG has that ability =)))))))

joined Apr 28, 2016

Ohhhh, Nora, your idol Foxy Lady has commented, Nora. Are you there?

joined Feb 5, 2016

Seju is so manipulative. She has hurt herself to be able to stay with Sumin and now she's even planning and acting childishly while throwing tantrums and fakingly running out so Sungji could catch her being intimate with Sumin outside of the house. Queen of manipulations

Haha. xD What a good example of being a Seju hater!

joined Feb 5, 2016

Ohhhh, Nora, your idol Foxy Lady has commented, Nora. Are you there?

No no, not her anymore. Nora has moved on with someone else. xD

joined Apr 28, 2016

by experience, I think Seju was hopeless enough to know that even if she denied it, and tried to explain, Sumin won't believe her.
it was about time that Seju really reaches her limit after 10 years.
and I think at the end of the chapter, Seju was referring to something that Sumin said to her in ch54. (and maybe ch74 as well)

Seju: you would be better off if I was gone, right!

Nah, I dont really think so. Jugding from Seju's words, it does seem she no longer care if she can be back or see Sumin again or not. The moment she set her foot outside of the house, things will be gone, the only she has clinged on to Sumin will be gone so there is no need to hold back though, just go all out, believe her or not, it's Sumin's choice but she can go all out but she didnt.

I honestly think what pushes Seju to angrily leave the house is not because of the first accusation. It's the second accusation that sets her off. Two in a row from the person she loves and realizes how much that person doesnt trust her, how that person thinks she steals things, taking things cause she's bad person who's always jealous of what Sungji has so she intends to destroy it.
I once said this, and I think this chap proves me right. Words that can affect Seju are only from one person, only one. Her pride gets hurt from words of the person she loves. She has been in a bad state lately, and the only person she could leans on thinking she is bad enough to take a scarf.
Even though I said that I understand why people say Seju is overreacting, she's too sensitive, I also understand her reaction. She's hurt, hurt badly. How can you not when you're so miserable but the only person you could lean on accused you of sth you didnt do, even worse, didnt believe you?

To me, I understand why she no longer care about staying and angrily leaves the house.

last edited at May 29, 2017 8:21AM

joined Mar 5, 2017

Not at all close to happening, i know, but Imagine the comment if sumin and seju will end up together. XD

joined Apr 28, 2016

Ohhhh, Nora, your idol Foxy Lady has commented, Nora. Are you there?

No no, not her anymore. Nora has moved on with someone else. xD

Oh my god, Nora, you're such a player xDDD. I thought you are not on Sumin's side? Of all the good things Sumin have, why did you learn the worst thing from her? Changing heart like flipping papers xDDDDDDD

last edited at May 29, 2017 8:24AM

joined Feb 5, 2016

Let's bury Nora. :'D Just kidding.

joined Mar 21, 2017

Not at all close to happening, i know, but Imagine the comment if sumin and seju will end up together. XD

Before i go to sleep I'll say this. I think it can go either way. Why? Because life is a bit chaotic, things don't always go our way and sometimes they do. We are but bricks in a wall. : )

joined Feb 4, 2017

Foxy lady

As long as Sumin doesn't forgive Seju, there will always be a rift between them. Forgiving Seju is giving that "trust" back that she believes Seju and what is inscripted in that ring. Every word, a promise sealed with their hearts.

I've always viewed the purpose of this healing story is to actually make them forgive each other.. not a mere walking away and starting over a new relationship. so as you said, Sungji will be the bridge maybe in the next chapter since now they brought up the ring thing.
Sumin expected that she won't be enough for Seju
while Seju expected Sumin to hate and leave her one day
the bartender incident just pushed their worst of them suddenly.

I believe Nammi already addressed Sumin's issues on the phone call,
(omitting minor details -could change the whole story, and she questioned Sumin whether she thinks that Seju is really the type to sleep with someone else when she likes Sumin) but obviously it did not seem to hit Sumin deep enough.. even ch50 wasn't the point that Sumin needed to reach.
if you don't mind, I would love to see your deeper points on Sungji, I personally couldn't find the secret FB group.

last edited at May 29, 2017 9:49AM

joined Feb 4, 2017

Foxy lady
I don't know if you noticed this, but I truly respect your 12 comments as they are actually reading behind the lines.. they were fair and exactly on point.
Thank you

joined Sep 10, 2015

^ i am on that secret page and many people there are amusing. Sometimes i wonder if I'm reading the same manwha as them haha

joined Feb 4, 2017


this page?.. ah then I'll pass

joined Sep 10, 2015


this page?.. ah then I'll pass

You will rarely find decent arguments. Unlike here. Most of them are always raging, both from different sides. Haha i usually find it amusing and then, judge each one of them silently. Dunno, just me being weird. XD

joined Dec 9, 2014

Not at all close to happening, i know, but Imagine the comment if sumin and seju will end up together. XD

Well, that works perfectly to Lezhin's "shocking plot twist".

I wonder if that was even true, the existence of a plot twist. At this point the only shocking twist would be Sumin and Seju together again. Which I still highly doubt

I've always viewed the purpose of this healing story is to actually make them forgive each other.. not a mere walking away and starting over a new relationship.

It would make more sense. Because imo Sumin and Seju have stronger development.
But that doesn't mean anything still.

last edited at May 29, 2017 10:30AM

joined Feb 5, 2016

I honestly can't find the scene where Seju is extremely jealous when Sumin says Singji is coming. lol

joined Feb 4, 2017


I wonder if that was even true, the existence of a plot twist. At this point the only shocking twist would be Sumin and Seju together again. Which I still highly doubt

if you could see the plot twist, then it won't be shocking XD

last edited at May 29, 2017 10:42AM

joined Feb 4, 2017

Foxy lady

Though, before I thought he was the one who abducted Sumin, now I second guess because of the mysterious man in chap. 66 comparing it to chap. 26. It is not Saehyun's chin. Thus, I am entertaining the idea that he was the one who rescued Sumin but cursed her due to his anger.

I have to disagree, I opened the chapter again, ch26 and ch27, it's Saehyun who abducted Sumin, you can know that from the mole in his chin and his exact suit in both chapters
the mysterious "guy"(girl) in ch66 is in fact the assassin you saw later in ch74 ,ch75 and ch76.
but since we are at it,
previously we saw him saying to Sumin that the compensation wasn't the money, but that she was given the chance to take revenge on Seju.
- it was the guilt that kept Seju alive after their break up, which then gave Sumin the chance to take revenge on her.
- had Sumin took too long, Seju didn't seem to have anything to live for, if anything was to happen to her, even Sumin would be devastated and destroyed.

in his mind, the Scar served two purposes. and actually saved two lives

last edited at May 29, 2017 11:08AM

joined Apr 28, 2016


I wonder if that was even true, the existence of a plot twist. At this point the only shocking twist would be Sumin and Seju together again. Which I still highly doubt

if you could see the plot twist, then it won't be shocking XD

Good point, Nora =)))))

joined Apr 28, 2016

I honestly can't find the scene where Seju is extremely jealous when Sumin says Singji is coming. lol

That's because your imagination is not as awesome as they are, looool. Your fault, loool.

joined Apr 28, 2016

But seriously though, biggest question from this chap: how did Sumin know Seju once had that ring in her hand?

And no, I dont think Sumin heard or saw anything when SejuxSungji talked at the office, cause if she did, she would come out without clothes(honestly, what else is there to hide? Both of them have seen it all, lol) and stopped Seju from provoking or attacking Sungji more than she could. Things that Seju said in the office could make Sungji leave Sumin for good so no way she let her talk freely if she heard it.

last edited at May 29, 2017 11:11AM

joined Apr 28, 2016

Not at all close to happening, i know, but Imagine the comment if sumin and seju will end up together. XD

Well, that works perfectly to Lezhin's "shocking plot twist".

I wonder if that was even true, the existence of a plot twist. At this point the only shocking twist would be Sumin and Seju together again. Which I still highly doubt

I'm with you in this and I still think SuminxSungji is endgame but well, we never know for sure till it really ends so let's see

joined Dec 9, 2014

if you could see the plot twist, then it won't be shocking XD

Well it's not like it would be out of the blue if they ended up together tbh. Their development could easily lead to that, had it not been Gaji also focusing a lot on Sungji and Sumin and how happy they make each other.
And as well as th fact of how popular and "cute" couples like TeamBlonde are. I have experienced their wrath first hand, imagine what would happen if Sumin and Sungji didn't end up together. Seju's life would be in danger lol

last edited at May 29, 2017 11:16AM

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