Hey Best Mangaka Rohan have you heard about the Castlevania series coming to Netflix?
I'm absolutely stoked for this series. I thought Castlevania would be perfectly translatable to anime instead of going the typical route of (stupidly) trying to make a live-action series/film.
Since I really am an old fart, I can remember playing Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest and Castlevania 3: Dracula's Curse when they were (relatively) brand new. I've also been a big fan of dark/gothic fantasy since getting a copy of AD&D I6: Ravenloft back in 7th grade in 1985 (which, incidentally, Konami's cover art for Castlevania 2 was a dead ringer for Clyde Caldwell's awesome cover for Ravenloft).
I remember thinking the first time I encountered Sypha Belnades in the Castlevania 3 thinking the character (despite claims to the contrary) really was a "she" and not a "he". I'm glad that the preview I saw seemed to show that Sypha, Grant and Alucard are going to be in it along with Trevor.
Edit: BTW, if you ever want to read a uproariously funny version of how I6: Ravenloft would be played (if you're an Old School/Grognard or just have an appreciation for it), Jason Thompson rendered it beautifully as part of his hilarious AD&D Module Poster series for Wizards of the Coast: http://dnd.wizards.com/sites/default/files/media/map_ravenloft1.jpg
last edited at May 28, 2017 9:14AM