Forum › Anta Nanka Daikirai discussion

joined May 11, 2017

HomuxSayaka friend-ship is the best!! Ahhhhhh long live the great Maitake2!!!!

joined Jun 11, 2016

A Non-Homusaya doujin make's me wan't to ship Homura x Sayaka more then any actual Homusaya doujin's. It must be the magic of Maitake2.

joined Sep 19, 2016

Reminder that you should read this

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Reminder that you should read this

Really dude, we've heard that song already. Cut it out.

joined Sep 19, 2016

Sorry, I didn't realize expressing negative (and factual) view points was not allowed. Gag order, or just censorship?
So long as they are civil about, if people can say they like something, why can't others say they are against it? Fair is fair.

last edited at May 30, 2017 9:57AM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Sorry, I didn't realize expressing negative (and factual) view points was not allowed. Gag order, or just censorship?
So long as they are civil about, if people can say they like something, why can't others say they are against it? Fair is fair.

What part of "cut it out" was unclear?

joined Jun 23, 2015

That karaoke scene alone was glorious. Every doujin this author churns out seem to top each other all the darn time. Maitake is one hell of a drug. Thanks for doing a great job, neozeed!

joined Dec 7, 2020

I think someone’s said this before but: under all the way over the top comedy, there’s a really nice tenderness and wholesomeness to Maitake’s stuff. The HomuSaya karaoke bit is definitely indicative of that, how even through all of their antagonism and distrust toward each other, they form a close friendship through their love for Madooa. That’s really sweet.

Also, Maitake’s leg kicking gag with HomuSaya will never not make me laugh.

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