Forum › Posts by mollywop

joined Sep 19, 2016

The only real liberal translation I made was to the joke itself

Every translation you do is liberal. That's what happens with guesslation and google translate.

joined Sep 19, 2016

Sorry, I didn't realize expressing negative (and factual) view points was not allowed. Gag order, or just censorship?
So long as they are civil about, if people can say they like something, why can't others say they are against it? Fair is fair.

last edited at May 30, 2017 9:57AM

joined Sep 19, 2016

Reminder that you should read this

joined Sep 19, 2016

KyouSayaMami ftw. I would totally pay to see that. Do ET, Maitake! Lol.


Even better, it's not KyouSayaMami, it's KyouOktaviaMami!

>implying Kyouko, Sayaka and Mami are degenerates
Sure is nice of you to be bastardizing the characters.