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joined Feb 4, 2017

I read some fans views on facebook. Last panel, short haired woman said "room service". i think Seju is in danger. will Sumin be on time? Aww drama!
Also, they want more SuminxSungji sex scenes!!!! Like really?? XXXDDD

hehehehe they made my day.. I was laughing too.. so the sex scenes are like "Damned if you do them and damned if you don't " hehehe
I don't have a personal preference to what happen next as long as it is justified.. Seju's actions make the most sense to me ( I understand why she do them and I understand her attachment to Sumin) , given Sumin being dense (yet emotional) .. and I feel Sungji true self (I mean her logic or POV) is not shown yet, that's why I can't judge her. Nammi's actions are also justified clearly. I just want to call the moleguy and ask him: dude is Seju your daughter or your beloved younger sister !?

last edited at Mar 18, 2017 6:07PM

joined Aug 29, 2015

it is actually weird that the plot driving this manhwa on it's final arc is about Seju lol the character that supposed to be the thorn in the main couple's life is now the antagonist giving life to this manhwa.

I didn't feel like the mushy scenes are unnecessary filler this time because it shows that while Sumin is being all lovey-dovey to Sungji, she's still in touch with Seju. though they could have made it much shorter.

so I was somehow right that this will be a drama-thriller manhwa xD what's with this assassin and her haircut?! she might just be a bodyguard hired by her father and besides how stupid for her brothers to kill Seju while their father is still alive. I mean, they could be disown for it.

what if Sungji, Sumin and Seju end up living with each other?! plot twist!! we could have a love triangle in a different path.

the fb is a hostile place for Seju fans lol they have a blind hate for her. unlike the readers in here, we criticize the characters for how they were written but the people in there are like "b*tch, why are you ruining our ship""

last edited at Mar 18, 2017 8:03PM

joined Apr 28, 2016

I personally do not read it as mere comic, the story is better than most novels and movies out there, maybe better than any lesbian movie story that I've seen (exception for the "the Handmaiden"). the ending was already designed, yet there were some plot changes on how to reach it.. what I appreciate the most, is when they make u reach a general idea about one character then in one single chapter your idea would change dramatically, and that is extremely satisfactory .. I am not worried about the pacing.. I've seen couple of chapter where the story shifts completely by few panels. I remind you of the chapter where Nammi tries to sleep with Seju.. it sounds weeeeird as hell, but it was played nicely and lead to 2 chapters of very important consequences

That's the thing about this manhwa, maybe only Seju since she's the only one who play between good and bad, Sumin and Sungji's characters are quite clear already. But you see, the fact that one chapter, you thought Seju is a pitiful girl but the next chap, she's one heck of a fox, it could leave you some disappointment, why? Cause she's not the way you want her to. It's ok if the story is still long, you have time to digest and accept but this is coming to an end, the author still plays this concept to Seju and its quite scary to see what the author will do to Seju. She might be completely different from what we read the entire manhwa with one turn from single one chapter (Seju's character is completely capable of doing that) and you just stare in shock, don't know how to react then the story...just ends, leave you in disbelief.
My point is, it's ok to push her character in early chap and spicy thing up but when the story comes to an end, shouldn't every character's personality be already be clear and you only focus on the story's development, not caring about characters? But like now, I'm still figure what kind of real person Seju is, evil or not evil, psycho or not psycho, and she could turn to one right next chap.

joined Apr 28, 2016

To be honest, here is the most rational forum, few people here actually analyze all three characters, their good and bad, focus only on story, not the shipping thing.

joined Apr 28, 2016

Did you mean "a few people here"?

"So the basic difference is between positive and negative. Few, when used without a preceding 'a', means "very few" or "none at all". On the other hand, a few is used to indicate "not a large number". The difference is subtle, yet there are instances where the two can mean completely opposite things."

Oh, I know this but imo, there are not many, so I don't add an 'a', cause it's just a few, among thousands of readers

joined Apr 28, 2016

I think you are in the right place position wise.

What do you mean? What position am I at? I dont understand

joined Feb 4, 2017


regarding Sumin and Sungji actions being clear.. not at all, in one chapter Sumin admits that she is in love with Seju and trusts that she will be only one who will hold her when she is nothing but an empty shell, the next you see her at Sungji's house "questioning in herself" if she could let her go.. and whether she actually gave Sungji her heart.. YET goes to break up with Seju and put a ring on Sungji's.. ( few posts earlier, I had some serious discussion on this with other readers) ..
again, is not about the ship, it is about the decision itself
Sungji .. omg ! so she sees her girlfriend being fingered, cry over it for few days and sleep with her in the most horny way ever .. asks no question or what so ever.. then asks to move on with that very girlfriend to the same house that she knew that Sumin and Seju had sex every where around it and it was Seju who bought it to her.
wait! she did not even quit her job! even though Sumin did and she has to see the president every now and then !

see.. I do not YET understand Sungji's motives .. I do not know if they are bad or good or even grey .. but I can tell you she is not stupid

last edited at Mar 18, 2017 9:15PM

joined Aug 29, 2015

isn't it already established that Seju is neither good or evil? she may be the antagonist to Sumin and Sungji's relationship but she's not evil in a sense. even the writer of the manhwa said that Seju didn't have any control on the whole Sumin cheating incident with Sungji.

and I don't know why some people in fb are saying that Seju is playing the pity card to Sumin. she's the only friend that Seju got WTF?! so it only make sense that she's gonna call her, not just to talk to her about her problem but maybe warn her about the situation. so, I'm kinda thinking that they might live together for their security xD why not? it might resolve some issues between the three characters.

last edited at Mar 18, 2017 9:34PM

joined Apr 28, 2016

No, Sungji and Sumin's actions are not clear. Heck, I totally don't understand why they did what they did recently but their characters are quite clear. Sumin is a weak, quite selfish character who is now trying to move on from her past by shaking off the rotten part. Sungji is a cute, love with all her heart girl who now will do everything to make Sumin remain hers and hers only. See? They're clear when it comes to their developments and purposes, you know what's up with them, whatever hidden motives later on will be a part of this. Whatever isn't revealed about them is going to explain their minds and ultimate goals which I already know (Sumin with moving on thing, Sungji with holding on to Sumin thing), at least I have a lead about them but not with Seju, I feel like someone who is swimming in the dark, not knowing where to go when I read her. Uhm, I don't know if you get what I mean but Seju at the moment I'm not even sure she's letting Sumin go or try to hold on to her, not so sure what's exactly in her mind, her ultimate goal, is she letting go or holding on. I can not grasp her character at all to at least understand whatever happen next.

last edited at Mar 18, 2017 9:33PM

joined Feb 4, 2017

isn't it already established that Seju is neither good or evil? she may be the antagonist on Sumin and Sungji's relationship but she's not evil in a sense. even the writer of the manhwa said that Seju didn't have any control on the whole Sumin cheating incident with Sungji.

and I don't know why some people in fb are saying that Seju is playing the pity card to Sumin. she's the only friend that Seju got WTF?! so it only make sense that she's gonna call her, not just to talk to her about her problem but maybe warn her about the situation. so, I'm kinda thinking that they might live together for their security xD why not? it might resolve some issues between the three characters.

genius !!!

yeah I would luv to see them living together for a while .. that will bring some serious communication among them that we have never seen before

joined Mar 4, 2017

No chapter today?

joined Feb 4, 2017

at least I have a lead about them but not with Seju, I feel like someone who is swimming in the dark, not knowing where to go when I read her. Uhm, I don't know if you get what I mean but Seju at the moment I'm not even sure she's letting Sumin go or try to hold on to her, not so sure what's exactly in her mind, her ultimate goal, is she letting go or holding on. I can not grasp her character at all to at least understand whatever happen next.

see, it is not just a romantic or sexual relationship, the guilt and obsession between the two towards each other plays a huge part.. while u would think that Sumin had moved on, you find her jealous and angry about the idea of her going in blind dates or sleeping with Nammi.. their history is waaaaay too complex to let them just move on, remember that they are each other family and only true friend.. even Nammi, their high school friend if you would like to call her - knows nothing about the Baek family but Sumin knows even when they meet and why. when you are an introvert and very close to one person in the whole world.. it is not easy to lose that person. I remember when Seju came to pass by Sumin's house after meeting her father and saw Sungji going in.. and also after she met her brothers and looked for Sumin at her house .. these are all scenes to show you how much they mean to each other beyond romance. I do not see them letting theirselves go.. but I hope they could form something reasonable and sustainable relation between them, that will at finally guarantee a healthy dynamic among the three

all the above, is why I find this story particularly interesting.. it is something deeper than love and lust.
if Seju or Sumin were to move on easily, you would not have a story.. but some cheap lesbian drama

last edited at Mar 18, 2017 9:50PM

joined Aug 29, 2015


the writer said that Seju didn't originally planned the Sumin cheating incident. what Seju did was tell Sungji about her and Sumin past to discourage her from taking their relationship seriously and break it off in the end.

how can Seju plan something that she doesn't have any control? yup, she had taken advantage of the situation but plan the whole cheating incident imo is ridiculous.

and when did Seju claim she used Sumin? what chapter was it?

last edited at Mar 18, 2017 9:53PM

joined Feb 4, 2017

Seju herself claims to use Sumin when she needs too.

she uses the plural, "use each other when we need to" <--- official translation ch 27
also in chapter 50, Sumin admits hurting Seju but not feeling guilty for it. ( dysfunctional both ways)
after she got caught told Sungji: so I kept her by my side and tormented her as much as I liked !

last edited at Mar 18, 2017 10:01PM

joined Aug 29, 2015

Seju herself claims to use Sumin when she needs too.

she uses the plural, "use each other when we need to" <--- official translation ch 27
also in chapter 50, Sumin admits hurting Seju but not feeling guilty for it. ( dysfunctional both ways)
after she got caught told Sungji: so I kept her around and tormented her as much as I liked !

used each other. I think she meant the sex and consoling each other part. their relationship is like Harley and Ivy. they're somehow romantically involved but there's no commitment between them.

last edited at Mar 18, 2017 10:07PM

joined Apr 28, 2016

all the above, is why I find this story particularly interesting.. it is something deeper than love and lust.
if Seju or Sumin were to move on easily, you would not have a story.. but some cheap lesbian drama

right now I find Sumin moving on quite easily though which is soooo weird =))))). That's one of the reasons why I'm judging the story's development so hardddd. And I agree with you, ending with both of them moving on completely from each other is not really satisfying, their connection with each other is too heavy, I hope the author could solve this nicely, for all three characters' sake, not any particular ship :)

last edited at Mar 18, 2017 10:04PM

joined Feb 4, 2017

Seju herself claims to use Sumin when she needs too.

she uses the plural, "use each other when we need to" <--- official translation ch 27
also in chapter 50, Sumin admits hurting Seju but not feeling guilty for it. ( dysfunctional both ways)
after she got caught told Sungji: so I kept her around and tormented her as much as I liked !

used each other. I think she meant the sex and consoling each other part. their relationship is like Harvey and Ivy. they're somehow romantically involved but there's no commitment between them.

you are absolutely right, since the previous dialogue by Seju in the very same chapter she explained it. She knows that Sumin is scared of loving or receiving love and the way they were was not to be in a relationship in order to avoid breakups and hurting each other
---> they are times when ppl thought that team Gaji would just kill Seju, but hey, they were smarter than that.. I am so happy that they rolled out such a lame ending

last edited at Mar 18, 2017 10:10PM

joined Aug 29, 2015


that's why I said she had taken advantage of the situation and we already know that they're friends with benefits. so I don't know how can that make Seju look evil in any sort of way. they're both consenting adults who knew full well what they're doing.


killing Seju would be the worst ending. it's a good thing they scrapped it or they didn't take that option. but I'm waiting for another Seju and Sungji confrontation. this will be an interesting situation. we rarely get to see these two together.

joined Aug 29, 2015

Their relationship is more like Harley and the Joker. Absolutely terrible.

well, Sumin is the abuser and Seju is the victim and I don't know about the psychological manipulation. I know Seju guilt trip Sumin to have sex with her but f*cking come on, Sumin could have said "NO!!" it's like you're trying to imply that Seju used a jedi mind trick to Sumin to cheat on Sungji.


imo, Seju could have been more evil but the author play it safe with her. you can be angry with her for her actions but you can fully understand where she's coming from. like if you were in her situation, you will have done the same thing. she has no friends and her siblings f*cking hate her. the only person she got is Sumin. who wouldn't do anything to keep that person in your life?

joined Feb 4, 2017


imo, Seju could have been more evil but the author play it safe with her. you can be angry with her for her actions but you can fully understand where she's coming from. like if you were in her situation, you will have done the same thing. she has no friends and her siblings f*cking hate her. the only person she got is Sumin. who wouldn't do anything to keep that person in your life?

*hugs for understanding what I mean *

joined Dec 9, 2014

^easier said than actually being in her shoes though. And again, reminder that Sumin willingly chose to cheat on Sungji with Seju. Takes two to tango.

joined Aug 29, 2015


When did we said that Seju is morally right? we're clashing opinions because you're trying to imply that Sumin should get a pass for cheating to Sungji because Seju tricked her into it.

joined Apr 28, 2016

Uhm, this argument is actually leading to nowhere. Seju is supposed to be the third wheel, the one gets all the hates so it's normal to be hated but the word 'jerk' should be used to both Seju and Sumin
I wont involve in this argument, endless and waste of time. When people fix on their pov about someone, no way you could change it but Seju's actions, even with that lowest trick of cheating, is true to her situation, to her life and her circumtances. You cant expect someone like her to be angelic and giving her blessings for the new couple, you should expect her to do sth wrong in your book because that's how she is but you cant stop people from sympathize her, understand her point of view and defend her. I am one of the few people would defend her even if I know what she did is wrong, why? Cause everyone in their life has their moment and we could make wrong choices over and over again and forgiveness is what we need and often get, in this story, Seju doesn't have that forgiveness, not even once.

joined Apr 28, 2016

hehehehe you tend to attack Seju a lot which drags me to defend her and end up looking like she paid me to do so or something XD

It's circular, i only attack Seju because others are defending her. I never started this conversation again, others did.

If you want to start defending Sumin i can attack her for once? ; )

Well, I thought you are the one who started the whole thing? Since you disagree with the rest? You bring up this topic though, and seriously, why would they defend her if there is no attack? It has to have one for them to start defending.

joined Feb 4, 2017

now, let's say Sumin was on her way to the hotel while the new character was about to do something to Seju.. how would she enter the room in the first place ! are not hotel rooms always locked automatically as you close em ?

last edited at Mar 18, 2017 11:31PM

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