Hey, ZuljinRaynor!!! ヾ(^∇^)
How's it going?
Managed to avoid buying new stuff so far...? ;) Or did you cave in already ^^
I finally managed to get rid of some of my things. I'm slowly learning to let go, it seems ೕ(•̀ᴗ•́)
And I got some good prices as well... Got totally lucky there and I'm really thankful for it! m(_ _)m
@ Utoptia
Hola! (ʘ‿ʘ)╯
Ohhhh.... But I always feel like I miss something when I'm not around my favorite online folks! (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)
I'm doing pretty good. Can't complain. Still a little too lazy, if you ask me, but I managed to take care of some stuff lately. And I've been tidying out my crap a little and as a reward I finally bought myself those acrylic paints I've wanted for a while now... so I'm currently challenging the little artist in me (ʃƪˆ▿ˆ)
I'm not really a genius but it's quite fun ^^
How's the studying coming along?
Still mastering the path of the lazy genius? ;)
Hi hi UlquiorraSchiffer1 (。⌒∇⌒)ノ
Of course I remember you, little bro! ^^
I also still remember the first time you showed up on this site with your own thread, asking for some recommendations, and I lured you here... Time sure flies... (`・ω・´)
You seem to be getting along with everyone lately. That's great! d (^‿^✿)
How's life been treating you?
Also saw your post about John Wick 2! Went to the movies to see it as well! Nice shooting action flick! And really glad the dog survived this time!!!! Was also cool to see Keanu Reeves and Laurence Fishburne on screen together again...
I'm doing good, thanks! ^^
I sold some of my treasures and now I'm a rich bitch! ;)
(^∇^) I wish...