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joined Jan 31, 2013

Ohhh I totally forgot about this lovely one shot! I am very happy I stumble upon it again :) Ootomo Megane artwork is interesting in a good way .... I really like it.

joined Jan 30, 2013

Wouldn't really call it one-shot though, since it's continuation of "A Passing Story".

joined Jun 5, 2015

ha..ha..9 million yen guy lost his sparkling

joined Oct 30, 2015


joined Dec 27, 2014

A hint of bittersweet but still really nice :)

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

I loved the way her sempai called her (finally) on her bullshit. That said, sempai was almost as bad. Mayu seems pretty straight-up bisexual, I think. So Monayo won a fair, head-to-head contest in this one. And the great mystery of why Japanese stories always have them breaking up, forgetting their friends, etc. the instant graduation happens is finally solved. They're all neurotic, and they create fantasies that prevent them from being able to phone each other or go to lunch, etc. It's a nation of stubbon tsun-tsuns.

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

well, they both lied to each other at the end, but whatever, it's love!

joined Aug 19, 2018

I remember this being more bitter on the bittersweet side if things when I first read, mostly because of the lie at the end, which stopped me from reading for a long time. Re-reading it now, the bitter part is pretty small compared to how sweet it is. Glad I read it again

joined Dec 17, 2021

What makes this for me is the lies at the end. What's important is that they chose each other, despite the rocky road to get there.

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