I kind of lost interest during the end of arc 2 and decided to continue again only recently, I have to say up to this point arc 1 feels the most solid.
But I am happy because Sumin x Sungji finally settle for good (it seems). Because let's be honest, it's clear as day they will rejoice, and Team Gaji just drag it way too long by adding unnecessary sub-plot along the way. Example: I still don't understand at what purpose Dawoon need to be thrown in the dynamics (other than for cliche reasons).
Having said that, I am still a tad bit upset with how TG handles Sungji, that girl deserves better development. Being confused with Dawoon, dumped her, missing Sumin, and then have sex within just few days with the ex, like wut ?? It feels more that Gaji can't make the characters have proper dialogue with each other to solve it in a sophisticated manner. Because the way they solve any conflict is to add another character into the mix as a trigger or a medium, ex: Nami with Seju/Sumin, Nami with Sungji/Sumin, and Dawoon with Sungji. It feels like the character do not know what they want or feel (or they persistently deny their feelings), and always need someone else to point it out for them or act as a trigger.
Dawoon feels so much like a filler, it is a good thing that she's very pretty and seems the most mature on top of having a good head on her shoulder, so it's bearable. Honestly, I would take her at any day compared to the unstable yet cute Sumin lol.
Ch 69: holy shit this is like pr0n lol. TG really makes the most out of the 69 number it seems. And do you guys see something strange ? Sumin boobs looks way bigger in this chapter. Did she inject some silicone in Japan during her moping period or sth ?