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Forum › Amano Shuninta discussion

joined Jul 31, 2014

Dear Amano Shuninta,

First of all, I love all of your stories because they are all great stories. It make me wonder all those stories are base on your experience or just simply your imagination?

Among all stories the one gave me the most deep impression is "The Structural Formula of First Love". I really like that story. I really hope to see a continious of this story. It's really ichiban!!

Thank you for always taking care your readers by keep do new stories. I will be waiting for new story from you. Fighting!

joined Apr 27, 2014

I don't know if she will read this, but I do think she is awesome and I love her work,both her drawing style and her stories, it's always different,feels more mature but manages to be hilarious as well, that's a really amazing mix. <3

joined Feb 28, 2015

Dear Amano Shuninta,

First of all, I love all of your stories because they are all great stories. It make me wonder all those stories are base on your experience or just simply your imagination?

Among all stories the one gave me the most deep impression is "The Structural Formula of First Love". I really like that story. I really hope to see a continious of this story. It's really ichiban!!

Thank you for always taking care your readers by keep do new stories. I will be waiting for new story from you. Fighting!

Yeah, I love her too. One of my favourite authors. And If I revice a letter like that I'd cry.

last edited at Feb 4, 2018 6:21AM

joined Sep 18, 2014

I keep on re-reading "The Structural Formula of First Love".

It's pretty damn good.

joined Jan 19, 2016

Keep going, I can't get enough of your stories. Love your style and the characters and plots. Perfecto!

joined Apr 22, 2015

I Love her works too. <3

joined May 19, 2014

hi there, I just wanted to share a new video I made talking about Amano Shuninta's writing style and art style. It's my first analysis/breakdown of a video and I'm looking for comments on improvement! It's quite short! :)

watch here:

ps if I'm not allowed to share this and pls let me know! apologies in advance (if ever!) thanks! ^^

joined Jan 31, 2015

I feel like Amano-sensei is all over the place. Some of her work is really deep and dramatic, some is fun and fluffy, and some of it I wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole. But she does all of it well. Such an amazing talent.

joined Jan 24, 2020

Amano Shuninta can be kind of hit-or-miss, but her best work is really good and easily some of the best yuri manga that I've read. I think I tend to prefer her more comedic works, in general — she has this sort of off-the-wall sense of humor which is absolutely hilarious when it really lands,

joined Sep 20, 2022

one of the many underrated yuri manga authors ive had the pleasure of discovering ^^

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