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This is my screen currently ^ _ ^
Holy fuck, that customization is so perfect and well done.
^ It's really just arranging some icons around, nothing too impressive ^ ^" glad you like it through. The background was edited with the Pixlr app filters ^ - ^
Also, thanks @Nevri!
last edited at Oct 13, 2016 11:07PM
@ Blackkitty
I thought you caught a cold or something...
I would gladly take that cold if it would make everything else go away.
I'm glad you are alive^^
Even if the whole world went down I'd probably be one of the last people standing ;)
On a not very positive note: for a person who loves snooker I suck so much at billard... just so embarrassing...
So you went to play billiards? Sounds like fun! ^^
I would probably suck at it as well that's why I never had the courage to play in front of other people.
@ Rina
Nothing particular to me, just bothered after reading some dumb stuff.
So you still haven't given up on that...?
@ Rina
Nothing particular to me, just bothered after reading some dumb stuff.
So you still haven't given up on that...?
What is, that? :o
^ Visiting strange sites and reading all of the comments...?
^ Oh nah, it isn't comments this time ^ p ^" Just some weird news/fear-mongering about a potential WWIII starting soon, which kinda got me worried for my gf's safety if it was real.
That, and my gf's granny is not feeling too good these days so that's depressing as well.
last edited at Oct 14, 2016 5:18AM
On a more positive note, I can't wait for Oct 26, so many OPs and EDs coming out ^ o ^
Oh nah, it isn't comments this time ^ p ^" Just some weird news/fear-mongering about a potential WWIII starting soon, which kinda got me worried for my gf's safety if it was real.
True, there's a lot of chaos going on all around the world but I don't see another world war approaching.
Germany doesn't intend to go to war and so far there never was one without us, right ;)
That, and my gf's granny is not feeling too good these days so that's depressing as well.
I hope she gets better soon... (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)
^ That is true :p And thanks! She's really old now, around 92 iirc, it's pretty amazing. Hope she gets well soon as well . o .
I think Granny is very lucky old lady because your gf is truly concerned about her! And she has so many more years ahead of her - recently I've read about someone reaching 120+ years :) me too, I hope she gets better!
last edited at Oct 14, 2016 11:42AM
I would gladly take that cold if it would make everything else go away.
hey, that sounds worrisome^^""
should I go and fetch you some cheesecake? ;)
So you went to play billiards? Sounds like fun! ^^
It's too optimistic to call it a "play" >//< and I masterfully managed to send the cue ball flying with a beautiful parabola somewhere far far away from the table xD
it was fun, I was laughing a lot at myself xD and I was so anxious.. my hands were sweating.. so I ordered a glass of wine and then I felt so out of place with all the other tables where people were drinking beer xD
I would probably suck at it as well that's why I never had the courage to play in front of other people.
I'm not courageous either^^ but when I looked around I realized that the other people weren't much better than myself xD probably you should venture and give it a try.
@ Blackkitty
hey, that sounds worrisome^^""
Yeah, it kinda is.
Too much chaos around me. A loved one in the hospital AGAIN and even my dog looking like she won't get much older AGAIN. Last time I knew what she had at least. This time I have no idea...
Add some other trouble that suddenly showed up unexpectedly rendering me even more helpless, hospital miscommunication and some people just bugging me instead of doing proper business...
Sometimes it feels like I'm about to lose it...
It seemed to get a little better as of yesterday afternoon. But now my dog seems to be doing worse again...
I just want everyone to be healthy and happy...
should I go and fetch you some cheesecake? ;)
I'm not sure if cake would make things any better. But thanks for the offer! (^_^)b
I'm so sorry, Anon :((( gives you a big hug!
I'm with your loved ones in my thoughts, hoping that they will get better!!
All that misfortune at once seems discouraging, but from what I know about you, I know you can go through it successfully :) hugs again
Hugs just make me cry so I'm not sure if I should take it... ;)
Things at the hospital seem to be going okay now. But that was an ordeal...
There is just no communication whatsoever going on between those doctors... At least not when you talk to one of them and expect that person to relay some information to a colleague.
I really hate that. And the saddest part is that it seems to be a common problem in most hospitals. I've seen the same thing happen in three different hospitals this last year. And it makes things so much harder for everyone involved... Because as a relative you have to constantly bug the nurses and the doctors and just add to their workload. And they are already overburdened as is.
But you just can't trust anyone to really stay true to their word.
That whole thing is such a downward spiral...
I'm starting to have some serious trust issues... They all seem so nice. Some even take a little time and listen to what you have to say. They say that it's alright and they'll take care of it and the next day you talk to them nothing happened. Another doctor in the room and of course: they know nothing... This is just hopeless...
But at least they all seemed to be doing a pretty good job when they're actually performing a procedure.
Unfortunately communication is not a part of that. It would make things a little less stressful.
The rest will probably work out somehow. Partly it already did.
But I'm worried about my dog again. We visited a vet yesterday. He just gave her an injection. Didn't seem to really help. Now I gotta go there again tomorrow...
Why do things always get worse when the weekend is near again... Timing is not always on our side...
But there's no reason to worry about me, like I said, even if the whole world went down, Armageddon would probably spare me. That's my kind of luck.
I'd rather some things actually happened to me then to everyone else around me. I don't like to see others suffer. That just sucks...
if you decide to take the hugs - I won't tell anyone if you cry a little! I understand perfectly the feeling of wanting to be there instead of others because you don't want them suffer :(
what's the problem with your cuttie dog? is she with you now? my father is a vet, if he can help somehow I will make him do it!
I guess doctors everywhere are super busy and the hospitals are short stuffed... but if they do their job right and save your loved one, then they deserve some trust?
I honestly don't know what's wrong with my dog so I would appreciate any kind of advice, thank you!
Last year she had a severe inflammation of her womb. (Sounds kinda strange in English)
She was nine years old back then and never had any real health issues until first signs of that started.
She nearly died back then but the vet gave her lots of antibiotics and some medication to cause an abortion (the poor thing never even was pregnant once her whole life and she still got an abortion T_T) to get all of the fluid out of her womb. And she pulled through luckily.
A few month later she got a full castration. She's a girl but they still call it that (at least here in Germany) because they completely removed the womb and the ovaries.
I thought that was the best thing to do since she already showed some signs like before the inflammation again but she was totally fit at that time. I was worried that if she might have the same problems again at a later age she might not pull through again that's why I chose that option.
She was brave and got back on her feet again quickly. A healthy dog – the vet said.
But ever since then she's been a little more sensitive... The castration was in January.
So... three or four weeks ago she started to get a little lazier whenever we went outside for a walk. But that wasn't too unusual... She generally is pretty lazy when I'm alone with her. She's just too spoiled and knows that she can manipulate me easily ^^ (She's really clever)
So I'm not sure if that really was when it started...
Then 5 days ago she started to eat a little less and became really picky. Usually she eats absolutely EVERYTHING. She loves to eat. And she hardly wanted to walk whenever we went outside. She was able to, she just indicated that she didn't really want to. So I started to make life as easy as possible for her: No stairs, no jumping, easy digestible food – hoping that it would get better. But it didn't.
She sleeps a lot. Is really lazy but notices everything. She's not apathetic. She seems like she wants to eat but no matter what I show her she just leaves it be. Even the things she usually loves. But luckily I can find some fancy food every day to get her to at least eat a little bit.
Up until Wednesday she kept everything inside – no puking. Her digestion seemed to work just fine as well. Everything left her body the way it should. Wednesday she puked everything she ate that day out. But after that she kept her food inside again. But it wasn't much anyway... No stool ever since then.
Her nose is wet, her eyes are clear and the white in her eyes looks really white, not yellowish.
Her heart is beating strong and regularly and up until yesterday she always breathed slowly. No accelerated breathing. That started last night unfortunately. But only temporarily.
She's breathing a little heavier today. That's why I panicked a little but she's fine at the moment. I just took her outside to pee and got her to eat a little. Now she sleeps again.
Oh, and she drinks properly. A little more than usual since Monday maybe... after she started eating less and less.
I also tried to palpate her, or whatever you call it, to see if there were any regions on her body that seemed to cause her any pain when touched. I didn't notice anything. Her spine and her stomach seemed okay.
I have no idea.
The vet gave her an injection to relieve pain and increase the appetite. He thought that she might just have an upset stomach. But I don't really think that's it. And the injection didn't really change anything.
Thank you for trying to help! I'm sure you have better things to do so I really appreciate you reading all this!!! m(_ _)m
last edited at Oct 14, 2016 3:25PM
well, I talked to him:
It is possible for her to have an upset stomach - depends on what she eats. Dogs, cats are very sensitive to spices, so no spicy food in the diet.
The full hysterectomy is a very serious procedure, and in his words, vets usually perform it if there is some life threatening element such us tumor/cancer. But that wasn't the case, right? It was an inflammation?
and what about her weight?
last edited at Oct 14, 2016 5:39PM
Thanks for all the trouble! You're the best!!! (^_^)b
The full hysterectomy is a very serious procedure, and in his words, vets usually perform it if there is some life threatening element such us tumor/cancer
That's what I thought as well - that it's a serious procedure - but a lot of dog owners here want that done even with very young and healthy (female) dogs.
Most dog owners I talked to - after she had that inflammation - were kinda like: "See, that's why we got it done while our dog was still young to prevent that from happening..."
It was also the first thing the vet recommended to me when she first showed some signs of a womb infection.
But unlike them I'm not a fan of unnecessary surgery... so I only decided to do that because it nearly killed her and she's not exactly a puppy anymore...
No cancer. I even asked the vet if there were any mutations on the removed organs but he said everything looked perfectly normal.
She hardly got anything else to eat lately except her dog food and some treats meant for dogs. But the last few days I'm happy whenever I manage to get her to eat anything at all. She didn't touch her dog food for 2 days now.
and what about her weight?
She's not exactly the slimmest dog I've ever seen but she's not fat either.
It was a very wise decision to make her undergo the operation^^ because, very often, dogs of 9-10 years that haven't given birth before develop cancer in the womb/overies!
And that is great news then! ^_^ I'm happy, because we had the suspicion that it might have been a cancer,which is not^^...And she is a goodlooking lady with some meat on her^_^ but you should really watch out for her diet because she should suffer of hormonal imbalance due to the procedure.
Well, he didn't say anything about making her eat more though.
I really hope that she will start eating normally soon. If you have any questions ever, you can ask any time.. though we weren't that much useful, I guess.
And no worries, it wasn't trouble at all!! :) and I was worried as well!! On the conrary, I had a reason to talk to him on skype a bit longer than usual and he was happy^^ he is always happy when I ask for his advice :)
Maybe you should become a veterinarian as well? ^^
It's just so sad to see her like this... She's 10 years old by now but she's still so lively and cheerful when she's feeling well, jumping around like a little flea and rolling over to make you pet her tummy and kick around to get your attention. She's so cute.
But now she just sleeps all day and glances at me tiredly.
I'm always worried when she refuses to eat for a longer period of time.
I don't wanna lose her just yet...
Oh, you were very useful! Just talking to you made me feel a little better. I totally freaked out when she started to breathe so fast earlier. But her doctor just told me to come by tomorrow morning.
Talk to your dad a little more often, he seems nice ;)
And thank you again for this!
I'll let you know what the vet said tomorrow...
(Now we kinda turned this thread into an animal health care center ^^“ Sorry 'bout that!)
^ Tis' okay ^ o ^ at least it's a bit more interesting than relationship problems and what not (lol). Hope your dog gets well soon though!
Side note, I am loving the Kaiju Girls short anime, as a long-time fan of the Ultra franchise (I used to watch it as a kid), it's rather hilarious to see all the monsters as cute girls (lol). Like really, even if you haven't watched any of the Ultra series, watch this short anime, you won't need the knowledge from the main franchise, but it does help enrich the experience of watching*
*: For example, appreciating the use of actual sound-effects of the kaiju that the girls are supposed to represent. It just adds a bit to the enjoyment imo (lol).
last edited at Oct 14, 2016 7:59PM
Maybe you should become a veterinarian as well? ^^
Everyone who knows me well says that! My both parents are vets, and I grew up wanting to be one as well... but I'm a 25-year-old underachiever so I'm not so sure if it's possible xD
You shouldn't think about losing her because she can feel your anxiety!
I will be waiting for news! keep my fingers crossed
Talk to your dad a little more often, he seems nice
he is indeed a good and intelligent person, but ironically he has two faults in his character - bad taste for women and terrible racism ;)
@ Blackkitty
Everyone who knows me well says that! My both parents are vets, and I grew up wanting to be one as well... but I'm a 25-year-old underachiever so I'm not so sure if it's possible xD
Hey, that sounds really harsh... I'm sure that's not true!
Anything goes if you really want to! ;)
(But I shouldn't be saying anything either... I'm probably worse myself.)
You shouldn't think about losing her because she can feel your anxiety!
Easier said than done, I guess... O_O
I will be waiting for news! keep my fingers crossed
Thank you! But no real news today...
He just prescribed some medication and gave her another injection. Today he said that it sounds like she just hurt herself somehow...
The heavy breathing from yesterday could be related to the injection she got two days ago...
If her condition won't get better we're supposed to visit the doc again...
She's doing okay so far. But she woke me up three times last night. Something seemed to bother her but I couldn't really tell what it was...
he is indeed a good and intelligent person, but ironically he has two faults in his character - bad taste for women and terrible racism ;)
Oh... it was a German dog he tried to help last night, hope that didn't cause any inner conflicts ;)
But my father isn't any better either. Except his taste for women maybe... can't really complain about that part ^^b
Hey, that sounds really harsh... I'm sure that's not true!
Anything goes if you really want to! ;)
(But I shouldn't be saying anything either... I'm probably worse myself.)
ok..who knows, maybe in 10 years you will be getting published and I will be taking care of patients^^
Thank you! But no real news today...
He just prescribed some medication and gave her another injection. Today he said that it sounds like she just hurt herself somehow...
The heavy breathing from yesterday could be related to the injection she got two days ago...
If her condition won't get better we're supposed to visit the doc again...She's doing okay so far. But she woke me up three times last night. Something seemed to bother her but I couldn't really tell what it was...
she is a little troublemaker - another bad weed in the family! ;)
unfortunately she can't tell us what torments her :(
and you take very good care of her but don't forget about yourself! And we are hear to listen to you, always :)
Oh... it was a German dog he tried to help last night, hope that didn't cause any inner conflicts ;)
...the gay part would've caused serious conflicts because a gay dog is a potential source of bad ideas....>_>
I told him it's the dog of a friend who lives abroad and that worked fine.
So I just finished watching Lights Out, and it was an rather average horror film. I feel like they didn't really expanded upon the potential that the main antagonist had; given that she could be literally anywhere as long as there is darkness, they could've had some really neat scenes being made from that. Instead, they chose to focus on some boring and poorly executed family drama which really took away from the film and quite honestly wasn't appealing.
Unlike Insidious where the family drama aspects helped to develop the story, the characters here just felt annoying; and quite honestly I was rooting for the ghost to actually kill everyone but the protagonist and her boyfriend, considering they're the only 2 characters that actually got some sort of development. On the bright side of the spectrum however, the antagonist and her backstory was brilliantly done, and much of the film really shines in moments where she warps around the darkness with her powers.
Still, I would actually consider this to be my least favorite film from Blumhouse so far. It had the potential to be great with the nature of it's antagonist and the concept behind her powers, but squandered it away by focusing on drama revolving a dysfunctional family that I honestly couldn't care less about, much less want to see live to the end of the film. Not something that I'd recommend to anyone unless you're a fan of Blumhouse Studios and want to see everything that they put out.
last edited at Oct 15, 2016 8:47PM