For anyone interested, the visual novel "Dead End Junction" has a pretty gay cowgirl protagonist. She calls almost every named female character in the story cute or pretty or beautiful; not to mention she and people who know her well state numerous times how she doesn't get along well with men. Lastly, I think that her childhood best friend pretty much falls under the trope of the love interest for the main character.
Oh, and for information about the visual novel itself it takes place in a western setting with cowboys and all that -- although replace Native Americans with a race that has half-human, half-animal (dog) features. I think it's actually well-written and the art style is pretty great which works well with the comic book style presentation. The localization is pretty stellar too in making the personality of the cast shine more, although they do have quite a bit of typos and grammatical errors, so all they're lacking is polish. It deals with issues around that time like racism and the effects of civil war, so it's pretty admirable for tackling topics like that. It's also by the team that did Cherry Tree High, so I guess that explains the yuri in this game.
BIG problem though, at least for me, is that the ending feels very much like a "book 1 of 3" kind of ending. The self-contained journey in this game is finished, but the overarching menace/problem/issue is still there and a lot of things are still not wrapped up. I guess on the bright side the team said their next game is an SRPG set in this setting, so there may be hope for a sequel.