I'm dying Ooshima Tomo getting called for drawing Nico bottom
my stomach feels like shit... T_T
chika just got NTRed
oie k riko
daaamn tha butt grab indeed
Burn in hell
I love Fate/stuff. Really interested in this. More so if there is yuri!
im not okay now
So true story ._. :(
And thus, Riko jumped the window every night.
(Thank you, Shiitake-chan, for practicing Riko.)
I like it OvO <3
lmao talk about changing the mood
The wedding IT'S A TRAP
^ "It is too late mother. I have seen everything!"
OMg that just wonderfull to see *_*
last edited at Sep 23, 2016 12:04PM
Yes need more yuri option games (●3●)
Lol tighty-whiteys ^=^
Lol I like how D.va is enjoying the show ^○^
U know I don't think she is butt grabbing, I think she just picked her up but it just looks like that
y uu cry'n .. jux tell'er
that there broke my heart .. man ..
Omg like low-key REVELATION ×.×
Kawaii!! We need more updates of all these pairings!! >A<
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