I'm a pervert, just wanna get that out there.....
& Lesbe honest, mostly everyone is one these day. Les rejoice in being perverts. Of course polite perverts that is unless you have consent. Idk
Lol, lemme just ask. How does one identify if someone is a 'pervert' or not?
Well my definition of a pervert is that they like the inappropriate lewd stuff to a more than normal amount than a normal person but idk exactly so I Google that up and I got these synonyms: (ps I copy and pasted these and wow I'm surprise of the synonyms ) distort, corrupt, subvert, twist, bend, abuse, misapply, misuse, misrepresent, misinterpret, falsify, corrupt, lead astray, debase, warp, pollute, poison, deprave, debauchery, deviant, degenerate.
Guess I'm sinful
last edited at Aug 25, 2016 7:07AM