Most disappointing games ? Games that surprised me ? Well, there is one that belongs in both categories : League of legends. The game itself is great, but its community just makes the game unplayable.
I'm not really hard to please when it comes to video games, so don't have that much I really hated. Even if I had a hard time playing dota2. Was kinda disappointed by Strife too. And by CS:GO's overwatch system.
Good games :
Guild wars 2
Teamfortress 2
Total Annihilation
Civilisation V
CoD : the first one
Bleach brave souls (mobile phone game)
Brave frontier (mobile phone game)
That's all that comes to my mind atm.
Yeah, as Matto said, everyone's free to join us on steam. (although I'm gonna eat right now).
last edited at Aug 24, 2016 2:30PM