@ Anon I never said I didn't like kinky cakes. Frankly I'm indifferent. Also, I think that's bullshit there's no yuri cake! What has the world come to?! I LOVE JAMIROQUAI! They're like my favorite band or artist ever, along with Queen, Andrew WK, Weird Al Yankovic, and The Prodigy.
I didn't imply that I hated the social justice or feminist movement. I'm all for equal treatment, but with equal treatment comes tolerance and acceptance. You have to live with others regardless of your feelings, come to terms that people will differ from you and know that there are differences with everybody, whether you like it or not. I think, in general, it goes both ways. To truly be equal, you have to experience both good and bad in all regards. But it can't be forced, which is why I tend to avoid the whole activist scene in general. I appreciate your input and I am glad you are passionate about what you believe in. Just know my intent was directly aimed towards the miserable situation the whole cast and crew went through in the production of Blue is the Warmest Color. Nobody was happy doing all that fighting and drama, regardless of who's "right" or "wrong".
Serious shtuff aside, here's some videos I made:
Me Dancing
Pure Genius
Dear god why am I showing you this
Don't talk to me or my son ever again