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joined Jun 22, 2016

@ ZuljinRaynor

What if all the spiders and bugs inside your vacuum cleaner built their own little empire in there and you keep feeding them o_O


@ oliver

Here in Germany we got lots of ants (especially since last year, they're practically everywhere), mosquitos too unfortunately. Cockroaches do exist here but I've never seen them in person.
We don't have house lizards here but a little further down south they do exist. I've seen some in Greece once. But we do have those:
Little salamanders. They don't really come into the house though.

@ Galich

Isn't the sight of that kinda disturbing... I mean, disillusioning somehow...?
We all know what animals look like. But for humans... you expect something more... I don't know how to explain it properly. I mean, I've never considered me or human beings in general special. I know we're all just animals. But if you look at it a little more subjectively... The ones you love. Your parents, your kids, your lovers... You want something more. You expect more but in the end... just pieces of meat. It looks exactly like the display at a butchers... Even smells the same... Kinda leaves you feeling hollow...

If it would just concern myself than I would be able to laugh about it. Hard. Black humour kicking in. ^^ But unfortunately there's more to it than that...

joined Feb 4, 2015
joined Jan 31, 2013

Cameron only likes pigs. V:

last edited at Jul 13, 2016 2:58PM

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Anon99 I would hardly disturbing; I've always looked at humans as differing from animals just by a few chemical reactions(anyone who knows anything about biology can go on and disagree with me). Sure, we as species are more intelligent and have actual morality, but under all we're just mere mortals like a run over pigeon that you pass every time you go to work. While it's a bit nihilistic, it also helps with dealing with death as a part of the cycle of life; it's only natural, and we're not alone in it, therefore there is nothing too special about it.

@ChocolateCokeLover When the window of a browser is small enough, your name shows up as either "ChocolateCake" or "ChocolateCakeLove". Works suspiciously well.

joined Feb 4, 2015

ChocolateCakeLove<3 :D

PigLove D:

last edited at Jul 13, 2016 3:16PM

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ ChocolateCakeLove

That poor cat! Was only used as toy to sway people...

@ ZuljinRaynor

You sure seem to love Cameron ^^

@ Galich

Not a romantic, are you...? ^^“
Have you ever been in love with someone...?
Imagining them dying that way... that should provoke some feelings... no...? Am I really alone on this...?
I really want it to be special... But maybe that's just me...

What did you mean with that last remark? Directed to a certain someone...? Don't really get that part...

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Anon99 The romantic part? Hmm, the first thing that came to my mind was romanticism vs. enlightenment (part of the team enlightenment). Well, I believe that being personal is not professional. One may call it detaching yourself voluntarity in order to keep your sanity. Not a very healthy attitude, but hey, life will kill you one day.

Well, I've never had to bury any of my loved ones, which is surprising (although I was at my friend's/friend's of the family, depands on how you look at it, funeral a few days ago..). Tears were shed, sure, but I prefer not to give it enough thought. It's not as much of denial as desperately looking for some positives sides in life

Quoting myself from before:

Sure, the world might be a bit of a gutter, but that doesn't stop us from trying to make the best out of what we're given and try to make this universe more bearable.

Actually, this post seems to horribly contradict itself. Would I consider myself a pessimist? Dunno, no one was able to answer that question about me.

Regarding that remark, it was pointed at one of the posters in this thread. They're fully aware that I directed it at them, no worries.

Just noticed a pattern here. Galich's cynical post -> you trying to post something positive -> my buzzkill -> rince and repeat.

last edited at Jul 13, 2016 4:34PM

joined Jan 31, 2013

@Anon99 I know nothing about him besides that alleged #piggate thing. :P I'm American and not from the UK.

joined Aug 22, 2014

I know he tried to have certain varieties of internet porn banned once. And all the British people I'm subscribed to on YouTube seem to hate him. I've gathered he's just an unpopular guy and I'm sure there's been much rejoicing now that he's resigned.

joined Feb 3, 2015

@Oliver My country is in Southeastern Europe, and well, if you live in a house, you could have the lizards/salamanders/mosquitos/ants.
Two years ago I found a bat between the curtains xD and no, I don't live in a cave, the apartment is on the 5th floor. I wonder how it got there, but it was cute^^ I kind of didn't want to let it go xD

@Chocolate if I'm not your boss... and what would I do without your..

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Blackkitty Southereastern Europe? That's like.. quite close to me. Yay, I don't feel as alien now!

joined Feb 3, 2015

@Galich I feel as an alien reading all the latest posts xD hah it's interesting different points of view, but I wonder how it came to discussing death, when we began with a dog waste bag full with cherries. the train of thought is amusing thing xD

joined Feb 15, 2016

Well, it's started with scary experiences, then went to a near death experiences, and then.. alright, I'm confused myself, but also pretty sure it's my fault.

Well, jumping from topic to topic is something we do quite often in here :P Heck, ZuljinRaynor's even brought Dave Cameron to this discussion lol

joined Jan 31, 2013

Hey now, that was all ChocolateCakeLover with the Larry the cat thing!

I just brought up Dave Hameron. :^

last edited at Jul 13, 2016 6:37PM

joined Feb 15, 2016

You still make me feel like an idiot with this :<

joined Feb 3, 2015

@Anon99 if bad weeds grow tall, then probably I'm the worst weed around xD(unless there is some taller dude around)
ohh...well, we are just humans, it's only normal to feel helpless in certain situations... there is a limit of what you can do. And we all lose people we love, not only to death, they sometimes become dead to us for other reasons, it's inevitable. I think the most horrible is to live your life in fear. In my opinion, for the things within your reach you just try your best, for the rest - adopt some philosophical approach, I've noticed the cynicism is quite popular xD but I don't know, I don't handle well people who died in traffic accidents - once I've passed by the covered body of a hit by a track man, and then for the rest of the day I didn't know what was happening to me..

last edited at Jul 13, 2016 6:44PM

joined Feb 3, 2015

@Galich it's nice, I like the diversity of topics :)

joined Dec 24, 2014

^ A change in pacing and topics is always nice sometimes ^ . ^

On another note, anyone ever seen a pairing (yuri or otherwise) and instantly took a liking for it?

joined Jan 31, 2013

Yes. Very often.

joined Nov 29, 2014

On another note, anyone ever seen a pairing (yuri or otherwise) and instantly took a liking for it?

Like, all the time.

joined Jan 20, 2016

On another note, anyone ever seen a pairing (yuri or otherwise) and instantly took a liking for it?

Like, all the time.

Yeah, of course.

joined Feb 4, 2015

@Chocolate if I'm not your boss... and what would I do without your..

I'm not sure what this means ;__;

joined Feb 15, 2016

Oh my God.. Somehow I've managed to get in on the degree that I've wanted the most.. 23rd outta 25 recruits, 92.5 outta 100. Thanks for all of the support that I was given out here, it was seriously vital in me not going completely insane past those horrible days. Huge thanks to all of you <3!

joined Feb 3, 2015

@Galich that's awesome! congrats^^ *gives you a hug

@Chocolate never mind xD

last edited at Jul 14, 2016 5:39AM

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Galich

Congratulations! I'm really happy to hear that! Well done! (^_^)b

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