Forum › a collection of what looks like essays on lesbian sex and being gay raw comic (??)

joined Sep 21, 2014

Oh, like a 4koma of the author's thoughts and posibly slice of life ish? Dunno what she's saying but I like the art, I like her expressiveness

oh just saw the second link, holy shit is she okay? She seemed super sad. In fact, was the second link supposed to be the first? She lies on the ground in the second and in the first link you have her waking up, and possible remember what happened earlier/in the second link.

Edit: it seemed like it was posted later, so the first link is indeed the sequel

last edited at Jun 18, 2016 10:58PM

Shimapanda Uploader
Girls in Boxes
joined Oct 18, 2014

Oh, I saw this being advertised on twitter... It's the web (rough) version of the artist's new book, "I Was So Lonely I Went To A Lesbian Prostitute: A Report". (Not kidding.)

joined Dec 18, 2013

LewdGamer put a short article about this work. (whose correct name is "A Report on How I was so Sad that I Went to A Lesbian Brothel")

It's a pretty interesting if depressing read.

Just eh, fair warning,LewdGamer has a lot of banners that could be offensive for certain regulars here (ie dicks, tons of dicks)

joined Jun 23, 2016

Very honest assessment.

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