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joined Feb 5, 2015

The feeling that it gave me told me that the girl i saw in that pic is definitely you.

I think the picture you found there is actually a picture of Rainy in a bikini xD

A phantom has no actual form remember xD

It has a form when it comes to my partner.

Just obey yr chief for the sake of yr promotion xD

Bu-but my form is an alien, a blue alien xD

joined Apr 3, 2016

Hey guys. How are you doing?

joined Apr 3, 2016

Any good news?

Not really. Which is the reason why I'm here. I just wanna tell you guys that I really will leave for a while now. I don't know for how long I'll be gone, but it'll be a while. So see you. And take care.

joined May 21, 2016

Any good news?

Not really. Which is the reason why I'm here. I just wanna tell you guys that I really will leave for a while now. I don't know for how long I'll be gone, but it'll be a while. So see you. And take care.

o/ See you, be safe.

joined Jul 27, 2015

Not much time, but just to answer a few of your questions:
I feel fucking amazing!!! Seriously, I feel like a new person. When I woke up I could actually feel the new heart beating in my chest and it was one of the best feelings I ever had in my life. Now I'm here in this absolutely fucking beautiful rehab center, sharing the room with a girl my age who's there to recover from a heart surgery as well and I'm so fucking pumped yo. There's a bunch of PE in my schedule. I had a round of basketball against a nurse yesterday and though it was only 20 minutes, I swear I almost cried cause I actually pulled through without needing a 2 hour break afterwards. I actually wanted to go another round, but doc said to not overdo it. Today was just some general stamina training in the fitness room and learning about good diets and other every day life activities with a good effect on the heart. Basically, anything that makes you happy has a positive effect on your heart's health. If that's how it is, then I know a few things I'll do a lot once I get back home. ;D So yeah. I'm doing absolutely fucking perfect. :D And I'm glad I didn't miss too much over here. XD

Btw, Newpai is still a thing? Damn! Shit's gettin real in here. XD

last edited at Jun 2, 2016 2:47PM

joined Jan 13, 2016

Hi Su. It is nice to see you again after a while. Glad things are going well with you.

joined Jan 4, 2016

Just bought the most expensive breakfast sandwich cause I wasn't paying attention ≧Д≦)ノ it better be bomb!

Afternoon, morning, evening everyone.

It wasn't bomb and they didn't toast my bagel -___- that was lit. Uncalled for smh

last edited at Jun 3, 2016 11:27AM

joined Mar 2, 2016

Just bought the most expensive breakfast sandwich cause I wasn't paying attention ≧Д≦)ノ it better be bomb!

Afternoon, morning, evening everyone.

It wasn't bomb and they didn't toast my bagel -___- that was lit. Uncalled for smh

Ahaha xD well next time you know lol.

And goood afternoon everyonee.

joined Jan 13, 2016

Good afternoon Newp. It is Friday. What's your plan for tonight?

joined May 21, 2016

I'm relieved because I finally finished an art piece I had been working on for months mostly because I lost interest in it The important thing is I finished. It's the small victories in life~

joined Mar 2, 2016

I'm relieved because I finally finished an art piece I had been working on for months mostly because I lost interest in it The important thing is I finished. It's the small victories in life~

Oohh what kind of art piece?? So curious :D

mvl nothing much, kind just relaxing now and reading a book with ice packets on my thigh. I got stung by a bee today.. not fun. = = . What about you?

joined May 21, 2016


I did an abstract portrait! I've never done a portrait before as I really don't enjoy drawing people really. Inanimate objects(still lives, city capes) are more my forte.

I'm still curious about your art!

joined Jan 13, 2016

mvl nothing much, kind just relaxing now and reading a book with ice packets on my thigh. I got stung by a bee today.. not fun. = = . What about you?

Oh no...that sucks. I hope it wasn't that bad. It is Friday when you could go and and have some fun with your friends, or study without anything bothering you hahahaha...

As for me, i'm just gonna do my usual--stay home, under my blanket and just stare at the ceiling then go to sleep. It's mvl time from Friday night to Sunday.

joined Mar 2, 2016

Oh no...that sucks. I hope it wasn't that bad. It is Friday when you could go and and have some fun with your friends, or study without anything bothering you hahahaha...

As for me, i'm just gonna do my usual--stay home, under my blanket and just stare at the ceiling then go to sleep. It's mvl time from Friday night to Sunday.

One of my bffs just got back from vacay so we're planning on partying it out like crazy soon haha. I need to save my energy for then x) shes got a lot in store for me apparently lol.. Im excited but a little scared.. because shes a party freak lool.
Aw no plans for this lovely weekend?
You should go out on a picnic or something!

Oh that sounds awesome! Im also not a big fan of doing portraits but its something I plan to work on. Im working on studying the human figure more thoroughly atm though. I love looking at character art.
Id love to see some of your works too sometime! I haavee posted a few of my artworks here before through an imgur link lol but its buried under all of my posts and Im too lazy to look for it Dx

joined Jan 13, 2016

Oh no...that sucks. I hope it wasn't that bad. It is Friday when you could go and and have some fun with your friends, or study without anything bothering you hahahaha...

As for me, i'm just gonna do my usual--stay home, under my blanket and just stare at the ceiling then go to sleep. It's mvl time from Friday night to Sunday.

One of my bffs just got back from vacay so we're planning on partying it out like crazy soon haha. I need to save my energy for then x) shes got a lot in store for me apparently lol.. Im excited but a little scared.. because shes a party freak lool.
Aw no plans for this lovely weekend?
You should go out on a picnic or something!

Oh that is nice. Spending time with friends is nice. My problem is the fact that i have 0 motivation to drive to go out. Totally negative motivation.

Going out on a picnic by yourself is not exciting. Hahaha...i can just go picnic on my backyard but still not want to. I am just a totally indoor type of person.

Well, i hope you have lots of fun but don't forget this lonely thread. Don't let it die of being too lonely.

joined Sep 15, 2015

TGIF !! :D

joined Jan 13, 2016

Kitkat just take this thread to go with you.

joined Jan 4, 2016

TGIF !! :D

what are your plans for tonight Kittykat/ everyone else?

last edited at Jun 3, 2016 7:10PM

joined May 21, 2016

TGIF !! :D

what are your plans for tonight Kittykat/ everyone else?

I just purchased the Bloodborne DLC finally, so I spent all night trying to beat that. Well worth the $20~
What about you?

joined Jul 27, 2015

It's Saturday! Which over here means the patients get a lot of free time and folks can come to visit. So right now me and Katrin (the girl I'm rooming with) are gonna chill out in the PC room for a bit and watch YT and whatnot and then we'll go out for some tennis and volleyball and in the afternoon her parents are gonna visit and Lin and my siblings are gonna come to see me. Gonna be the best weekend I've had in a while. ^^

joined Jul 27, 2015

Also, Lin just texted me she's gonna bring Jacky along.

This day has just gotten infinitely better.

joined Mar 2, 2016

Hello folks~ lovely day.
Su great to hear youre doing well, that really does sound like a load of fun .

joined Feb 5, 2015

Looks like you're having a blast at the new place Su, which is good to hear xD

Hi all, anybody who is around. Have a nice day :3

joined Sep 15, 2015

Ugh !! Sunburn !!! >.<

joined Jan 13, 2016

Ugh !! Sunburn !!! >.<

Ouch! I never got sunburned in my entire life.

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