You're supposed to come up with another rhyme! Kanojo usually says "Nothin', love muffin" :P
I suck at rhyming though. :T But "love muffin" sounds like an awesome nickname, lol.
Also admiring this magnetic strip kanojo installed in the kitchen that all the knives attach to. I didn't even know knives were magnetic. It's nicer than trying to find a block that has the right size spaces for everything.
We have that thing as well. >< I don't really like it, to be perfectly honest. I mean, look:
Our kitchen would look perfectly normal and peaceful if it weren't for this line of unsheated weapons hanging on the wall like some kind of silent threat. DX Idk, it just makes me nervous. But out of the 2 of us, Lin makes the most meals and she likes that thing for the same reason that you like it, so I'm not saying anything. I really would prefer a block though. :T
Yeah, I'm feeling great actually! I feel fit enough to go working again, but doc says I can't, so I won't. sighs More lazy days for me. I'm at least allowed to go out and do normal every day stuff as long as I don't get stressed, so that's at least something. XD
last edited at Apr 30, 2016 2:33AM