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joined Feb 8, 2016

Oops, sorry Su, fell asleep for a little bit again :)

Yeah, she told me she came ranting to you guys in the middle of the night after she met him at the hospital. I screamed at him until my throat was sore when he came visiting me after she told me. The nurses actually had to get him out of the room cause they thought I was gonna attack him or suffer a heart attack or something. ^^;

Lol both scary and great.

Yeah, I think so as well. My mother says ever since our little fallout in the hospital, he's been asking her tons of questions. Things like "how do you think people turn homosexual? Or is it just something you're born with?" or "Why would you wanna be with someone if you can't have a family with them? I mean, isn't wanting to have a family the reason why you marry in the first place?" He's actually asking for her opinion, that's how I know he's getting there. But he's extremely thick-skulled as well, so time really is the key factor. -.- Though my heart really goes out to those people, who have their entire family against them. Nobody deserves to live through that kind of shit. :/

He clearly still loves you and wasn't running for the hills/disowning you after your spat with him, so he'll come around. Eventually... "turn homosexual" / eye roll /

Obedience is such a deep part of our culture, so if they had been really negative about my coming out I think it would have been a really difficult process for me.

Difficult in which way? Do you think you might have reconsidered your choices if they told you they don't approve? Not judging, just curious. o.o

I probably would have reconsidered how openly I chose to live my life, and for someone like me that would have taken its toll. Maybe by the time I was my age now, I would have been over it and just lived my life, but I've always been a bit of a pushover when it comes to my parents. It's probably good that I don't live close to them :| Staying closeted to my parents and out (to some degree) in the rest of my life would have been just as bad. I tell them pretty much everything and have always been attached to both of them.

last edited at Apr 30, 2016 9:52AM

joined Mar 28, 2015

Funny, how fathers are often the ones who have a hard time accepting that their daughter is a lesbian.

I haven't talked to my father for years. I made an effort at some point at Christmas to go and see him, but it always ended badly, so, I'm done with his shit. But thanks to their divorce, I can still go see my mum and she's a whole lot more supportive (even though she worries a lot).

joined Feb 13, 2016

Obedience is such a deep part of our culture, so if they had been really negative about my coming out I think it would have been a really difficult process for me.

Difficult in which way? Do you think you might have reconsidered your choices if they told you they don't approve? Not judging, just curious. o.o

I probably would have reconsidered how openly I chose to live my life, and for someone like me that would have taken its toll. Maybe by the time I was my age now, I would have been over it and just lived my life, but I've always been a bit of a pushover when it comes to my parents. It's probably good that I don't live close to them :| Staying closeted to my parents and out (to some degree) in the rest of my life would have been just as bad. I tell them pretty much everything and have always been attached to both of them.

Yeah, tofu-san, I relate to that pretty well. Obedience and respect are such a big deal in our culture. I put a lot of thoughts before coming out to my parents, since I knew drama would happen; but I'm very attached to them too, so hiding such a big part of my life was just unbearable. Glad that things are getting better.

joined Feb 8, 2016

Funny, how fathers are often the ones who have a hard time accepting that their daughter is a lesbian.

I haven't talked to my father for years. I made an effort at some point at Christmas to go and see him, but it always ended badly, so, I'm done with his shit. But thanks to their divorce, I can still go see my mum and she's a whole lot more supportive (even though she worries a lot).

If someone's that unwilling to accept who you are, they're hardly family at that point. If you make an effort to reach out and it's getting nowhere, then the rest is on him. Sorry to hear that though; it's hard no matter what. I'm glad your mom is supportive though :) Depending on where you are, she has may have reason for concern. My mom used to check up on me, making sure I wasn't experiencing direct negativity from anybody or potentially getting bullied in college. She didn't know how liberal of an area I was in lol. Even so it made me feel supported and taken care of.

last edited at Apr 30, 2016 10:25AM

joined Feb 8, 2016

Yeah, tofu-san, I relate to that pretty well. Obedience and respect are such a big deal in our culture. I put a lot of thoughts before coming out to my parents, since I knew drama would happen; but I'm very attached to them too, so hiding such a big part of my life was just unbearable. Glad that things are getting better.

Glad they're getting better, too. How long ago was that for you? It's sort of amazing that a kid could be obedient and respectful in every aspect of their life, be successful in school and training to be a doctor (the Asian parent dream come true), but you drop the queer bomb on them and they'll go nuts...

joined Feb 13, 2016

Yeah, tofu-san, I relate to that pretty well. Obedience and respect are such a big deal in our culture. I put a lot of thoughts before coming out to my parents, since I knew drama would happen; but I'm very attached to them too, so hiding such a big part of my life was just unbearable. Glad that things are getting better.

Glad they're getting better, too. How long ago was that for you? It's sort of amazing that a kid could be obedient and respectful in every aspect of their life, be successful in school and training to be a doctor (the Asian parent dream come true), but you drop the queer bomb on them and they'll go nuts...

Around 3 years ago. My parents aren't that conservative. Like I knew they kind of respected lgbt, but I also knew it was good as far as their daughter wasn't one.. So when I came out it was an ugly thing to see. But as you said, that's like the only bomb I ever dropped on them, so I think they just shrugged it off at some point. Sometimes, they still bug me a little, but it's a minor issue.

last edited at Apr 30, 2016 10:55AM

joined Feb 8, 2016

Around 3 years ago. My parents aren't that conservative. Like I knew they kind of respected lgbt, but I also knew it was good as far as their daughter wasn't one.. So when I came out it was an ugly thing to see. But as you said, that's like the only bomb I ever dropped on them, so I think they just shrugged it off at some point. Sometimes, they still bug me a little, but it's a minor issue.

I see, yeah, that's the case more often than you'd think. People often think they're fine with something but then if their own kid does it then it's a different story. I guess the opposite is true though also, that there are a lot of people who are conservative about lgbt issues, and then they find out their own flesh and blood is gay and their opinions turn around.

I have a friend from high school who I'm almost completely convinced is gay, and her parents have always been really nice and supportive to me, but I think if she came out to them it would be a completely different story. I try to leave the door open for her to talk to me about it, but I think she's closed off the whole idea of any sort of love life. I don't have a lot of friends like her and am the opposite a prude, so maybe I'm just the wrong person for her to open up to :(

joined Jul 27, 2015

will just continue following your convo like a creeper as I have nothing more to add or say o.o

joined Mar 8, 2014

OMG! They're not!!! Anything metal will stick to the magnet!!!! >< ><

Not really. The only magnetic metals are iron, nickel and cobalt and alloys, which contain a lot of either of these 3. Anything else isn't magnetic.

well whatever!! but knives surely are!!

joined Feb 13, 2016

Around 3 years ago. My parents aren't that conservative. Like I knew they kind of respected lgbt, but I also knew it was good as far as their daughter wasn't one.. So when I came out it was an ugly thing to see. But as you said, that's like the only bomb I ever dropped on them, so I think they just shrugged it off at some point. Sometimes, they still bug me a little, but it's a minor issue.

I see, yeah, that's the case more often than you'd think. People often think they're fine with something but then if their own kid does it then it's a different story. I guess the opposite is true though also, that there are a lot of people who are conservative about lgbt issues, and then they find out their own flesh and blood is gay and their opinions turn around.

I have a friend from high school who I'm almost completely convinced is gay, and her parents have always been really nice and supportive to me, but I think if she came out to them it would be a completely different story. I try to leave the door open for her to talk to me about it, but I think she's closed off the whole idea of any sort of love life. I don't have a lot of friends like her and am the opposite a prude, so maybe I'm just the wrong person for her to open up to :(

Sad thing about your friend. Shutting down love life because of that is just too painful.

I have a male friend who is gay, but hasn't come out to his parents. He has it very hard. His parents are very religious and don't accept queer people at all. I'm glad that he still manages to have a love life, but I can feel something is not right. It's like he keeps a lot inside, and his love life is a mess. Sometimes I'm afraid of what he might do.

joined Jul 27, 2015

OMG! They're not!!! Anything metal will stick to the magnet!!!! >< ><

Not really. The only magnetic metals are iron, nickel and cobalt and alloys, which contain a lot of either of these 3. Anything else isn't magnetic.

well whatever!! but knives surely are!!

That depends on what the knife is made of. XD Titanium knives, platinum knives and ceramic knives are very common and neither of those are magnetic. ^^ Most knives these days are made from a sort of refined high-grade steel and not all of these steel kinds are magnetic either. :)

last edited at Apr 30, 2016 12:19PM

joined Feb 8, 2016

will just continue following your convo like a creeper as I have nothing more to add or say o.o

Lol / pokes Su /

Sad thing about your friend. Shutting down love life because of that is just too painful.

Yeah I'm not saying people can't be happy single, but I don't get the impression that's why she doesn't go out of her way to meet people. Maybe I can discretely float a nice Jewish lesbian into her life... somehow.

I have a male friend who is gay, but hasn't come out to his parents. He has it very hard. His parents are very religious and don't accept queer people at all. I'm glad that he still manages to have a love life, but I can feel something is not right. It's like he keeps a lot inside, and his love life is a mess. Sometimes I'm afraid of what he might do.

I don't know how many times I've heard a story like that by now, but it's far too many. A friend of mine is the son of a minister, and he just loves sex... so much... If you could be extra bisexual, he's the most bisexual person I've ever met. Screwing boys all over town, getting pegged by every willing lady he can find. He has a beard and his dad thinks he's been in a long term relationship with a woman and has noooo idea about any of it. I think he's wanted to drop the facade for a long time and at least tell his dad that he's not in a monogamous relationship and doesn't intend to be, but he doesn't know how to and feels like he's just digging himself deeper day by day. For sure hiding things does terrible stuff for people's self-esteem and that negativity propagates itself through many parts of their lives. / Sigh /

last edited at Apr 30, 2016 12:32PM

joined Jul 27, 2015

Lol / pokes Su /

bites Dofu's finger Grrr....

joined Feb 8, 2016

Lol / pokes Su /

bites Dofu's finger Grrr....

Oh honey, there's only one woman in my life who gets my fingers in her mouth

joined Jul 27, 2015

Lol / pokes Su /

bites Dofu's finger Grrr....

Oh honey, there's only one woman in my life who gets my fingers in her mouth

Should've seen that coming >< XD

joined Feb 8, 2016

Lol / pokes Su /

bites Dofu's finger Grrr....

Oh honey, there's only one woman in my life who gets my fingers in her mouth

Should've seen that coming >< XD

Lol at least you understand that you had it coming :P

joined Mar 2, 2016

Lol / pokes Su /

bites Dofu's finger Grrr....

Oh honey, there's only one woman in my life who gets my fingers in her mouth

Dayum.. xD

joined Jul 27, 2015

Lol / pokes Su /

bites Dofu's finger Grrr....

Oh honey, there's only one woman in my life who gets my fingers in her mouth

Should've seen that coming >< XD

Lol at least you understand that you had it coming :P

I'm aware I'm repeating myself, but whatever: #TeamShamelessLeader XD

Meh. Lin should've been home about 2 hours ago and she's not answering her phone. Wonder what's going on. o.o;

joined Feb 8, 2016

Lol / pokes Su /

bites Dofu's finger Grrr....

Oh honey, there's only one woman in my life who gets my fingers in her mouth

Should've seen that coming >< XD

Lol at least you understand that you had it coming :P

I'm aware I'm repeating myself, but whatever: #TeamShamelessLeader XD

Lol I thought that was the other half of Sulin that said that. One mind :P

Meh. Lin should've been home about 2 hours ago and she's not answering her phone. Wonder what's going on. o.o;

Hope it's just Berlin traffic :(

Dayum.. xD

Hey Newp :P

joined Jul 27, 2015

And talking about Team Leaders: OMFG, Sumin has put me on an emotional roller coaster ride these past few chapters. DX I was like "Gawd, you can be such a bitch!" Then next chapter "Gawd, I feel ya woman! Lemme cuddle yoouu!" It's a tad bit annoying, tbh. X'D

joined Feb 8, 2016

Yeah I'm still on the don't give a fuck about Sumin train right now. Pretty much every non-Sungji character I just don't care about seeing lol... I'm ready for the "Sungji adorably reads the phone book" chapter. I'd buy it. Sumin was really a lot of people's favorite character for the longest time (several saying they just wanted a happy ending for her and the rest didn't matter), but I think recent stuff with Seju has tempered that sentiment.

last edited at Apr 30, 2016 1:18PM

joined Jul 27, 2015

Lol I thought that was the other half of Sulin that said that. One mind :P

X'D Happened before in another forum as well. I repeated something someone else said, going "I know I said it before, but blah blah blah" and then the guy showed up and said "Dude, I said that first!" XD It's kinda weird. When I read chat conversations of forums I'm part of and some quote gets stuck in my mind, my brain will sometimes think that I was the one who came up with it. Also happens in real life sometimes, like when I remember an argument with someone. One time, my sister and me got really lost when we wanted to visit our aunt and uncle. We tried to avoid a traffic jam on the highway and took a detour and ended up in the middle of fucking nowhere, so we were forced to stay the night in a motel. XD So while we were lying there in our beds, trying to fall asleep, I suddenly went "We should've just done what I said and taken the damn train." And she just answers "Su, that's what I said" in that completely flat tone. XD IDK how it happens, but it does.

Hope it's just Berlin traffic :(

I think she would've answered if she were stuck in traffic. :/ Her putting her phone on silent mode and ignoring it for hours usually only happens when one of her kids barges in with some sort of emergency and she needs to focus on taking care of them or comforting them. If that's the case, I hope it's nothing too bad. :/

Hey there, Newpy ^^ waves

last edited at Apr 30, 2016 1:34PM

joined Jul 27, 2015

Yeah I'm still on the don't give a fuck about Sumin train right now. Pretty much every non-Sungji character I just don't care about seeing lol... I'm ready for the "Sungji adorably reads the phone book" chapter. I'd buy it. Sumin was really a lot of people's favorite character for the longest time (several saying they just wanted a happy ending for her and the rest didn't matter), but I think recent stuff with Seju has tempered that sentiment.

I still support Team Pink all the way and I have to admit I don't really like Sungji as a character until now. I recognize her importance for the story, but overall, I just don't relate to her. I think she's cute, but that's it. XD Seju is still my favorite character and I love Sumin to death as well, so no matter if Team Pink or Team Blonde is gonna be endgame, I hope both of them will get out of this story with a smile on their face. Even if Sumin x Seju isn't gonna happen, I hope they will at least manage to just talk things out and tie up those loose ends. So Sumin can be happy with Sungji and Seju can just take a breath, accept that her past with Sumin is just that - the past - and move on. If my bubble is going to get burst, I hope Team Gaji will be gentle about it. DX

joined Feb 8, 2016

X'D Happened before in another forum as well. I repeated something someone else said, going "I know I said it before, but blah blah blah" and then the guy showed up and said "Dude, I said that first!" XD It's kinda weird. When I read chat conversations of forums I'm part of and some quote gets stuck in my mind, my brain will sometimes think that I was the one who came up with it. Also happens in real life sometimes, like when I remember an argument with someone. One time, my sister and me got really lost when we wanted to visit our aunt and uncle. We tried to avoid a traffic jam on the highway and took a detour and ended up in the middle of fucking nowhere, so we were forced to stay the night in a motel. XD So while we were lying there in our beds, trying to fall asleep, I suddenly went "We should've just done what I said and taken the damn train." And she just answers "Su, that's what I said" in that completely flat tone. XD IDK how it happens, but it does.

Lol plagiarism :P

I think she would've answered if she were stuck in traffic. :/ Her putting her phone on silent mode and ignoring it for hours usually only happens when one of her kids barges in with some sort of emergency and she needs to focus on taking care of them or comforting them. If that's the case, I hope it's nothing too bad. :/

Oh I see :( Busy lady. Does she have to work weekends a lot?

I'm going to go play basketball for a bit, but I might be on for a bit later. Not sure though, kanojo wants to go out for a walk and then she's painting her toenails and then she wants to go for a walk and then she's eating lunch and then she wants to go for a walk and then turns on the music and it's dance party time and then she wants to go for a walk and I need to leave for basketball... women -_-

And Sungji is the cutest and the funniest :P That is all.

last edited at Apr 30, 2016 2:00PM

joined Jul 27, 2015

Lol plagiarism :P

#DontSueSuPlease XD

Oh I see :( Busy lady. Does she have to work weekends a lot?

As far as I know, she doesn't have to work on weekends and holidays at all, but she still does "inofficially" (meaning she doesn't write down those hours in her monthly working hour log, since the youth welfare office in Germany actually makes its workers pay fines if they work overtime too much.) She usually spends Saturdays driving through the city from morning til evening, checking on her street kids and everyone else she's got under her wing for at least an hour or 2. I think it's awesome how she genuinely cares about those teens like that. ^^ Her dedication is one of the main things I admire about her.

I'm going to go play basketball for a bit, but I might be on for a bit later. Not sure though, kanojo wants to go out for a walk and then she's painting her toenails and then she wants to go for a walk and then she's eating lunch and then she wants to go for a walk and then turns on the music and it's dance party time and then she wants to go for a walk and I need to leave for basketball... women -_-

Maybe try to convince her to try nordic walking if she wants to walk a lot? At least that way you'll have something to laugh at. XD (I dunno, I think it just looks hilarious when people walk around with those sticks.) Anyway, have fun, hang in there and see you later...maybe. XD

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