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joined Apr 3, 2016

Anyone is planning to do any real traveling?

Honeymoon is going to be in Australia, but other than that...nope.

joined Feb 13, 2016

Same with gloves. I'm not going to put on rubber gloves every time I'm about to finger my girlfriend. I wanna get her off, not perform a gyn exam on her. /rolls eyes/ I mean, sure. Safe sex is important and all, even if you can't get pregnant. But I believe the safest you can actually get even without ridiculous safe sex methods is to simply be strict with your personal hygiene and go see a gynecologist on a regular basis just to really be on the safe side. I've done it that way ever since I started having sex and my south regions have remained perfectly healthy ever since.

omg, thank you :)
this useful ^-^
yeah, I thought it was ridiculous too... all those sites telling you to do that...
whisper I've never been to a gynecologist... >.> I'm really scared... well.. I don't have any reason to f-for the moment... well you could argue you always do have a reason >.> but lets not do that ^-^''''''''''

I agree with dofudofu and Lin, so I won't add anything else about safe sex. About the gynecologist, it's okay to be hesitant; I mean, the whole idea of spreading you legs open so that one stranger exams you is weird. But there's really no need to be scared. Understand that no decent gynecologist would force an examination on you. When I was in my gynecology stay, there were many appointments with younger women that I only talked to them and gave orientations about sexual education and health in general. That's actually a good start to gain some trust in a doctor.

And about your personal stuff. I think I'm not the best person to talk about it, but if I do come up with something, I will tell you.

last edited at Apr 15, 2016 7:48PM

joined Feb 8, 2016

whisper I've never been to a gynecologist... >.> I'm really scared... well.. I don't have any reason to f-for the moment... well you could argue you always do have a reason >.> but lets not do that ^-^''''''''''

It's not a joyous occasion. Go anyway.

As for the long post, honestly there's not much for me to say. Family can always get complicated and I really back off any judgment calls when I don't know them (or you) on a personal basis. As for hearing your parents having sex; that's always horrifying and something I try to purge from my mind.

I have to go to kanojo's dinner thing with her coworkers. Don't have too much fun with out me.

joined Apr 3, 2016


Kidding. xD

joined Mar 8, 2014

But yeah! I don't know! what do you think!?

I have a hunch. But I'm not sure. Mind sharing a bit more about your mother? If it's not too much to ask, obviously.

um, yes, of course. Not that I'm sure what to say >.>
I have memories from a very young age so I remember my mom was really affectionate and stuff before I became four or so but after when I started going to kindgarden she also became kind of strict. She was really a perfectionist. I mean I admit that when I was around three I was not the most well behaved child; I was kind of hyperactive and acted like the whole world turned around me ^-^''' (omg, no, seriously, I used to be kind of prissy annoying). But when I turned around 4 I became kind of shy; I don't remember how! >.< Maybe my mom had already started being strict? (But I don't remember this!) Anyway after that I was like super well behave, honestly, all the teachers said I was really good. But my mom was always really like "don't do this, don't do that" when it came to social things or like "when we go there don't do that" even though I had literally never done anything... Honestly I just remember that after 4 years old I was always extremely careful to be polite... But even more after 6. When I went to primary school she was also really strict about my studies; not super strict but anyway. She would always tell me why I'm not studying and why I'm not doing additional exercises to review the lesson and she would always say she was sure X did that and that's why she was so good... I had decent grades; though in 4th grade they kind of dropped a lot... and she used to tell I'd repeat a grade and try to scare me with that... But I never did; I had high grades after that. But when I went to high school I realized I had this weird desire to be really good and there was this girl (who the teachers sort of favored) that I realized I was jealous of... not that my mom's attitude helped... because there was this scholarship and she would always encourage me to surpass this girl. She wasn't mean; that's why I said encourage but I don't think it was for good... I ended up getting obsessed with it and I would get really irritated because every time she got higher grades in greek than everyone... and I had a lot of spelling errors (because I did primary school in Spain) so they always cut me a lot of points for that... I felt really helpless...
Um, well when I was around 11 for a short time my mom was very irritable (due to my dad) and she always get mad at me... I think it was after 10 that I started feeling cringy when she was affectionate towards me so I don't know if it's related but it could be. When we left Spain we moved to Greece and she was very irritable the first year too and I became really "rebellious" well... I was argued with her; I didn't do anything crazy. But I sort of had a grudge against my parents because we always moved from place to place and when we went to Greece I had a very hard time adapting and I went kind of pretty much socially awkward and I ignored by the girls in my class or they would whisper stuff about me...
I don't know if I deviated from the topic but err that's it ^-^''' sorry for rambling ^-^'''

joined Mar 8, 2014

whisper I've never been to a gynecologist... >.> I'm really scared... well.. I don't have any reason to f-for the moment... well you could argue you always do have a reason >.> but lets not do that ^-^''''''''''

It's not a joyous occasion. Go anyway.

As for the long post, honestly there's not much for me to say. Family can always get complicated and I really back off any judgment calls when I don't know them (or you) on a personal basis. As for hearing your parents having sex; that's always horrifying and something I try to purge from my mind.

I have to go to kanojo's dinner thing with her coworkers. Don't have too much fun with out me.

Dofudofu, um... I'll go after I... have sex (maybe right before even)>.> I promise
Um, well you obviously don't really know if I'm really clingy in an unhealthy way or not. I don't think I am; I just think I have some issues with that... but I'm not sure I should concern myself with them... or if it's bad to hope that someone will be there for me to feel better. I mean I hear all the time that you should feel better on your own and not expect others to come along to fix your issues... but if I get lonely... how am I supposed not to be lonely when I'm alone? I mean... if you were trapped in a underground station that was empty (sorry for the random scenario >.>) for... well... a very long time... wouldn't you feel lonely?! wouldn't it be outrageous for someone to tell you that you should learn to feel okay on your own?

joined Apr 3, 2016

I think we're getting there. Could you answer two questions for me, please?
1. You said in your last post, that your mother "left" at some point in your life. When was this and in which way did she leave? Did she actually move away from you and your father or did she simply become more distant from you?
2. What exactly is your opinion on your mother today?

joined Apr 3, 2016

I mean... if you were trapped in a underground station that was empty (sorry for the random scenario >.>) for... well... a very long time... wouldn't you feel lonely?! wouldn't it be outrageous for someone to tell you that you should learn to feel okay on your own?

That wasn't a "random scenario", hun. You chose this example, because you can relate to it. "Trapped in an underground station" is an extremely expressive metaphor. That was your inner demons showing their face, not just a random thought.

joined Jan 13, 2016

Anyone is planning to do any real traveling?

Honeymoon is going to be in Australia, but other than that...nope.

Oh sounds fun. I don't like traveling but i like going on adentures or just simply experience other parts of the world. Maybe i'll really go eat ice cream and stare at those hot babes in bikinis with Rainy365. Hahaha.

joined Nov 20, 2015

Anyone is planning to do any real traveling?

Honeymoon is going to be in Australia, but other than that...nope.

Oh sounds fun. I don't like traveling but i like going on adentures or just simply experience other parts of the world. Maybe i'll really go eat ice cream and stare at those hot babes in bikinis with Rainy365. Hahaha.

U changed yr mind?
U didnt knock yr head up? XD

last edited at Apr 15, 2016 8:05PM

joined Jan 13, 2016

Anyone is planning to do any real traveling?

Honeymoon is going to be in Australia, but other than that...nope.

Oh sounds fun. I don't like traveling but i like going on adentures or just simply experience other parts of the world. Maybe i'll really go eat ice cream and stare at those hot babes in bikinis with Rainy365. Hahaha.

U changed yr mind?
U didnt knock yr head up? XD

Haha. I didn't knock my head. I wanna see how you stare at hot women.

joined Mar 8, 2014

I think we're getting there. Could you answer two questions for me, please?
1. You said in your last post, that your mother "left" at some point in your life. When was this and in which way did she leave? Did she actually move away from you and your father or did she simply become more distant from you?
2. What exactly is your opinion on your mother today?

She moved away from my father. But with me. We had been living in Spain so my mom just took me and left and we moved to Greece but... yeah the financial crisis hit and I had some trouble with the language (written) and the kids were really different so I had some issues...
My mom has really changed. She used to be a real perfectionist and now she's a bit... more carefree... but not in a good way particularly. It had some good points but also some bad ones; she seems a bit hopeless; that's the bad one, but she's not depressing ^-^'' She used to work as a biologist and after we moved to Greece she got a job that didn't pay so we left to Cyprus where her sister appointed her to work in this jam workshop because she was moving to the U.S with her family. And my aunt is not really nice (my uncle is worse) and she kind of tries so control everything and stuff... >.> So my mom feels like everyone is using her and like she's always dependent on someone so that perfectionism and strong attitude she had before is gone. I don't have a bad opinion about my mom; she always tries to be understanding and stuff and we talk about things...? I mean she never tries to stop me from doing anything or tries to dictate what I will do... unless she's being overprotective... (she used to tell me not to wear very short shorts when I was walking alone(during the day btw)). But sometimes she thinks she is always right and that I'm just some naive little girl that doesn't have a clue and she's kind of overprotective; though I admit sometimes I get irritated easily when she asks a lot of questions... but she really does!
Also... err... I think sometimes I catch myself trying to be a bit like my mom used to be. I've always been kind of a perfectionist as well but my mom used to be really anxious (or act that way) about things she shouldn't be and I realize I get that too but I tell myself over and over that it's okay. But I don't know exactly how to explain this, sorry ^-^''', I just really try to have things organized and stuff and have this sort of feminine but also strong aura. I'm not sure, I just honestly find myself being really into cooking and having light music playing and being overly concerned about decorating things and making them flawless which is something my mom did as well... But I don't get irritated sometimes when I feel weird and things get messy (though everyone says my room is never messy even when I think it is >.>)

omg, "good" this "bad" that... it's so is cringy >.<... I'm sorry I'm usually not like this when I write but right now I write as though I'm talking so yeah >.>

last edited at Apr 15, 2016 8:17PM

joined Jan 13, 2016

Anyone is planning to do any real traveling?

Honeymoon is going to be in Australia, but other than that...nope.

Oh sounds fun. I don't like traveling but i like going on adentures or just simply experience other parts of the world. Maybe i'll really go eat ice cream and stare at those hot babes in bikinis with Rainy365. Hahaha.

U changed yr mind?
U didnt knock yr head up? XD

Maybe i really got hit on the head especially after listening to a long sex education talk by Dofu and Lin.

joined Feb 13, 2016

Lin, this is interesting. You also call that an anamnesis? I feel so helpless, because I see all those informations and I can't really grasp a hypothesis - which I'm so used too xD

last edited at Apr 15, 2016 8:14PM

joined Mar 8, 2014

I mean... if you were trapped in a underground station that was empty (sorry for the random scenario >.>) for... well... a very long time... wouldn't you feel lonely?! wouldn't it be outrageous for someone to tell you that you should learn to feel okay on your own?

That wasn't a "random scenario", hun. You chose this example, because you can relate to it. "Trapped in an underground station" is an extremely expressive metaphor. That was your inner demons showing their face, not just a random thought.

omg... this is a bit scary... Yes, I do relate to it... But I could have chosen something simpler likeeeee... "if you lived alone and didn't have any friends" but for some reason that's not the first thing that pops in my head and it doesn't seem a bit... cliche?

joined Nov 20, 2015

Anyone is planning to do any real traveling?

Honeymoon is going to be in Australia, but other than that...nope.

Oh sounds fun. I don't like traveling but i like going on adentures or just simply experience other parts of the world. Maybe i'll really go eat ice cream and stare at those hot babes in bikinis with Rainy365. Hahaha.

U changed yr mind?
U didnt knock yr head up? XD

Haha. I didn't knock my head. I wanna see how you stare at hot women.

I am not a beginner, I'll use dark sunglasses, u know...
Bare eyes are not recommended.. lolz.. dont wanna get slapped on vacation..

joined Jan 13, 2016

Anyone is planning to do any real traveling?

Honeymoon is going to be in Australia, but other than that...nope.

Oh sounds fun. I don't like traveling but i like going on adentures or just simply experience other parts of the world. Maybe i'll really go eat ice cream and stare at those hot babes in bikinis with Rainy365. Hahaha.

U changed yr mind?
U didnt knock yr head up? XD

Haha. I didn't knock my head. I wanna see how you stare at hot women.

I am not a beginner, I'll use dark sunglasses, u know...
Bare eyes are not recommended.. lolz.. dont wanna get slapped on vacation..

I'm sure you have stared at plenty of hot women in your lifetime. Maybe even had eaten a few of your beautiful preys.

Aren't they free to stare lol?

joined Nov 20, 2015

Anyone is planning to do any real traveling?

Honeymoon is going to be in Australia, but other than that...nope.

Oh sounds fun. I don't like traveling but i like going on adentures or just simply experience other parts of the world. Maybe i'll really go eat ice cream and stare at those hot babes in bikinis with Rainy365. Hahaha.

U changed yr mind?
U didnt knock yr head up? XD

Haha. I didn't knock my head. I wanna see how you stare at hot women.

I am not a beginner, I'll use dark sunglasses, u know...
Bare eyes are not recommended.. lolz.. dont wanna get slapped on vacation..

I'm sure you have stared at plenty of hot women in your lifetime. Maybe even had eaten a few of your beautiful preys.

Aren't they free to stare lol?

thats how far a wish from real life..
Staring is fine, i admire the beauty..

joined Jan 13, 2016

Anyone is planning to do any real traveling?

Honeymoon is going to be in Australia, but other than that...nope.

Oh sounds fun. I don't like traveling but i like going on adentures or just simply experience other parts of the world. Maybe i'll really go eat ice cream and stare at those hot babes in bikinis with Rainy365. Hahaha.

U changed yr mind?
U didnt knock yr head up? XD

Haha. I didn't knock my head. I wanna see how you stare at hot women.

I am not a beginner, I'll use dark sunglasses, u know...
Bare eyes are not recommended.. lolz.. dont wanna get slapped on vacation..

I'm sure you have stared at plenty of hot women in your lifetime. Maybe even had eaten a few of your beautiful preys.

Aren't they free to stare lol?

thats how far a wish from real life..
Staring is fine, i admire the beauty..

Don't tell me you haven't caught one yet. Time to practice your skills including your staring skill. Hahaha. I wanna see how you haunt your prey when i come there.

joined Mar 8, 2014

do you stare that hard that you'd get slapped? XD I for one don't especially mind when people stare unless they do it too much and it makes me embarrassed XD

joined Feb 13, 2016

Anyone is planning to do any real traveling?

Honeymoon is going to be in Australia, but other than that...nope.

Oh sounds fun. I don't like traveling but i like going on adentures or just simply experience other parts of the world. Maybe i'll really go eat ice cream and stare at those hot babes in bikinis with Rainy365. Hahaha.

U changed yr mind?
U didnt knock yr head up? XD

Haha. I didn't knock my head. I wanna see how you stare at hot women.

I am not a beginner, I'll use dark sunglasses, u know...
Bare eyes are not recommended.. lolz.. dont wanna get slapped on vacation..

I'm sure you have stared at plenty of hot women in your lifetime. Maybe even had eaten a few of your beautiful preys.

Aren't they free to stare lol?

thats how far a wish from real life..
Staring is fine, i admire the beauty..

Don't tell me you haven't caught one yet. Time to practice your skills including your staring skill. Hahaha. I wanna see how you haunt your prey when i come there.

Lol. Who was the she wolf here? I remember someone mentioned it, but I don't know who was it.

joined Mar 8, 2014

I don't think Rainy is a she wolf at all XD more like a shy girl staring at hot girls XD

joined Apr 3, 2016


I see. Based on what you shared, I'm going to tell you what I think. Be prepared, because I'm going to very blunt and direct.

Fay. Ever since you have been a small child, you have been in an emotionally extremely abusive relationship with your mother, the effects of which seem to go hand in hand with some severe abandonment issues caused by your history with your father.

When you just chose "trapped in an underground station for a long time" as a so called "random scenario", you have basically proven my assumptions. You basically feel like you've been caught in a situation you have no power over, a situation you feel alone with, for a long time and all you're really asking for is someone to reach out to you and help you out. You're calling silently, but I guess I could try and help you make your voice a little louder, so that somebody may hear. ;-)

Girl, listen. I'm sorry if this is offensive for you, but your mother is anything but a good mom or a good person in general. What you called "encouragement" and "being strict" in a way, that made it seem like you're downplaying what she did to you was actually nothing else than her forcing you on a path you never wanted to take. She may have let you choose the general setting, but she was the one writing the entire plot of the story. She put you on a leash and pulled you back and forth against your will and I am fairly certain, that the only reason, why you are defending her actions or trying to make them seem less severe than the way I put them is because for the simple reason, that she is your mother. Suffering this kind of indirect abuse at the hands of a parent is something, which never fails to leave kids whipped and utterly confused. Her actions have warped your view of what is morally right and wrong to do for a parent. You believe what she did to you and how she treated you was just a bit near the knuckle, while the truth is, that it was completely in the red zone. If you would take your story and tell it to someone, who's had supportive parents and grew up in a loving house, they would be shocked at how lax you are in describing your own pain.

You said, that you do not want your mother's affection. That you "cringe" whenever she's trying to get affectionate with you. I will keep being blunt with you: Fay, you hate her. Or at the very least, you're very angry at her, but you're only subconsciously aware of it, because for reasons I hinted at earlier: she's your mom. She and her gross actions have been in your life from the very beginning. You never knew it could be any other way, so you learned to live with how things were, subconsciously feeling like you couldn't change anything. You seem to have a lot of pent up negativity stored up inside of you and I'm guessing the only reason, why you're not unleashing it, is because your mother seems to have changed a bit for the better, so you don't see a reason for it. It is an understandable reasoning, but your heart will remember the things she has done to you even if your mind tells you it's all in the past. That is the main conflict going on inside of you. "I know she hasn't always been the best mom, but she's not that horrible now, right?" No. She is. And no matter what kind of person she is now, you have every right and every reason to be beyond mad and disappointed and hurt for the way she treated you in the past.

Take my words as they are and think about them. Let them sink in and consider them. If you come to the same conclusion as me, then here are a few pointers:
It is not rare, that kids, who have gone through similar things than you have, have this little voice in the back of their head, whispering to them, that part of it all is their own fault. That if they would've just worked harder on not disappointing their parents, maybe a few things wouldn't have happened. If you have it, ignore it. Silence that voice. It's lying to you. You parents have a responsibility to raise you properly, keep you safe and make sure you don't get hurt. Ignoring one of those 3 duties is unforgivable and absolutely not your fault. What happened to you was out of your reach. None of it was at any time in any way your fault.

Secondly, you are a grown woman by now. You are old and capable enough to have your own life to take care of. You're free. Your mother's opinion no longer counts. Maybe try to keep this in mind as a sort of mental mantra to learn to slowly cut yourself loose from her, because I honestly believe, that this is the best thing you could do for yourself. You could try talking to her and try to repair your relationship, of course. But with all that unvoiced aggression against her you seem to be holding back, I'm not sure if this would be the best idea for your own mental health.

joined Nov 20, 2015

Hey.. hey..
First of all u gotta know what part in women body which is sexy for me...
1. I love pale back of neck when someone has ponnytail...
2. i love cute face.. (who dont)
3. Slender waist
4. hot butt..
5. Not too big breast..

Thats the order how i stare someone... and no.. i never been slapped.. i have well manner.. i am good.. hahahaha xD

joined Nov 20, 2015

I don't think Rainy is a she wolf at all XD more like a shy girl staring at hot girls XD

i build my reputation here... as shy girl
but i am free out side my cage... xD

last edited at Apr 15, 2016 8:54PM

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