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joined Nov 20, 2015

I think im gonna shut down this thread from my computer
I need to concentrate...

joined Sep 15, 2015

I'll be hiding here for now xD

No you get back to you know where

It's hard to butt in. You have that thing going on right xD

You are supposed to be keeping score! XD

Eeeeh. I can't. I said we can all have a 3P ending xD

But she wasn't playing fair! I was fine with that, if she would just play fair!

I told you you can negotiate with her. XD
And that diss on your bed skills is just EPIC xD

joined Mar 17, 2016

I'll be hiding here for now xD

No you get back to you know where

It's hard to butt in. You have that thing going on right xD

You are supposed to be keeping score! XD

Eeeeh. I can't. I said we can all have a 3P ending xD

But she wasn't playing fair! I was fine with that, if she would just play fair!

I told you you can negotiate with her. XD
And that diss on your bed skills is just EPIC xD

Wait my bed skills??

joined Sep 15, 2015

I'll be hiding here for now xD

No you get back to you know where

It's hard to butt in. You have that thing going on right xD

You are supposed to be keeping score! XD

Eeeeh. I can't. I said we can all have a 3P ending xD

But she wasn't playing fair! I was fine with that, if she would just play fair!

I told you you can negotiate with her. XD
And that diss on your bed skills is just EPIC xD

Wait my bed skills??

Wait. Did I read it wrong ??

Oh wait. That was Newp
Confusing XD

last edited at Apr 13, 2016 9:37PM

joined Mar 17, 2016

I'll be hiding here for now xD

No you get back to you know where

It's hard to butt in. You have that thing going on right xD

You are supposed to be keeping score! XD

Eeeeh. I can't. I said we can all have a 3P ending xD

But she wasn't playing fair! I was fine with that, if she would just play fair!

I told you you can negotiate with her. XD
And that diss on your bed skills is just EPIC xD

Wait my bed skills??

Wait. Did I read it wrong ??

Oh wait. That was Newp
Confusing XD

Yeah so my diss on her bed skills was epic XD

joined Mar 2, 2016

I'll be hiding here for now xD

No you get back to you know where

It's hard to butt in. You have that thing going on right xD

You are supposed to be keeping score! XD

Eeeeh. I can't. I said we can all have a 3P ending xD

But she wasn't playing fair! I was fine with that, if she would just play fair!

I told you you can negotiate with her. XD
And that diss on your bed skills is just EPIC xD

Wait my bed skills??

Wait. Did I read it wrong ??

Oh wait. That was Newp
Confusing XD

Yeah so my diss on her bed skills was epic XD

No , MY diss on YOUR bed skills was epic

joined Mar 17, 2016

I'll be hiding here for now xD

No you get back to you know where

It's hard to butt in. You have that thing going on right xD

You are supposed to be keeping score! XD

Eeeeh. I can't. I said we can all have a 3P ending xD

But she wasn't playing fair! I was fine with that, if she would just play fair!

I told you you can negotiate with her. XD
And that diss on your bed skills is just EPIC xD

Wait my bed skills??

Wait. Did I read it wrong ??

Oh wait. That was Newp
Confusing XD

Yeah so my diss on her bed skills was epic XD

No , MY diss on YOUR bed skills was epic

Oh don't make me take a screen shot

joined Sep 15, 2015

Llama's diss on Newp's bedskill is EPIC XD

joined Mar 17, 2016

Llama's diss on Newp's bedskill is EPIC XD

I think we are working out a truce

joined Mar 2, 2016

Llama's diss on Newp's bedskill is EPIC XD

I think we are working out a truce

WOAHHH I DARE YOU. TAKE THE SS. So people can see how laaaaaameee it was

last edited at Apr 13, 2016 9:57PM

joined Mar 17, 2016

Llama's diss on Newp's bedskill is EPIC XD

I think we are working out a truce


Had to edit the names lol

joined Mar 2, 2016

Ok ok two can play at that game

last edited at Apr 13, 2016 10:07PM

joined Sep 15, 2015

Llama's diss on Newp's bedskill is EPIC XD

I think we are working out a truce


Had to edit the names lol

This is Epic. I just had to laugh out loud in front of my friend's mom after I read it xD

last edited at Apr 13, 2016 10:02PM

joined Mar 17, 2016

Llama's diss on Newp's bedskill is EPIC XD

I think we are working out a truce


Had to edit the names lol

This is Epic. I just had to laugh out loud in front of my friend's mom after I read it xD


joined Mar 2, 2016

This is Epic. I just had to laugh out loud in front of my friend's mom after I read it xD


Its my 'woah' comment that made it funny though ;)

last edited at Apr 13, 2016 10:08PM

joined Sep 15, 2015

This is Epic. I just had to laugh out loud in front of my friend's mom after I read it xD


Its my 'woah' comment that made it funny though ;)

Actually, the entire convo in you know where is Epic and funny xD
Peace wifey xD

joined Feb 8, 2016

Hey Lin, sorry I missed your post when you put it up, but I hope by now you're resting. By the sounds of it, you've been through this before, so I'm sure you'll be fine, but it sucks every time anyway. There are some people that will never come around. This guy is going to be a part of your life for a long time and he'll probably be tough to navigate for all of it. I wouldn't beat yourself up over remaining silent or letting old scars creep back up on you. It's hard to make the right call, and some times opening your mouth just makes things worse.

My parents took in a family friend's teenage son when his parents kicked him out for being gay. I was home from college for the holidays and my parents told me to go deliver a gift to his parents. Things escalated and I said some things to his father that I don't think I could or should ever repeat. When I was saying all that stuff I didn't care about his well-being or his life since I knew the condition of his depressed, self-harming son. But that night the dad attempted suicide (and failed, thankfully), and that's really when I told myself that some times it's not worth getting involved. I don't think I was the main reason it happened, but I'm sure whatever I said didn't help an already unstable man. So yeah, speaking is not always the better option, even though I'm with you that usually I'd want to tell people to choke on their own words.

That was a really long-winded way of saying, you don't have measure your own behavior, and take it easy <3

last edited at Apr 13, 2016 10:15PM

joined Mar 2, 2016

This is Epic. I just had to laugh out loud in front of my friend's mom after I read it xD


Its my 'woah' comment that made it funny though ;)

Actually, the entire convo in you know where is Epic and funny xD
Peace wifey xD

xD yeah it was pretty ridiculous hahah GraciousLlama makes a good rival

joined Mar 17, 2016

This is Epic. I just had to laugh out loud in front of my friend's mom after I read it xD


Its my 'woah' comment that made it funny though ;)

Actually, the entire convo in you know where is Epic and funny xD
Peace wifey xD

See Newp told ya she'd say peace to you XD

joined Mar 17, 2016

This is Epic. I just had to laugh out loud in front of my friend's mom after I read it xD


Its my 'woah' comment that made it funny though ;)

Actually, the entire convo in you know where is Epic and funny xD
Peace wifey xD

xD yeah it was pretty ridiculous hahah GraciousLlama makes a good rival

Hahaha I still say the ending was the best. It was a great match Newp

joined May 11, 2012

Thanks for the artist name, I'll have a look later.

I read your big post, I do think it is possible wha you said, but right now the story is too much unpredictable to really try to guess how it'll go, all I can say is that we still have time for it to be a healing story, like I said before, things get a lot worse before getting better.

Not sure if I can say anything that others didn't already say, what I can say is that you shouldn't pay attention to him, all that matters is Su, another reason to not pay attention to him is because people like him rarely change, they're too happy in their own ignorance thinking they're right to ever question that pathetic shit in that they believe, so if he ever wants to talk with you again it's better to just say no, and after what happened today, he telling you all that and ou going home, go tomorrow then, he probably got the impression that he "won", so show him that nothing he said will make you go away, worst scenario he might even have told something about you to Su, so it might be good to talk with her and see what tey talked about, though I doubt she would believe anything you said even if you didn't show up, but it's not good to leave this situation hanging since he could have said some shit to her, the more people try to break you two apart, the more you should fight for it and show them that nothing will break you two.

And could you give some context on your "best friend" locking you up in a room with heaters on after you confessed to her? Like, was she trying to make you sweat the gay away from your body or what?

Anyway, if we can do anything you just need to say, I might not show up much here since the thread moves fast, and we might not have talked with each other much, but like other people here, I'm here to help in any way I can, ours spirits are with you and Su, in this ordeal. o7

Wow, you really can't forget that? Sure I guess? No idea if I'll win though since I don't have any idea what we'll talk about, you make me think of how in Pokemon you always have a rival that wants to defeat you, so let's go dance and see who end up in the top~~

For those wondering what's happening, it's because of how I defeated her with my posts in that little play that she was seducing me and Azai, guess she can't forget how I could always make a better reply than her.

I agree with you, sometimes it's not even a question that this kind of person won't really hear you, but that it might cause more harm than good if you say anything, normally to the person who they criticize, but it can cause harm to everyone involved, man, dealing with people can be such a hell, sometimes I wonder if it wouldn't be better to go live in a house in the middle of nowhere, as long as I had internet I would be fine. : /

Man, sleep for some hours and bunch of new posts, guess if I want to be a more active part of this thread I need to give up on sleep, and funny images you girls posted, already saved them here, like I do with pretty much everything I see, like your avatars, anyway, hope I didn't forgot to reply someone...

last edited at Apr 13, 2016 10:24PM

joined Feb 13, 2016

/ growls /
Why everybody get critically ill simultaneously?! (Just ignore this rant I won't be able to answer)

joined Mar 2, 2016

/ growls /
Why everybody get critically ill simultaneously?! (Just ignore this rant I won't be able to answer)

Azai -pats- Everything will be okay :)

joined Mar 2, 2016


Man, sleep for some hours and bunch of new posts, guess if I want to be a more active part of this thread I need to give up on sleep, and funny images you girls posted, already saved them here, like I do with pretty much everything I see, like your avatars, anyway, hope I didn't forgot to reply someone...

Err........... question....... why do you save all the images that we post on this thread..? Especially when a lot of them have no relevance to you..

last edited at Apr 13, 2016 10:47PM

joined May 11, 2012

Err, should have worded better, well, I save anything that interests me, it doesn't really matter the relevance, if I liked then I'll save it, I kind of always had a problem with images, it's one of the reasons I don't use Danbooru or Google to see random images, cause I'm going to want to save most of them, find who is their artist, from what they're based, and so on, though I have problems with other things too, like if I see something about a serie, game, book, whatever, they might interest me, so I save their links in various folder to see one day, one day...

Really, I have so many folders because of that, that I don't even know much what I have here, years of saving things, it's a chaos.

last edited at Apr 13, 2016 10:54PM

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