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joined May 11, 2012

Azai posted:

Dont forget to watch my video.. psstt.. dont tell tofu abt it

Lol. I watched it. I would totally send headbutts. Headbutts are cute.

What video?

No I didn't, you're the one assuming I meant that to everyone, in any moment I said who was complaining or not, so I said that for those who were, the fact that you feel like that was for you just show that you was indeed complaining I guess...

joined Sep 15, 2015

Azai posted:

Dont forget to watch my video.. psstt.. dont tell tofu abt it

Lol. I watched it. I would totally send headbutts. Headbutts are cute.

What video?

No I didn't, you're the one assuming I meant that to everyone, in any moment I said who was complaining or not, so I said that for those who were, the fact that you feel like that was for you just show that you was indeed complaining I guess...

Lol. Cmon, referring to TeamBlonde will actually hurt my butt since I am one of them. And I'm telling you, we're lacking of TeamBlonde pills right now. I'd get pissed off bc of that xD

joined Sep 15, 2015

I didn't assume it, said just to be sure. xp

Share it please. xD

I think we shouldn't share other peoples pictures, it's a bit weird to do so.

I agree with you a 100%

joined May 11, 2012

I was joking, of course we shouldn't share someone picture without their permission. : x

joined Feb 13, 2016


= What I say to myself in front of the mirror every morning. xD

I think I will make this dragon my trademark in here or something. I kind of like it. Expect it to show up at least a few more times, lol.

By the way, though it says so in the URL, that dragon is not Smaug. If you look closely, you'll notice there's a Humvee in the foreground. ;) And I don't remember Thorin or Thranduil or anyone having Humvees in the Hobbit movies. xD
Though it sure would have made for a great plot twist

LMAO. I did question myself if that was Smaug. But I didn't pay attention to the Humvee. Hahahahaha
Thorin on a Humvee to defeat Smaug would have been brilliant.

joined Nov 20, 2015


Calm down, Fay.. so many plots and intrigues ahead... someone could die in the middle of rhe story...

Woah Rainy are you trying to kill us all?? XD

⊙□⊙a but i love u all xD

The only name left from my dictionary ash is ROSALIN.. If its still wrong, it means i have to congratulate you... u have a unique name...

joined Feb 5, 2015


= What I say to myself in front of the mirror every morning. xD


joined May 11, 2012

Haha, don't worry, I understand that Team Blonde people must be on edge right now, so I know some of you might be quite butthurt xD

joined Mar 17, 2016

The low blonde content lately has me irrationally bitchy toward Seju and Nami right now, so I think my opinions on today's chapter are completely worthless and not worth uttering -_-

Same. I feel you Tofu-san
I need more TeamBlonde pill or I might melt and turn into a disgusting jelly -_-

You know what?! After this I don't want any TeamBlonde stuff I want Sungji to slap Sumin's face and that's it! Gosh, I'm not even joking; I've almost abandoned TeamBlonde after this. If Sumin doesn't do something quick to make up for what she's done I'm out of the ship and she can end up alone for all I care. Actually better if she ends up alone. She's a huge jerk. I feel bad for Seju even, first she plays around with her, then she gets a girlfriend and when Seju tries to move on with her life she demands explanations. I think both Sungji and Seju need to team up and kick Sumin.

Oh gosh poor Faylicia I think you are the one that is the most upset about this whole thing XD
But I will be very upset if Sumin breaks poor little Sungji's heart, however I do see a lot more drama coming up :(

joined Mar 8, 2014

Good morning =_=
Bottom Sumin is a bit...unbelievable's hard to swallow it when it's the first thing you see soon after you wake up x(
And that angry look on Sumin when she's talking to Seju. Whyyyyyyyyy ?? =_=

TT_TT help me, we're drowning, TeamBlonde is sinking...

Not sinking yet !! We didn't see any change about Sumin and Sungji's relationship. So we're good for now. For now. It's like Sumin getting angry at Seju is more like an act of a caring family member. I guess ?? Lol

This is probably wishful thinking lol.

Okay, calm down and address this.
I think Sumin can't really accept she's done with Seju and will never go back to her. I'm not sure whether this means she has lingering love towards her or if it's just general insecurity manifesting itself. She definitely has feelings for Seju though; not sure what feelings exactly... I think Sumin was really hurt by Seju's cheating and it lead her to want to possess Seju and the fact that she slept with Nami made her uncomfortable. In any case, Sumin is unforgivable; you don't go doing that when you have a girlfriend. It's not cheating but you know, cheating is not only about touching someone, going and talking to them and treating them like your girlfriend is pretty low.
If this keeps going on I'm going Nami x Sungji route and Sungji makes Sumin feel exactly the same "loss" she felt when Seju slept with Nami and feeling she has lost them both. Nami takes both Seju and Sungji and Sumin goes get lost >:|

joined Sep 15, 2015

Haha, don't worry, I understand that Team Blonde people must be on edge right now, so I know some of you might be quite butthurt xD

Lemme clear this one.
Butthurt bc we don't see Sungji×Sumin together not bc it's a sinking ship

joined Feb 13, 2016

Azai posted:

Dont forget to watch my video.. psstt.. dont tell tofu abt it

Lol. I watched it. I would totally send headbutts. Headbutts are cute.

What video?

No I didn't, you're the one assuming I meant that to everyone, in any moment I said who was complaining or not, so I said that for those who were, the fact that you feel like that was for you just show that you was indeed complaining I guess...

Lol. Cmon, referring to TeamBlonde will actually hurt my butt since I am one of them. And I'm telling you, we're lacking of TeamBlonde pills right now. I'd get pissed off bc of that xD

I'm just here to warn you to get prepared. I think Thiaguinho-sama is about to use his move "wall of text". It's usually super effective.
And now we know Lin uses "flamethrower".
please, someone tell me they get the reference

last edited at Apr 13, 2016 11:20AM

joined May 11, 2012

Give up on Team Blonde, come to to Team Pink, you know deep down you want it. 8D

joined Dec 9, 2014

@**Faylicia** That person is not only a jerk, but she sounds abusive too. I wouldn't be surprised if she also kept ignoring you to get you hooked on her more. This is how these people work. They give you a very little only for you to not lose complete interest, then take it back to make you wonder why they do it. So they can control you.
Her attitude is disgusting, jerks are not fun trust me. next time stay way from this type.

A kinda similar situation happened to me with the girl I liked, but instead of being rude, she was passive agressive and suddenly got a boyfriend and she was always with him in front of me. Now I'm over it and glad nothing happened between us, but this was the worst type. Because she is always really polite to people and then just ingores you out of nowhere only to make you feel like you did something wrong.

joined Mar 8, 2014

How about Rosalina?
Yeah, I'm so upset... omg... this is supposed to be the story that makes me happy and a bit on the edge of my seat but gives me something to look forward to and brighten my day... It's not supposed to be a taste of heartbreak. I don't know if you read that huuuuuge story of my life I posted but yeah >.>
I lost my patience for jerks like that...

last edited at Apr 13, 2016 11:21AM

joined Nov 20, 2015

Did you post your picture in the thread? I remember seeing a post of someone mentioning that they were made fun of at their job because they saw someone picture that was posted here, I think it was you, but I didn't see said pics so now I can't help but wonder about them...

I did post a pic of myself but i have deleted my originl post.

Dont worry.. i keep it.. XD

What? I didn't know about it. You liar.

I did it secretly... keep calm... yr pic is safe with me... xD

Anyone ready for photo auction?

Jk jk... take a deep breath..

joined May 11, 2012

Haha, I know why you guys are on edge, I doubt Team Blonde will sink for now, but we have more important scenes to show instead of their fluffness.

Nah, no need of Wall of Text now, but if necessary I'll use it. xD

joined Feb 8, 2016

I actually don't give a shit about seeing Sumin in the next chapter either. It could be something with Sungji and her friends or just Sungji. Every non-Sungji character just needs to get out of my face for a bit lol.

joined Sep 15, 2015

Azai posted:

Dont forget to watch my video.. psstt.. dont tell tofu abt it

Lol. I watched it. I would totally send headbutts. Headbutts are cute.

What video?

No I didn't, you're the one assuming I meant that to everyone, in any moment I said who was complaining or not, so I said that for those who were, the fact that you feel like that was for you just show that you was indeed complaining I guess...

Lol. Cmon, referring to TeamBlonde will actually hurt my butt since I am one of them. And I'm telling you, we're lacking of TeamBlonde pills right now. I'd get pissed off bc of that xD

I'm just here to warn you to get prepared. I think Thiaguinho-sama is about to use his move "wall of text". It's usually super effective.
And now we know Lin uses "flamethrower".

Usually, when I see "wall of text" in the thread, I just ignore it or skim through it. If I don't find it interesting, meh, why bother reading xD

joined Mar 17, 2016

How about Rosalina?

Wasn't that one already guessed? Gah I'm not sure lol this is so hard XD

Bring me coffee :( I've fallen and I can't get up jk lol

joined Mar 8, 2014

I actually don't give a shit about seeing Sumin in the next chapter either. It could be something with Sungji and her friends or just Sungji. Every non-Sungji character just needs to get out of my face for a bit lol.

Sumin can go with her Seju if she wants to! We need to see Sungji and what she does!
Sungji time has come! Her development is needed!

joined Nov 20, 2015

Btw, Lin, bcoz you are our mailman, you should know how far we expect a mailman go..

Pls click here...

I meant this video..

joined Sep 15, 2015

I actually don't give a shit about seeing Sumin in the next chapter either. It could be something with Sungji and her friends or just Sungji. Every non-Sungji character just needs to get out of my face for a bit lol.

The lack of Sungji is eating dofudofu away xD

joined Mar 17, 2016

I actually don't give a shit about seeing Sumin in the next chapter either. It could be something with Sungji and her friends or just Sungji. Every non-Sungji character just needs to get out of my face for a bit lol.

Hahaha I would just like to see her a little bit, I mean she's been pretty lacking in these chapters even if she was shown. Plus I'm still impatiently waiting for Sungji's background to be shown.

joined May 11, 2012

Hahaha, man that was nice, thanks for the link. xD

More like Sungji time of suffering has come, come to Team Pink, we're already used to suffering.

last edited at Apr 13, 2016 11:24AM

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