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joined Feb 8, 2016

What I want to do to today's chapter.

joined Feb 13, 2016

I've been Team Pink from the start, no need to hire me. xD

I also have Rosselini and Rossalyn... i am still wrong, i will burn my name dictionary... XD

Here, let me help:


Buuuuuuuuurn xD

I can see Lin really likes that gif. I can totally imagine Lin like " I AM FIRE. I AM DEATH"

last edited at Apr 13, 2016 10:59AM

joined May 11, 2012

I'm also Team Pink from the start, not really trying to hire, just welcoming you on our ship since before it didn't had a name, it's quite recent and my idea too that we called Seju happy as Team Pink instead of Seju x Sumin since it was pretty obvious it was not going to happen, but lately maybe we were wrong and it's not that much unlikely to happen. xD

As for those complaining about the lack of Team Blonde, don't forget that the story is not only about that, it was just a question of time until we got back to the drama instead of continue having only fluffly moments between Sumin and Sungji.

joined Mar 17, 2016

No one tell Azai that I wanted Team Blonde because of this chapter

I can see Lin really likes that gif. I can totally imagine Lin like " I AM FIRE. I AM DEATH"

Lmao that killed me XD

Morning ^.^

joined Feb 8, 2016

As for those complaining about the lack of Team Blonde, don't forget that the story is not only about that, it was just a question of time until we got back to the drama instead of continue having only fluffly moments between Sumin and Sungji.

If I'm thinking rationally about it, it's only really been 3 chapters without a longer Sungji scene, all the more reason why I admitted that it's an irrational frustration. I don't really care whether it's fluffy, neutral, or drama. I could read a chapter about Sungji reading the phone book.

joined Mar 8, 2014

Okay, so I was gonna write sth personal here... a bit related to the story.
So, there was this woman I used to talk to flirt with online. I would never do that again and I'm even ashamed of myself when I realize all the stupid things I did... Anyway, I really genuinely liked her.
When I started reading wdtfs I was having some problems with her ('cause she was a jerk ^-^*) but I didn't mind that much I was thinking Sumin reminded me of her... I wanted to tell her to read it. But I never did because well... I was feeling bad one day (for reasons, related to her but I didn't tell her that, I actually had to go through knowing a LOT of cringy things about her and getting over them...) I just wanted to talk to her but she "wasn't it the mood", I honestly only asked for some minutes of her time and she just spent them getting mad at me for even daring to bother her and threatened to never talk to me again... Honestly, I always left her alone when she said she wasn't in the mood, only that once I was feeling extremely bad. I didn't talk to her for 2 weeks after than and then I messaged her and I told her about what was bothering me and I told her that if she thought it'd be nice for us to maybe be together (she said this) then she shouldn't push me away because she will lose that opportunity. We talked to hours but long story short she said she didn't care "just 'cause she saw a cute hedgehog doesn't mean she wants it as a pet" she said. And other mean stuff. And I said ok fine, if you wanna destroy everything we have now.
After another 2 weeks she messaged me to talk about Dark Souls -.- and I wasn't as sweet to her as before; not even close. I wasn't mean to her either; just saying. After she was done talking to me she went like "thank you for the chat", she just called it off like that. She never asked me how I was. I honestly don't care if she was genuinely trying to be nice. I hated how she just used me whenever she saw fit but didn't care one bit about my feelings. Like talking yes, whenever she felt like it. Before that incident where she got mad she wouldn't randomly say mean things like "look, stop spamming me, ok?" and I didn't even message her like every hour to check ('cause as you know I've had done that to me). I would usually message her and she wouldn't reply so I guessed she was busy or away so I might message her the next day or at night or sth. She rarely replied to say she was busy. Besides, this was coming from a person who was totally giving me some sort of hopes that she actually cared about me that way. Though she probably doesn't really care about anyone or anything so I don't even know.
Anyway, I just told her not to thank me and that it was off putting and I did not care on bit if she misunderstood me because I honestly didn't wanna talk to her again. And she deleted me after that. Oh, on Christmas; which is just stupid. After telling me she didn't care about talking to me and that she was indifferent she apparently got mad I wasn't like before or that I didn't message her and decided to get revenge... Pathetic.
Anyway, I feel pretty ashamed of myself for even getting in a situation like this. I was probably too lonely and out of my mind to get attached to someone like that whom I didn't even actually know. I don't say I regret it but I certainly cringe and feel like going to the past and slapping myself.
Anyway, I kind of got invested in this story hoping Sumin wouldn't be even close to that jerk. It was also healing for me, just looking at a character who was a bit like her superficially but instead of a jerk kind on the inside... if Sumin turns out to be a jerk it's going to deliver a fatal blow to my heart -.-
Anyway, sorry for the rambling >.>
Also sorry if I delete this at some point ^-^'' I'm so sure I want this to be here forever though ^-^''''

joined Jan 13, 2016

Did you post your picture in the thread? I remember seeing a post of someone mentioning that they were made fun of at their job because they saw someone picture that was posted here, I think it was you, but I didn't see said pics so now I can't help but wonder about them...

I did post a pic of myself but i have deleted my originl post.

joined Jan 13, 2016

Did you post your picture in the thread? I remember seeing a post of someone mentioning that they were made fun of at their job because they saw someone picture that was posted here, I think it was you, but I didn't see said pics so now I can't help but wonder about them...

Now that u mentioned it, mvl promised me a moon and pink blah blah... but i havent seen it till now..

Rainy*** i did promise you the moon and my pinkies but the moon just never showed and my pinkies got stolen from me. So much luck. I hope there is a moon tonight .

last edited at Apr 13, 2016 11:07AM

joined Mar 8, 2014

Good morning =_=
Bottom Sumin is a bit...unbelievable's hard to swallow it when it's the first thing you see soon after you wake up x(
And that angry look on Sumin when she's talking to Seju. Whyyyyyyyyy ?? =_=

TT_TT help me, we're drowning, TeamBlonde is sinking...

joined Feb 13, 2016

No one tell Azai that I wanted Team Blonde because of this chapter

You're wise, Llama. Very wise. because you won't suffer knowing Team Gaji is just adding some drama to sink Team Pink with a fucking canon ball.

joined Sep 15, 2015

As for those complaining about the lack of Team Blonde,


don't forget that the story is not only about that, it was just a question of time until we got back to the drama instead of continue having only fluffly moments between Sumin and Sungji.

Of course we didn't forget that the story is not just about fluffiness of TeamBlonde. We actually liked the development of the characters and also the story. Cmon, who would even enjoy something that's been stuck in one situation every chapter ??

Just wanna say this Never assume unless otherwise stated

joined May 11, 2012

I see, any chance of posting again? Cause like, guess I'm the only one who didn't saw it, not fair. (T^T)

joined Nov 20, 2015

Did you post your picture in the thread? I remember seeing a post of someone mentioning that they were made fun of at their job because they saw someone picture that was posted here, I think it was you, but I didn't see said pics so now I can't help but wonder about them...

I did post a pic of myself but i have deleted my originl post.

Dont worry.. i keep it.. XD

joined May 11, 2012

I didn't assume it, said just to be sure. xp

Share it please. xD

joined Mar 17, 2016

No one tell Azai that I wanted Team Blonde because of this chapter

You're wise, Llama. Very wise. because you won't suffer knowing Team Gaji is just adding some drama to sink Team Pink with a fucking canon ball.

Hahahahaha XD but yet so tragic

joined Feb 13, 2016

Dont forget to watch my video.. psstt.. dont tell tofu abt it

Lol. I watched it. I would totally send headbutts. Headbutts are cute.

last edited at Apr 13, 2016 11:08AM

joined Jan 13, 2016

I see, any chance of posting again? Cause like, guess I'm the only one who didn't saw it, not fair. (T^T)

I think only Rainy and newp saw it

joined Sep 15, 2015

Good morning =_=
Bottom Sumin is a bit...unbelievable's hard to swallow it when it's the first thing you see soon after you wake up x(
And that angry look on Sumin when she's talking to Seju. Whyyyyyyyyy ?? =_=

TT_TT help me, we're drowning, TeamBlonde is sinking...

Not sinking yet !! We didn't see any change about Sumin and Sungji's relationship. So we're good for now. For now. It's like Sumin getting angry at Seju is more like an act of a caring family member. I guess ?? Lol

joined Feb 8, 2016

Good morning =_=
Bottom Sumin is a bit...unbelievable's hard to swallow it when it's the first thing you see soon after you wake up x(
And that angry look on Sumin when she's talking to Seju. Whyyyyyyyyy ?? =_=

TT_TT help me, we're drowning, TeamBlonde is sinking...

Not sinking yet !! We didn't see any change about Sumin and Sungji's relationship. So we're good for now. For now. It's like Sumin getting angry at Seju is more like an act of a caring family member. I guess ?? Lol

This is probably wishful thinking lol.

joined Sep 15, 2015

I didn't assume it, said just to be sure. xp

'As for those complaining about the lack of Team Blonde,'

You did.

joined Apr 3, 2016


= What I say to myself in front of the mirror every morning. xD

I think I will make this dragon my trademark in here or something. I kind of like it. Expect it to show up at least a few more times, lol.

By the way, though it says so in the URL, that dragon is not Smaug. If you look closely, you'll notice there's a Humvee in the foreground. ;) And I don't remember Thorin or Thranduil or anyone having Humvees in the Hobbit movies. xD
Though it sure would have made for a great plot twist

joined Sep 15, 2015

Good morning =_=
Bottom Sumin is a bit...unbelievable's hard to swallow it when it's the first thing you see soon after you wake up x(
And that angry look on Sumin when she's talking to Seju. Whyyyyyyyyy ?? =_=

TT_TT help me, we're drowning, TeamBlonde is sinking...

Not sinking yet !! We didn't see any change about Sumin and Sungji's relationship. So we're good for now. For now. It's like Sumin getting angry at Seju is more like an act of a caring family member. I guess ?? Lol

This is probably wishful thinking lol.

Noooooooo~~~ !!!
Why ?? Come help me. Damn it xD

joined Mar 8, 2014

The low blonde content lately has me irrationally bitchy toward Seju and Nami right now, so I think my opinions on today's chapter are completely worthless and not worth uttering -_-

Same. I feel you Tofu-san
I need more TeamBlonde pill or I might melt and turn into a disgusting jelly -_-

You know what?! After this I don't want any TeamBlonde stuff I want Sungji to slap Sumin's face and that's it! Gosh, I'm not even joking; I've almost abandoned TeamBlonde after this. If Sumin doesn't do something quick to make up for what she's done I'm out of the ship and she can end up alone for all I care. Actually better if she ends up alone. She's a huge jerk. I feel bad for Seju even, first she plays around with her, then she gets a girlfriend and when Seju tries to move on with her life she demands explanations. I think both Sungji and Seju need to team up and kick Sumin.

joined Jan 13, 2016

Did you post your picture in the thread? I remember seeing a post of someone mentioning that they were made fun of at their job because they saw someone picture that was posted here, I think it was you, but I didn't see said pics so now I can't help but wonder about them...

I did post a pic of myself but i have deleted my originl post.

Dont worry.. i keep it.. XD

What? I didn't know about it. You liar.

joined Mar 17, 2016

I didn't assume it, said just to be sure. xp

Share it please. xD

I think we shouldn't share other peoples pictures, it's a bit weird to do so.

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