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joined Mar 17, 2016

On a side note, do you guys know that song called "Bang Bang" by Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj? I just watched a lyrics video of it and suddenly realized they sing "bang bang into the room!" in the chorus. xD I always heard "bang bang into the womb" and I just thought "Wow, now that's a little bit graphic, isn't it?" Goodness. I'm actually relieved right now. xD Even though "into the room" doesn't seem to make a lot of sense...

Lmao that is hilarious!! XD in one of Taylor Swifts song I always thought she was singing "Starbucks lovers" but apparently she sings "Long list of ex lovers" lol but I was relieved to find out I wasn't the only one that thought that

joined Feb 13, 2016

On a side note, do you guys know that song called "Bang Bang" by Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj? I just watched a lyrics video of it and suddenly realized they sing "bang bang into the room!" in the chorus. xD I always heard "bang bang into the womb" and I just thought "Wow, now that's a little bit graphic, isn't it?" Goodness. I'm actually relieved right now. xD Even though "into the room" doesn't seem to make a lot of sense...

Lmao that is hilarious!! XD in one of Taylor Swifts song I always thought she was singing "Starbucks lovers" but apparently she sings "Long list of ex lovers" lol but I was relieved to find out I wasn't the only one that thought that

Lol. What about me? "Let you go" by The Chainsmokers left me totally confused when I first heard it. I swear I heard "You're in a balloon" right in the starting lyrics "you end up alone"... Laugh everytime i hear it.
"Bang bang into the womb" killed me. And once you hear "starbucks lovers" you can't unhear it o.O

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 2:00PM

joined Mar 2, 2016

Sia ue

I also read those top comments on Comico and I was pretty shocked. I couldnt believe that such comments could get 500+ upvotes, especially from her so called 'fans'.
Regarding the office job one, first of all why are they treating webtoons like a job? Not all webtoon authors/artists do it for a living. Some do it for fun. And Im sure thats how it starts off for most people. They dont create a webtoon knowing that its going to get famous and make them tons of money. Thats just a dream for some people. Most just start it off as a simple side thing they do for fun in the hopes that itll get a bit of reach. Thats all. The fact that people are comparing this to an office job and blaming her for taking breaks on her own past time is wrong imo.
Having said that, even though it is not her duty to upload a chapter every week, she does have a lot of people following her work and looking forward to her posts so thats something she personally should bear in mind.. but Im sure she does already. I dont think anyone would just take a 3 week break for no reason when they have thousands and thousands of people looking forward to their story every week.
And lets imagine how Ssamba must feel. She starts off a webtoon and suddenly its popularity explodes. Then suddenly thousands of people are lookng forward to it every week while expecting good results. Can you imagine the pressure? A webtoon like hers might seem short and fun but in truth it must take up so many hours of her time. The time spent actually thinking of a way to move the story, character placement, drawing, story board layout, coloring.. the list is endless. As an artist myself I commend these people for even keeping up with the weekly updates.. because I know for a fact that I wouldnt be able to do the same.
So come on, lets give these people a break. Yes , its disappointing to see a hiatus post,but I rather wait a week or even a month for good content instead of reading a shitty one done half fast while the author was sick.

/end rant.

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 3:22PM

joined Apr 3, 2016

And once you hear "starbucks lovers" you can't unhear it o.O

I swear I heard that too. "Got along with Starbucks lovers, they'll tell you I'm insane" and I just thought "If you get along with them, why would they say you're insane?" xD I looked up the lyrics of that one pretty fast though, since it didn't seem to make any sense. But "bang bang into the womb" always made sense, so I was just so surprised right now. xD

By the way, did you guys know I Prevail made a badass cover of that song? Su showed it to me and I instantly loved it.

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 2:07PM

joined Mar 17, 2016

Lol I will have to listen for that when I listen to "Let me go" and yeah I now always sing "Starbucks lovers" hahaha and I will probably start singing "bang bang into the womb" XD

And I can't believe all those comments, I mean if Ssamba is going to take a break then why should it matter to anyone else? I mean sure if they want to see an update then they could be sad but it's not their decision. Plus poor Ssamba she is clearly going through something right now and it's got to just make it so much worse to have all those comments. It's got to be pretty stressful already to have to write a chapter and have it up every week, then you add in whatever she is going through and all those selfish comments :/ I feel bad for her. And I agree I would much rather wait to have a great chapter rather than one that was thrown together.

joined Mar 2, 2016

And once you hear "starbucks lovers" you can't unhear it o.O

I swear I heard that too. "Got along with Starbucks lovers, they'll tell you I'm insane" and I just thought "If you get along with them, why would they say you're insane?" xD I looked up the lyrics of that one pretty fast though, since it didn't seem to make any sense. But "bang bang into the womb" always made sense, so I was just so surprised right now. xD

Omgg for the longest time I heard starbucks lovers too xD
And my friend kept correcting me and showing me the way Im supposed to sing it. At first I couldnt get the rhythm but I got used to it eventually hahha then I started correcting others XD.

Also another one I kept hearing wrong was Wrecking ball by Miley cyrus.
._. I was very veryconfused when I heard it the first few times.. seriously.

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 2:14PM

joined Feb 13, 2016

And once you hear "starbucks lovers" you can't unhear it o.O

I swear I heard that too. "Got along with Starbucks lovers, they'll tell you I'm insane" and I just thought "If you get along with them, why would they say you're insane?" xD I looked up the lyrics of that one pretty fast though, since it didn't seem to make any sense. But "bang bang into the womb" always made sense, so I was just so surprised right now. xD

By the way, did you guys know I Prevail made a badass cover of that song? Su showed it to me and I instantly loved it.

I haven't heard that, but it's indeed pretty badass! I really like the Punk goes Pop thingy, but I didn't know it reached the 6 vol.

Maybe you won't hear it, since you're a native english speaker. But when I first heard that lyric, I was imeddiately "WTH? Why are you in a balloon?". Then nothing made sense and I had to keep playing it, until I realized my mistake (-.-)

I also heard "all you did was RAAA-AAPE-ME " for a long time... xD

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 2:19PM

joined Mar 17, 2016

Okay I just listened to it again and I totally hear "You're in a balloon" now XD I never noticed that before hahaha

Yeah I totally heard rape the first few times and was very concerned about what that song was about XD

joined Mar 2, 2016

I also heard "all you did was RAAA-AAPE-ME " for a long time... xD

YESS. Thank you. <3 Nice to know Im not the only one. My friends kept telling me I was weird for hearing that T__T

joined Feb 8, 2016

I'm sure that even though it got hundreds of upvotes, those people that supported that comment are still in the minority. Negativity has a bad habit of making itself visible. Even so, that kind of sentiment can only come from incredibly entitled readers. I don't think a long time reader of Japanese yuri could ever spout that kind of shit with a straight face. There's always some risk that the entire yuri publication will go down in flames and some of our favorite series have to be cancelled or put on long-term hiatus until the author can find somewhere to publish it (Under One Roof...). Anybody that expects a single individual to spit out a several page cartoon every week without some interruption like they're a high budget TV producer is not of sane logic.

joined Feb 13, 2016

I also heard "all you did was RAAA-AAPE-ME " for a long time... xD

YESS. Thank you. <3 Nice to know Im not the only one. My friends kept telling me I was weird for hearing that T__T

Lol. What about me?! Always felt a little stupid for hearing "you're in a balloon". Thanks, GraciousLlama for the backup xD

joined Feb 13, 2016

Ah, tofu-san, how is your hand? did you get an appointment?

joined Mar 8, 2014

hahahahaha, I also heard the starbucks thing!! but I always hear things wrong in songs
I love this song
hahahah, it's so funny XD
Btw, omg, animating makes me forget how to draw faces, I swear... the image underneath always confuses me and I end up messing up the next face >< 2 hours to draw a face I'm happy with and I told myself I wouldn't repeat them again >.> the perfectionism kicks in hard... >.> erpogreonhoin5ehoint5e omg!!! TV paint is crashing!?!?!?!??! please don't do this to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I didn't ssssaaaaaaaaaaaaaaveeeeeeeeeeee oh my god no... no no no...
please wait while I throw up all my organs... ... ...

joined Feb 8, 2016

Ah, tofu-san, how is your hand? did you get an appointment?

Yeah nothing broken, just looks worse than it actually is. Swelling went down already which is what was most of the reason for the immobility. I've been prescribed a lot of ice :P :)

joined Mar 17, 2016

hahahahaha, I also heard the starbucks thing!! but I always hear things wrong in songs
I love this song
hahahah, it's so funny XD
Btw, omg, animating makes me forget how to draw faces, I swear... the image underneath always confuses me and I end up messing up the next face >< 2 hours to draw a face I'm happy with and I told myself I wouldn't repeat them again >.> the perfectionism kicks in hard... >.> erpogreonhoin5ehoint5e omg!!! TV paint is crashing!?!?!?!??! please don't do this to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I didn't ssssaaaaaaaaaaaaaaveeeeeeeeeeee oh my god no... no no no...
please wait while I throw up all my organs... ... ...

I suck at drawing faces >.< so usually everyone I draw has no face, unless it's like a disney character hahaha like yesterday I drew baby bugs bunny and his face turned out okay his feet looked weird though

joined Mar 8, 2014

"okay calm down take deep breaths" ^-^********************
gosh I... okay, if I did it once I can do it again... I know how to do it so I can do it fast now...

joined Feb 13, 2016

Ah, tofu-san, how is your hand? did you get an appointment?

Yeah nothing broken, just looks worse than it actually is. Swelling went down already which is what was most of the reason for the immobility. I've been prescribed a lot of ice :P :)

Glad to hear it then. You will be using that hand in no time * wink* *wink *

joined Mar 8, 2014

hahahahaha, I also heard the starbucks thing!! but I always hear things wrong in songs
I love this song
hahahah, it's so funny XD
Btw, omg, animating makes me forget how to draw faces, I swear... the image underneath always confuses me and I end up messing up the next face >< 2 hours to draw a face I'm happy with and I told myself I wouldn't repeat them again >.> the perfectionism kicks in hard... >.> erpogreonhoin5ehoint5e omg!!! TV paint is crashing!?!?!?!??! please don't do this to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I didn't ssssaaaaaaaaaaaaaaveeeeeeeeeeee oh my god no... no no no...
please wait while I throw up all my organs... ... ...

I suck at drawing faces >.< so usually everyone I draw has no face, unless it's like a disney character hahaha like yesterday I drew baby bugs bunny and his face turned out okay his feet looked weird though

ahaha, faces are hard to draw, yeah, though it´s my favorite thing to draw, my sketchbook is filled with faces that are always the same serious cool woman >.>
aaanyway, I won't freak out with this program just do it agaaain rolls eyes I'll set up an autosave, this isn't happening again...

joined Mar 8, 2014

I need to rush to the library now... I hate interrupting thing! ugh!

joined Feb 8, 2016

Ah, tofu-san, how is your hand? did you get an appointment?

Yeah nothing broken, just looks worse than it actually is. Swelling went down already which is what was most of the reason for the immobility. I've been prescribed a lot of ice :P :)

Glad to hear it then. You will be using that hand in no time * wink* *wink *

I hope so ;) Now if you know any way to discretely sedate my girlfriend before the wedding reception next month, that would be great.

joined Feb 13, 2016

Ah, tofu-san, how is your hand? did you get an appointment?

Yeah nothing broken, just looks worse than it actually is. Swelling went down already which is what was most of the reason for the immobility. I've been prescribed a lot of ice :P :)

Glad to hear it then. You will be using that hand in no time * wink* *wink *

I hope so ;) Now if you know any way to discretely sedate my girlfriend before the wedding reception next month, that would be great.

coghLemonpoppyseedcakecogh I said nothing. =D

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 2:59PM

joined Feb 8, 2016

Ah, tofu-san, how is your hand? did you get an appointment?

Yeah nothing broken, just looks worse than it actually is. Swelling went down already which is what was most of the reason for the immobility. I've been prescribed a lot of ice :P :)

Glad to hear it then. You will be using that hand in no time * wink* *wink *

I hope so ;) Now if you know any way to discretely sedate my girlfriend before the wedding reception next month, that would be great.

coghLemonpoppyseedcakecogh I said nothing. =D

bewarnedimgoingtoactuallydothis I saw nothing xD but no, really, she's something like 45kg 154cm and she's out for the blood of a bulldyke that's taller and bigger than I am... Nothing to see here.

joined Apr 3, 2016

Nothing to see here.

Too late, I saw. xD Just curious: what in the world happen to make your gf that mad? o_o

joined Feb 13, 2016

Ah, tofu-san, how is your hand? did you get an appointment?

Yeah nothing broken, just looks worse than it actually is. Swelling went down already which is what was most of the reason for the immobility. I've been prescribed a lot of ice :P :)

Glad to hear it then. You will be using that hand in no time * wink* *wink *

I hope so ;) Now if you know any way to discretely sedate my girlfriend before the wedding reception next month, that would be great.

coghLemonpoppyseedcakecogh I said nothing. =D

bewarnedimgoingtoactuallydothis I saw nothing xD but no, really, she's something like 45kg 154cm and she's out for the blood of a bulldyke that's taller and bigger than I am... Nothing to see here.

LOL. Hold on the kanojo, tofu-san! my professor of anesthesiology made that cake for our class about sedation We are hiding absolutely nothing. xD

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 3:28PM

joined Apr 3, 2016

Azai, this is out of the blue, but was it you or Llama, who worked in a hospital? I always forget which one of you it was. >_<

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