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joined Mar 2, 2016

Oh my god. You all have to back off and stop flirting with my Wifey !!!! Or else y'all gonna regret it !!!

Oh, but you kept flirting with Llama, even though your wifey was hurt.

Woah woah what are you talking about

Don't you remember last night? KitKat was playing her game on Llama.

Shut up. She doesn't remember anything that happened last night xD


  • insert dramatic music here - Yeah I was so emotionally traumatized from yesterdays mishaps that I lost my memories of that night.. and now Ive become lost... lost in the past that I can no longer remember....
joined Mar 17, 2016

Lol it's okay to be drunk... and don't let any secrets about last night out.. XD

Have a good day at work! And hurry back soon ;)

insert dramatic music here - Yeah I was so emotionally traumatized from yesterdays mishaps that I lost my memories of that night.. and now Ive become lost... lost in the past that I can no longer remember....

It's okay, last night was crazy.. Just wait until tonight ;)

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 11:22AM

joined Feb 13, 2016

Oh my god. You all have to back off and stop flirting with my Wifey !!!! Or else y'all gonna regret it !!!

Oh, but you kept flirting with Llama, even though your wifey was hurt.

Woah woah what are you talking about

Don't you remember last night? KitKat was playing her game on Llama.

Shut up. She doesn't remember anything that happened last night xD


  • insert dramatic music here - Yeah I was so emotionally traumatized from yesterdays mishaps that I lost my memories of that night.. and now Ive become lost... lost in the past that I can no longer remember....

Poor girl. I could give you a night to remember ;)

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 11:28AM

joined Mar 2, 2016

Wow all of these winky faces.. cant deal with all of them at once guys ;)

joined Nov 20, 2015

Oh my god. You all have to back off and stop flirting with my Wifey !!!! Or else y'all gonna regret it !!!

Oh, but you kept flirting with Llama, even though your wifey was hurt.

Woah woah what are you talking about

Don't you remember last night? KitKat was playing her game on Llama.

Shut up. She doesn't remember anything that happened last night xD


  • insert dramatic music here - Yeah I was so emotionally traumatized from yesterdays mishaps that I lost my memories of that night.. and now Ive become lost... lost in the past that I can no longer remember....

Poor girl. I could give you a night to remember ;)

Im glad u get yr confidence back.. over an amnesia woman

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 11:31AM

joined Feb 13, 2016

Oh my god. You all have to back off and stop flirting with my Wifey !!!! Or else y'all gonna regret it !!!

Oh, but you kept flirting with Llama, even though your wifey was hurt.

Woah woah what are you talking about

Don't you remember last night? KitKat was playing her game on Llama.

Shut up. She doesn't remember anything that happened last night xD


  • insert dramatic music here - Yeah I was so emotionally traumatized from yesterdays mishaps that I lost my memories of that night.. and now Ive become lost... lost in the past that I can no longer remember....

Poor girl. I could give you a night to remember ;)

Im glad u get yr confidence back.. over an amnesia woman

Lol. Nah, I stop when I'm rejected.
I was rejected again. Another crater in my pride
/ sobbing in a corner /
I will retreat to my castle to plot the end of the world.

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 11:34AM

joined Mar 17, 2016

Oh my gosh I have a horrible headache now >.<


joined Mar 2, 2016

Alright guys I think its time to go back to sleep and cuddle with my baby.

joined Mar 17, 2016

Alright guys I think its time to go back to sleep and cuddle with my baby.

I wonder who that is since KitKat is going to work XD
I need to go back to sleep though :( this headache is kicking my butt..

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 11:37AM

joined Mar 2, 2016

Alright guys I think its time to go back to sleep and cuddle with my baby.

I wonder who that is since KitKat is going to work XD

Hahah just when I say that I go upstairs and see her passed out in my room XDD god I love my dog

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 11:38AM

joined Mar 17, 2016

Alright guys I think its time to go back to sleep and cuddle with my baby.

I wonder who that is since KitKat is going to work XD

Hahah just when I say that I go upstairs and see her passed out in my room XDD

Hahaha she got tired of waiting for you XD

joined Mar 2, 2016

Oh my gosh I have a horrible headache now >.<

Aww take some meds and try to get some rest!
Will see you guys later :))

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 11:40AM

joined Apr 3, 2016

One day of not being here and you make 24 new pages. I'm not even gonna try backreading everything, cause when I'll finish there'll probably be 10 new pages. xD Anyway, hello you sexies. ;D

Cutes. Dog. Ever Ohmigosh. Is there a plushy version of her? If so, I want one. _
I always wanted to have a husky, but I figured since I'm a city girl and we only live in a 4 bedroom condo, it wouldn't be nice for such a big dog. /sighs/

Oh yeah, and everyone who wanted me to say hi to her: Su says hi back to you. :-)

joined Nov 20, 2015

Nooo.. dude.. what doesnt kill u make u stronger...

Whats that on her head?

My migraine died down.. but.. not dissapeared yet.. no medicine tonight, gonna hit my own head and fall asleep..

joined Nov 20, 2015

One day of not being here and you make 24 new pages. I'm not even gonna try backreading everything, cause when I'll finish there'll probably be 10 new pages. xD Anyway, hello you sexies. ;D

Cutes. Dog. Ever Ohmigosh. Is there a plushy version of her? If so, I want one. _
I always wanted to have a husky, but I figured since I'm a city girl and we only live in a 4 bedroom condo, it wouldn't be nice for such a big dog. /sighs/

Oh yeah, and everyone who wanted me to say hi to her: Su says hi back to you. :-)

Ahh.. hi Lin..
Thanks... no worry for another 10 pages.. some of us, including me is knocked out..
How's Su?

joined Mar 2, 2016

Hahah welcome back Lin !
How is Su holding up?? :(

And aw its nice that youre thinking whats best for the dog though. I know a lot of people who insist on having big dogs even though they live in a tiny apartment. Its understable if theyre able to take them out often (especially a husky because theyve got so much god damn energy).. but if theyre not able to, it would basically be torture for the dog :/ . My house isnt all that big either but I take her out for an hour walk 3 times a day.

Its like a fake fur chain thing that was hanging on my coat rack xD sorta got in the way of the shot but I was afraid Id wake her up if I moved it away.

And whats with all these headaches and migraines? Hope you feel better!! Take good care of yourselvesssss. No drinking for you tonight! :P

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 11:54AM

joined Mar 17, 2016

Hi Lin! Yeah there were a ton of pages from yesterday lol but I think everyone is going to be taking a break, some are going back to bed which I'm totally jealous of..

Also I'm reviewing another stores video from when 3 people broke into the cash room... one guy really needs to pull up his pants that is not a sight I was prepared to see this early in the morning -_-

joined Apr 3, 2016

Ahh.. hi Lin..
Thanks... no worry for another 10 pages.. some of us, including me is knocked out..

That's a bit of a relief. Maybe I'll take some time to backread at least a bit of what I missed. ^_^ Just read you have a migraine? Meh. :-/ Try sleeping, it always helps for me.

How's Su?

Pissed off about having to stay in hospital for 6 weeks. xD She's recovering. She already doesn't look as pale anymore, which was a relief for me. All in all, she's fine. :-)

joined Feb 13, 2016

Hi, Lin!
How's Su? If possible, can you tell her that I actually tried dark honey/pepper tomatoes? And that I'm still Team Salty Tomatoes all the way. Too bad I'm not her long lost twin xD.

Oh, glad to know she's recovering then!

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 12:02PM

joined Nov 20, 2015

Also I'm reviewing another stores video from when 3 people broke into the cash room... one guy really needs to pull up his pants that is not a sight I was prepared to see this early in the morning -_-

Lolz... but is it that bad..

I give up... brb tomorrow..

joined Mar 17, 2016

Pissed off about having to stay in hospital for 6 weeks. xD She's recovering. She already doesn't look as pale anymore, which was a relief for me. All in all, she's fine. :-)

Oh gosh 6 weeks?? And I'm glad she is doing well :)

joined Mar 17, 2016

Also I'm reviewing another stores video from when 3 people broke into the cash room... one guy really needs to pull up his pants that is not a sight I was prepared to see this early in the morning -_-

Lolz... but is it that bad..

I give up... brb tomorrow..

Well it wasn't pretty lol talk to you later Rainy! :)

joined Apr 3, 2016

To everyone who's still worried about her, this was the first conversation, that we had when I went to visit her today:

Me: /opens door to her room/ Hey there, Dar-
Me: I...don't think I have the authority to do that.
Su: How about fake wedding bands? If you're my wife, you could be able to get me back home.
Me: But we weren't married when you got here. e_o
Su: So? Shotgun weddings. They happen. u_u
Me: They'd ask for the papers, too.
Su: Find someone to fake them then.
Me: -_- You're being ridiculous.
Su: I know! But I miss you and Jacky and even your nutjub of a cat. I wanna go home! DX

Trust me, she's fine. If she has the energy to whine like a little kid, she's feeling perfectly okay. xD

joined Mar 8, 2014

And aw its nice that youre thinking whats best for the dog though. I know a lot of people who insist on having big dogs even though they live in a tiny apartment. Its understable if theyre able to take them out often (especially a husky because theyve got so much god damn energy).. but if theyre not able to, it would basically be torture for the dog :/ . My house isnt all that big either but I take her out for an hour walk 3 times a day.

hello, wow, I would never be able to do that! O_O 3 times a day?! that's why I'll never have a dog... I'm still looking for an apartment to rent... I hope the kitchen is good...
Well, I'm going to go back to do my lip sync now... I need to show it tomorrow for good! ><
what a romantic way to propose XD

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 12:11PM

joined Apr 3, 2016

Oh gosh 6 weeks??

Yep. They're keeping her in until the day of her heart transplantation. And probably for at least 2 weeks afterwards, depending on how quickly the surgery scar heals and how well her new heart cooperates with her body. So...I guess you can expect her to come back sometime between June 15th and July.

How's Su? If possible, can you tell her that I actually tried dark honey/pepper tomatoes? And that I'm still Team Salty Tomatoes all the way. Too bad I'm not her long lost twin xD.

Oh, she's not gonna like that. xD To be honest, I tried honey-pepper tomatoes as well, thank you. I actually had to keep myself from spitting them out. xD

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