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joined Nov 20, 2015

Page 108-110 could help u changing yr mood.. try it..

joined Mar 17, 2016

I think they have three people now but I could be wrong XD

joined Nov 20, 2015

Btw gtg for now..
Its Monday morning already T^T

joined Feb 8, 2016

Erm. I like some of their song but not all of em. I have weird preference about songs soooo =_=

Lol I think that goes for most people :) Is there any artist you really love that you actually like EVERY single one of their songs?

joined Feb 13, 2016

What do you think of NSN ??

I hear their songs sporadically, mostly when I'm driving long distances, because I like the vibe. Red balloon is one of their songs I like the most. And I dig Christofer's voice when it got deeper. What about you?

Also, KittoKatto - you said this to me once - you can share things with us, you know. But don't feel pressured to do it either. (And I dislike sounding this softy...)

last edited at Apr 10, 2016 7:47PM

joined Nov 20, 2015

Yr friend is a good host..
And.. sorry for dead fish thing. But u made me thinking to try being one sometime later..

Sound softy doesnt suit u?

Come baackkk....

last edited at Apr 10, 2016 7:52PM

joined Feb 13, 2016

Sound softy doesnt suit u?

I don't know. I think it doesn't. I'm usually pragmatic when dealing with things in general, including people and problems. So when I can't really do much more than being by people's side, I just feel inadequate...

joined Sep 15, 2015

Naaaah. I love the band but not EVERY single one of their songs. It's either their other song sounds so cringeworthy or it just doesn't suit my preferences at all. =_=

I already read page 108-110 earlier today. Looked like you all had a wonderful discussion :>

I only dig for Christofer's voice too xD
My favorite songs of his would beeeeeee Can't stand it, bigcitydreams, & Hummingbird !!

joined Nov 20, 2015

knowing its me.. if those songs are good enough to my sense, my coworkers will have a good grief for several days ahead.. xp

last edited at Apr 10, 2016 8:29PM

joined Feb 8, 2016

If you guys want a chuckle, I read this little comic on lezhin and so far all 21 of the chapters are free: It's called "I'm NOT Drunk" and it's just a comedy about the dumb things that happen to drunk college kids (or just drunk people in general). It's not yuri, but if you made the situations same sex, I'm afraid to count how many of them I've experienced myself.

joined Mar 8, 2014

does guava taste like papaya???

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

If you guys want a chuckle, I read this little comic on lezhin and so far all 21 of the chapters are free: It's called "I'm NOT Drunk" and it's just a comedy about the dumb things that happen to drunk college kids (or just drunk people in general). It's not yuri, but if you made the situations same sex, I'm afraid to count how many of them I've experienced myself.

The title puts me in mind of this classic.

joined Feb 13, 2016

does guava taste like papaya???

Nope! I can't really describe what guava tastes like, I'm not really fond of it. And papaya.... I HATE PAPAYA. / hissing /

joined Mar 8, 2014

does guava taste like papaya???

Nope! I can't really describe what guava tastes like, I'm not really fond of it. And papaya.... I HATE PAPAYA. / hissing /

yeah I don't like papaya either... that's why I'm asking, if it tastes like papaya I don't want it. What fruit would you compare it to? or is it really unique?

joined Jan 13, 2016

Su i hope you get well soon. I am wishing and praying here for you always and everyday for your recovery. You are not just my Internet friend that i can easily forget. I cannot wait to hear more of you and Lin's love story. Your love story is ranked #1 in my reading list. I hope you guys continue to tell and spread your love. Get well soon my friend.

joined Feb 13, 2016

does guava taste like papaya???

Nope! I can't really describe what guava tastes like, I'm not really fond of it. And papaya.... I HATE PAPAYA. / hissing /

yeah I don't like papaya either... that's why I'm asking, if it tastes like papaya I don't want it. What fruit would you compare it to? or is it really unique?

I'd say it has an unique taste.. maybe something like a mix of pear and strawberry, but not really.. That would be a very bad description to tell you the truth. I think you could try it. It's definitely better than papaya / hissing /

joined Mar 8, 2014

I'm serious now, gosh, I'm not losing any more time... if I want to get good grades I have to stop being a stupid and trying to find out why I'm having a block. I don't care why I have it; it's gonna go away.
Guava sounds great :D we don't have it in the supermarket, maybe in London ahahah, who knows when I'll go to London? >.> when all this hell is over... >.>

last edited at Apr 10, 2016 10:17PM

joined Feb 13, 2016

I'm serious now, gosh, I'm not losing any more time... if I want to get good grades I have to stop being a stupid and trying to find out why I'm having a block. I don't care why I have it's gonna go away.
Guava sounds great :D we don't have it in the supermarket, maybe in London ahahah, who knows when I'll go to London? >.> when all this hell is over... >.>

OMG, don't mention supermarket! (T^T)
Lol. I dont really like guava though. But it's a pretty popular fruit here, so maybe you should try it.

And about your block, my job doesn't depend on creativity, but isn't it hard to force it? I mean, my experience with that kind of thing is just with hobbies like drawing an writing. But since it's a hobby, I can wait for inspiration to strike me. But since this is about work, I can't really advice you there. I believe hard work can make some creativity happen, but I also see how stressing over it can be bad for you too...

last edited at Apr 10, 2016 10:22PM

joined Sep 15, 2015

How many days do you still have left before your deadline ?? If you have at least 5 days left before the deadline, I'd suggest you take a day off without thinking about your project. Clear out your mind, go out, get some air, and don't stress yourself too much. Personally, it helps me whenever I get a deadline and get that sort of block. Just give it a try if you like.

joined Mar 8, 2014

And about your block, my job doesn't depend on creativity, but isn't it hard to force it? I mean, my experience with that kind of thing is just with hobbies like drawing an writing. But since it's a hobby, I can wait for inspiration to strike me. But since this is about work, I can't really advice you there. I believe hard work can make some creativity happen, but I also see how stressing over it can be bad for you too...

honestly more than a creative block is just a really complex issue about having too many expectations from myself and feeling really distressed when I start working and like I can't meet those expectations which in turns makes me not want to work; which is stupid and I don't understand why I'm not over it. But I definitely can't waste time anymore but every time I tell myself "ok, I'll work now" I start feeling really scared and I need to back away then I feel better again and try to keep my mind off it for a while and then I decide to start working and it happens again... I had this problem always. When I was in high school I put off studying for the last moment because once I start doing something I stress over the little details and I can't stop. For example, if I started studying two days before I wouldn't be able to stop and relax I would just be looking and thinking about whether I forgot some little detail or something and I would be reviewing things again and again; leaving it until the last minute forced me not to do this and I had no choice but to stop and relax without feeling too guilty for not reviewing and like I wasn't good enough because I didn't review it or whatever... But when I got into college I started having even more expectations from myself; like I can't just do things to get a good grade I must actively try to learn and become better and I have like a list of things I have to learn and every time I think about it I panic and I just have a black out...
Honestly, it's really bad... my mom wasn't super strict when I was a child but she was pretty strict. I wasn't that good when I was around primary school, like 4th grade or sth and she kept telling me I'd repeat a grade... like I wasn't that bad, she just did it to scare me. She wouldn't really get mad at me or shout when I got bad grades; she was understanding; that's for sure... But for the rest she was pretty much pressuring me all the time; like why I'm not studying and why I don't do more exercises to become better and I should ask if other children to them and she's sure they do blah blah blah blah... My dad didn't really say much but I don't remember him praising me much about anything, I mean yeah he'd be like "well done" when I got good grades but that was about it and when I got bad grades he'd give me some disapproving "funny" comment like "oh come on, even the rabbit can do better" (we had a rabbit). I don't remember much about secondary school err... my mom was not as strict but she still didn't trust me much and kept nagging me to study blah blah; even though my grades were pretty high. High school she nagged less and I had top grades btw...

last edited at Apr 10, 2016 10:44PM

joined Mar 8, 2014

How many days do you still have left before your deadline ?? If you have at least 5 days left before the deadline, I'd suggest you take a day off without thinking about your project. Clear out your mind, go out, get some air, and don't stress yourself too much. Personally, it helps me whenever I get a deadline and get that sort of block. Just give it a try if you like.

yeah I have 7 days :) but I already took a lot of days off, I hardly did anything yesterday. And gosh, I don't even know why... every time I go to sleep and I tell myself I'll do this and that and then I wake up I'm like, okay I'll spend 1 hour online, then I spend 2 hours then I'm like, okay I'll go supermarket now, I'll cook, okay I need to calm down just a bit longer, okay I need to hug my pillow and time just passes by T_T, it's horrible...
I honestly just feel like I want to cry... I wanna say I want more time but I don't even know if that's what I want I had more time and I was just fooling around... I don't really understand it; it has no logic but it feels like I'm hardwired to act this way...

last edited at Apr 10, 2016 10:49PM

joined Mar 17, 2016

How many days do you still have left before your deadline ?? If you have at least 5 days left before the deadline, I'd suggest you take a day off without thinking about your project. Clear out your mind, go out, get some air, and don't stress yourself too much. Personally, it helps me whenever I get a deadline and get that sort of block. Just give it a try if you like.

yeah I have 7 days :) but I already took a lot of days off, I hardly did anything yesterday. And gosh, I don't even know why... every time I go to sleep and I tell myself I'll do this and that and then I wake up I'm like, okay I'll spend 1 hour online, then I spend 2 hours then I'm like, okay I'll go supermarket now, I'll cook, okay I need to calm down just a bit longer, okay I need to hug my pillow and time just passes by T_T, it's horrible...

Maybe you need to set like goal marks, like tell yourself that you will get to a certain point and then take a break.

joined Mar 8, 2014

How many days do you still have left before your deadline ?? If you have at least 5 days left before the deadline, I'd suggest you take a day off without thinking about your project. Clear out your mind, go out, get some air, and don't stress yourself too much. Personally, it helps me whenever I get a deadline and get that sort of block. Just give it a try if you like.

yeah I have 7 days :) but I already took a lot of days off, I hardly did anything yesterday. And gosh, I don't even know why... every time I go to sleep and I tell myself I'll do this and that and then I wake up I'm like, okay I'll spend 1 hour online, then I spend 2 hours then I'm like, okay I'll go supermarket now, I'll cook, okay I need to calm down just a bit longer, okay I need to hug my pillow and time just passes by T_T, it's horrible...

Maybe you need to set like goal marks, like tell yourself that you will get to a certain point and then take a break.

I kind of tried that... like I had a blog and I noted down the things I need to do... but I don't know something goes wrong every single time, honestly... I'm trying to do that now, but I need to multitask so much because I have a deadline next monday and then the other monday so I'm freaking out... and after the deadlines are over I'm gonna go see a counselor in my uni because if I have this problem next year I'm not gonna make it... and I'm definitely not gonna make it in general...

joined Nov 20, 2015

does guava taste like papaya???

Nope! I can't really describe what guava tastes like, I'm not really fond of it. And papaya.... I HATE PAPAYA. / hissing /

yeah I don't like papaya either... that's why I'm asking, if it tastes like papaya I don't want it. What fruit would you compare it to? or is it really unique?

I'd say it has an unique taste.. maybe something like a mix of pear and strawberry, but not really.. That would be a very bad description to tell you the truth. I think you could try it. It's definitely better than papaya / hissing /

Since both guava and papaya r tropical fruits, i eat those a lot.
Papaya is very good for yr digestion and guava is good for yr skin.
Recently, many kids (and adults too) are having DHF here. And red guava juice helps to improve thrombocyte level.

I can never choose between those... the taste are not that bad, i can still deal with it..

joined Feb 8, 2016

Fay, what you're talking about reminds me a lot of my Grecian friend from college. Really don't know anybody who had better grades (4 years of college, all A's except with the exception of one course where she got an A-...). Also incredibly high anxiety when it came to her performance, often at the cost of her own health and sanity. She had her ups and downs dealing with it, but at her best times she was able to constrain her studying hours such that the hours where she did have for school work were so precious that she had to be efficient. If you look at your time as limited (even if you could physically stay up later or forego other activities), it can often help you prioritize what's most important, and execute it immediately since you will only have so many hours in the future. I was only able to do this by actually being very busy with other activities, so when I sat down to work I knew it had to get done, but for her it was absolutely mental diligence. I encourage you to give it a try. Even if you fail to make it happen perfectly, I think it's a good exercise in using your time wisely. The other parts of your life -- health, socializing, hobbies, are all incredibly important, too, and the earlier you get in the habit of balancing them, the easier it is when you're older.

last edited at Apr 10, 2016 10:59PM

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