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Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I hate lying, but i can perfectly act to hide the real thing. I'd say hiding truth is better than lying. Lying is a total denial, but hiding truth is a bit different..

Hiding truth takes more intent to deceive.

joined Mar 2, 2016


yo girls how yall doin! Lol I said I'd try to send aa text if I got drunk just to say hiii ;D It's harder to text in english thpgh.. It's also hard to play snooke right now lol
Wish you girls a good night!!

Lolz.. u re not quite wasted... and yr text is not hard to understand.. xD

@Rainy!! I'm fine! In just drunk enough to be dizzy lmao . I'm trying to play ppol here though and I suck. Anyway, kept my promise see ya

EEeyyy you go girl! Have fun!!

joined Nov 20, 2015

Yeah, you did. xD i never got drunk before.. so i have no idea..


Hiding truth takes more intent to deceive.

Kekeke.. is that what happened to you? I just used to smoothly change the topic..

joined Nov 20, 2015

joined Sep 15, 2015

Been a long day. Good night everyone !!!

joined Jan 13, 2016

Been a long day. Good night everyone !!!

I cannot believe you worked until now.

joined Jan 13, 2016

Someone has secretly deleted posts again (def. Not me).. and now you re not the first in 100th page (at least thats what i see in my tab..) l:(
who is the naughty here?

Not me this time for sure. I have seen sleeping real good here all this time.

joined Jan 13, 2016

Hi.. good morning :D

Good morning! How was your day? Man, it's already Sunday. Still want to lay aroubd dome more.

joined Jan 13, 2016

Mehh.. my Sunday is nearly over..
Just finished taking a bath after cardio and weight lifting exercise.. wanna re-read Kase-san..

That is right. It's already Sunday evening over where you are while my Sunday just begins. Is Kase-san your favorite manga?

last edited at Apr 10, 2016 8:06AM

joined Jan 13, 2016

Yes, it's one of my fav mangas...
Btw.. we are waiting for FF update.. wohoooo...

Cool. I have given up on FF. Their story does not seem going anywhere. Now I'm more of interested reading about Su and Lin's love story than FF actually.

joined Jan 13, 2016

Lolz.. extra patience is needed to read FF.. but i luv the aaangst and the drama in FF.. if they get together too fast, its the end of the story.. i kinda want it last longer.. :D

That is true too. I don't know but now i just think Su and Lin are the most coolest couple in the whole universe whom i decided to look up to lol.

joined Feb 13, 2016

Hangovers. Suck.

joined Jan 13, 2016

I wouldnt deny that.. xD

I miss u already... :'(

Now talking about them sure is making me missed them. When i think about their love for one another, i get this warm feeling. Nice to be them. My most admirable couple.

What about you? Don't you have a sweet love story yourself?

last edited at Apr 10, 2016 8:30AM

joined Feb 13, 2016

Good morning...
Lolz i never get drunk, never get hangsover, never get to know how it feels..

Hangovers make me want to get rid of my stomach. I get nauseous for hours, unless I take meds. But I had worse hangovers, since I didn't get wasted as I intended (had to enter onee-san mode again..)

joined Mar 17, 2016

Good morning...
Lolz i never get drunk, never get hangsover, never get to know how it feels..

Hangovers make me want to get rid of my stomach. I get nauseous for hours, unless I take meds. But I had worse hangovers, since I didn't get wasted as I intended (had to enter onee-san mode again..)

Lol I've actually only had one hangover and it sucked. But I saw your posts last night and they were hilarious XD

Good morning everyone! :D

joined Feb 13, 2016

Then next time, dont run away from it.. what is there to be scared of?

I second Rainy. Give it a chance, mvl89. You never know what may happen. And even if things don't go your way, its still a valuable experience.

joined Feb 13, 2016

Good morning...
Lolz i never get drunk, never get hangsover, never get to know how it feels..

Hangovers make me want to get rid of my stomach. I get nauseous for hours, unless I take meds. But I had worse hangovers, since I didn't get wasted as I intended (had to enter onee-san mode again..)

so, whats good for being drunk? No offense, just wanna hear yr opinion..

Btw, i can be the onee-sama if i was there.. :) lol..

Well, I'm a happy drunk (before my stomach decides to be a bitch). So things just get so damn funny all of a sudden and I laugh at anything really. I'm such a goofy drunk lol

But, yeah, I would appreciate if someone else could become onee-SAN there, since my friends always end up in some sort of trouble... (pleeeease, this onee-sama thing makes me shiver xD)

joined Feb 13, 2016

Then next time, dont run away from it.. what is there to be scared of?

Haha. I don't know about that. I always want to be a strong person being sane all the time. I don't like the feeling of missing that person or wanting to be with that person every second. These things can drive a person nuts lol.

With or without someone u love, u re still gonna say good bye.. being possessive is also fine. Nothing wrong with that.. its human nature.. someday we'll also say good bye to each other..

I guess i just don't like being weak like a little kid.

What if you tried to think that to accept all the vulnerability that comes with a relationship actually demands strength?

joined Feb 13, 2016

Morning Llama xD

joined Mar 17, 2016

Hi there llama..

Hi Rainy haha

joined Jan 13, 2016

If u think cant stand being weak, it could mean u need someone u wanna protect.. it will make u stronger..

Hmm i'm not sure about. Running away has seen to be a lot easier.

Are you really still underage? I'm totally embarrrassed now.

joined Feb 13, 2016

Good morning...
Lolz i never get drunk, never get hangsover, never get to know how it feels..

Hangovers make me want to get rid of my stomach. I get nauseous for hours, unless I take meds. But I had worse hangovers, since I didn't get wasted as I intended (had to enter onee-san mode again..)

so, whats good for being drunk? No offense, just wanna hear yr opinion..

Btw, i can be the onee-sama if i was there.. :) lol..

Well, I'm a happy drunk (before my stomach decides to be a bitch). So things just get so damn funny all of a sudden and I laugh at anything really. I'm such a goofy drunk lol

But, yeah, I would appreciate if someone else could become onee-SAN there, since my friends always end up in some sort of trouble... (pleeeease, this onee-sama thing makes me shiver xD)

And the happiness resists even after u sober up?

Lolz i fully intended to put the -sama there.. i feel like i can see how u reacted before the screen..

Most of the times, I'm still a happy idiot after I sober up, but that's just me (unless I have something to put me in a bad mood, but that's actually rare). When I'm in happy drunk mode I laugh for unknown reasons o.O

Lol. It's so weird to be in happy drunk + onee-san mode. It's just confusing to be "lmao, this guy seems to wear a wig lol" and suddenly gets "yo man, hands up and pants on. Now gtfo"
(And seriously, how is that onee-sama even a thing lol)

last edited at Apr 10, 2016 9:41AM

joined Mar 8, 2014

I loooost my pajama toooooop, >< where iiiiis iiiiiiit?! ><

joined Feb 13, 2016

I loooost my pajama toooooop, >< where iiiiis iiiiiiit?! ><

If you weren't such an innocent girl, I would tease you. I can't believe I'm going to lose the opportunity to crack a joke...

joined Mar 8, 2014

Sorry i cant help. I failed my paranormal subject once..

don't worry I found it! :D My magic is perfect!

I'm not that innocent >.>
What were you going to say? That I should walk around topless? I always wear a bra to sleep so that won't work, and it has a svaroski---------------- ahhhhhhhhhhhh, where did it gooooooooooooo?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??! omg...
my svaroski jeweeeeeeeeeeel nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

last edited at Apr 10, 2016 9:56AM

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