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joined Nov 20, 2015

I loooost my pajama toooooop, >< where iiiiis iiiiiiit?! ><

If you weren't such an innocent girl, I would tease you. I can't believe I'm going to lose the opportunity to crack a joke...

But u wouldnt know if she isnt anymore..

joined Feb 13, 2016

I loooost my pajama toooooop, >< where iiiiis iiiiiiit?! ><

If you weren't such an innocent girl, I would tease you. I can't believe I'm going to lose the opportunity to crack a joke...

But u wouldnt know if she isnt anymore..

Is this the end of our cinnamon roll?! O.O
(Thanks, Rainy, for the backup)

joined Mar 8, 2014

I loooost my pajama toooooop, >< where iiiiis iiiiiiit?! ><

If you weren't such an innocent girl, I would tease you. I can't believe I'm going to lose the opportunity to crack a joke...

But u wouldnt know if she isnt anymore..

Is this the end of our cinnamon roll?! O.O
(Thanks, Rainy, for the backup)

I might be a dangerous mix of innocent and a bit cunning :P
honestly, more than innocent I'm just a bit slow at picking up indirect things >.> and maybe I don't really care showing that I have no idea about certain things ^-^'''
but I lost my svaroski jewel... it must have come off in the washing machine... now it's lost forever ;_;

last edited at Apr 10, 2016 10:02AM

joined Feb 13, 2016

I loooost my pajama toooooop, >< where iiiiis iiiiiiit?! ><

If you weren't such an innocent girl, I would tease you. I can't believe I'm going to lose the opportunity to crack a joke...

But u wouldnt know if she isnt anymore..

Is this the end of our cinnamon roll?! O.O
(Thanks, Rainy, for the backup)

I might be a dangerous mix of innocent and a bit cunning :P

Are you trying to seduce me?

joined Mar 17, 2016

I loooost my pajama toooooop, >< where iiiiis iiiiiiit?! ><

If you weren't such an innocent girl, I would tease you. I can't believe I'm going to lose the opportunity to crack a joke...

But u wouldnt know if she isnt anymore..

Is this the end of our cinnamon roll?! O.O
(Thanks, Rainy, for the backup)

I might be a dangerous mix of innocent and a bit cunning :P
honestly, more than innocent I'm just a bit slow at picking up indirect things >.>
but I lost my svaroski jewel... it must have come off in the washing machine... now it's lost forever ;_;

What is a svaroski jewel?

joined Mar 17, 2016

I loooost my pajama toooooop, >< where iiiiis iiiiiiit?! ><

If you weren't such an innocent girl, I would tease you. I can't believe I'm going to lose the opportunity to crack a joke...

But u wouldnt know if she isnt anymore..

Is this the end of our cinnamon roll?! O.O
(Thanks, Rainy, for the backup)

I might be a dangerous mix of innocent and a bit cunning :P

Are you trying to seduce me?

Bahahahahahahaha!! XD

joined Nov 20, 2015


Is this the end of our cinnamon roll?! O.O
(Thanks, Rainy, for the backup)

You re welcome..
Well the innocence doesnt stay innocent forever... we lost it tonight.. good grief..

And i think i need an explanation here.. is it the bra or the pajama which has svaroski?

joined Mar 8, 2014

I loooost my pajama toooooop, >< where iiiiis iiiiiiit?! ><

If you weren't such an innocent girl, I would tease you. I can't believe I'm going to lose the opportunity to crack a joke...

But u wouldnt know if she isnt anymore..

Is this the end of our cinnamon roll?! O.O
(Thanks, Rainy, for the backup)

I might be a dangerous mix of innocent and a bit cunning :P

Are you trying to seduce me?

n-no...t particularly >.>

you make it sound as though I did something lewd at night ><
Also the svaroski was in the middle of the bra and it came off ;_;... it made my bra look really fancy... now it's not so fancy...

last edited at Apr 10, 2016 10:04AM

joined Feb 5, 2015

I loooost my pajama toooooop, >< where iiiiis iiiiiiit?! ><

If you weren't such an innocent girl, I would tease you. I can't believe I'm going to lose the opportunity to crack a joke...

But u wouldnt know if she isnt anymore..

Is this the end of our cinnamon roll?! O.O
(Thanks, Rainy, for the backup)

I might be a dangerous mix of innocent and a bit cunning :P

Are you trying to seduce me?

n-no...t particularly >.>

Yup, she is trying to seduce you, Azai

joined Feb 13, 2016

I loooost my pajama toooooop, >< where iiiiis iiiiiiit?! ><

If you weren't such an innocent girl, I would tease you. I can't believe I'm going to lose the opportunity to crack a joke...

But u wouldnt know if she isnt anymore..

Is this the end of our cinnamon roll?! O.O
(Thanks, Rainy, for the backup)

I might be a dangerous mix of innocent and a bit cunning :P

Are you trying to seduce me?

n-no...t particularly >.>

you make it sound as though I did something lewd at night ><
Also the svaroski was in the middle of the bra and it came off ;_;... it made my bra look really fancy... now it's not so fancy...

Believe me, it's not the svaroski that made it look fancy. If you get what I mean ;)
High five, Rainy!

last edited at Apr 10, 2016 10:08AM

joined Mar 8, 2014

I loooost my pajama toooooop, >< where iiiiis iiiiiiit?! ><

If you weren't such an innocent girl, I would tease you. I can't believe I'm going to lose the opportunity to crack a joke...

But u wouldnt know if she isnt anymore..

Is this the end of our cinnamon roll?! O.O
(Thanks, Rainy, for the backup)

I might be a dangerous mix of innocent and a bit cunning :P
honestly, more than innocent I'm just a bit slow at picking up indirect things >.>
but I lost my svaroski jewel... it must have come off in the washing machine... now it's lost forever ;_;

What is a svaroski jewel?

oops wrong I meant swarovski, yeah, that's it ^-^''

last edited at Apr 10, 2016 10:09AM

joined Mar 17, 2016

I loooost my pajama toooooop, >< where iiiiis iiiiiiit?! ><

If you weren't such an innocent girl, I would tease you. I can't believe I'm going to lose the opportunity to crack a joke...

But u wouldnt know if she isnt anymore..

Is this the end of our cinnamon roll?! O.O
(Thanks, Rainy, for the backup)

I might be a dangerous mix of innocent and a bit cunning :P

Are you trying to seduce me?

n-no...t particularly >.>

Lol is this a new relationship? Newp and KitKati and now Azai and Faylicia XD

joined Mar 8, 2014

I loooost my pajama toooooop, >< where iiiiis iiiiiiit?! ><

If you weren't such an innocent girl, I would tease you. I can't believe I'm going to lose the opportunity to crack a joke...

But u wouldnt know if she isnt anymore..

Is this the end of our cinnamon roll?! O.O
(Thanks, Rainy, for the backup)

I might be a dangerous mix of innocent and a bit cunning :P

Are you trying to seduce me?

n-no...t particularly >.>

Lol is this a new relationship? Newp and KitKati and now Azai and Faylicia XD

n-no! it's not like that >///< !!

last edited at Apr 10, 2016 10:10AM

joined Mar 8, 2014

I loooost my pajama toooooop, >< where iiiiis iiiiiiit?! ><

If you weren't such an innocent girl, I would tease you. I can't believe I'm going to lose the opportunity to crack a joke...

But u wouldnt know if she isnt anymore..

Is this the end of our cinnamon roll?! O.O
(Thanks, Rainy, for the backup)

I might be a dangerous mix of innocent and a bit cunning :P

Are you trying to seduce me?

n-no...t particularly >.>

you make it sound as though I did something lewd at night ><
Also the svaroski was in the middle of the bra and it came off ;_;... it made my bra look really fancy... now it's not so fancy...

Believe me, it's not the svaroski that made it look fancy. If you get what I mean ;)
High five, Rainy!

b-b-b-but, I was talking about the bra, on it's own!

joined Feb 13, 2016

I loooost my pajama toooooop, >< where iiiiis iiiiiiit?! ><

If you weren't such an innocent girl, I would tease you. I can't believe I'm going to lose the opportunity to crack a joke...

But u wouldnt know if she isnt anymore..

Is this the end of our cinnamon roll?! O.O
(Thanks, Rainy, for the backup)

I might be a dangerous mix of innocent and a bit cunning :P

Are you trying to seduce me?

n-no...t particularly >.>

Lol is this a new relationship? Newp and KitKati and now Azai and Faylicia XD

n-no! it's not like that >///< !!

I was rejected right away ∑(゚Д゚)
That. Broke. My heart.

joined Mar 8, 2014

Whats this? Is Azai not good enough?

eh? ah! um, I don't... know how to reply to thaaat >.>
i-it's not like that, it's just... um... ahh! I don't knowwwww ><
lets not make it official this is a secret affair
edit: ah! she answered er... i-it's not like... err... um... ugh! ^

last edited at Apr 10, 2016 10:16AM

joined Mar 8, 2014

Dont sweat it dude..
Our kinds are like this..
We are being seduced and thrown away in a single night..
I feel u T-T

don't make it sound like I did something indecent!! ><

last edited at Apr 10, 2016 10:18AM

joined Mar 17, 2016

I loooost my pajama toooooop, >< where iiiiis iiiiiiit?! ><

If you weren't such an innocent girl, I would tease you. I can't believe I'm going to lose the opportunity to crack a joke...

But u wouldnt know if she isnt anymore..

Is this the end of our cinnamon roll?! O.O
(Thanks, Rainy, for the backup)

I might be a dangerous mix of innocent and a bit cunning :P

Are you trying to seduce me?

n-no...t particularly >.>

Lol is this a new relationship? Newp and KitKati and now Azai and Faylicia XD

n-no! it's not like that >///< !!

I was rejected right away ∑(゚Д゚)
That. Broke. My heart.

Faylicia you can't just break your woman's heart like that, now how are you going to mend this? ;)

joined Nov 20, 2015

You know me, dude..
Id like to accompany you drinking, but im just too far away..
Dont get wasted too much okay..

last edited at Apr 10, 2016 10:20AM

joined Feb 13, 2016

You know me, dude..
Id like to accompany you drinking, but im just too far away..
Dont get wasted too much okay..

Rainy! I need you to be on onee-SAN mode while I get wasted here T.T

joined Mar 8, 2014

I loooost my pajama toooooop, >< where iiiiis iiiiiiit?! ><

If you weren't such an innocent girl, I would tease you. I can't believe I'm going to lose the opportunity to crack a joke...

But u wouldnt know if she isnt anymore..

Is this the end of our cinnamon roll?! O.O
(Thanks, Rainy, for the backup)

I might be a dangerous mix of innocent and a bit cunning :P

Are you trying to seduce me?

n-no...t particularly >.>

Lol is this a new relationship? Newp and KitKati and now Azai and Faylicia XD

n-no! it's not like that >///< !!

I was rejected right away ∑(゚Д゚)
That. Broke. My heart.

Faylicia you can't just break your woman's heart like that, now how are you going to mend this? ;)

oh geez, okay, I'm going to the bar! (where she's drinking or sth? >.>)
pulls bottle away ^///^ for-gi-ve me, pleaaaasee~? ☻_☻ (kitty eyes) ^///^ I just like secret affairs better
^-^'' does that work?

joined Nov 20, 2015

You know me, dude..
Id like to accompany you drinking, but im just too far away..
Dont get wasted too much okay..

Rainy! I need you to be on onee-SAN mode while I get wasted here T.T

See.. what u done?

joined Mar 8, 2014

You know me, dude..
Id like to accompany you drinking, but im just too far away..
Dont get wasted too much okay..

Rainy! I need you to be on onee-SAN mode while I get wasted here T.T

See.. what u done?

I said I'm sorrryyy ^-^
Azaaaaiii grabs your arm let's gooo? ^.^

last edited at Apr 10, 2016 10:26AM

joined Mar 17, 2016

I loooost my pajama toooooop, >< where iiiiis iiiiiiit?! ><

If you weren't such an innocent girl, I would tease you. I can't believe I'm going to lose the opportunity to crack a joke...

But u wouldnt know if she isnt anymore..

Is this the end of our cinnamon roll?! O.O
(Thanks, Rainy, for the backup)

I might be a dangerous mix of innocent and a bit cunning :P

Are you trying to seduce me?

n-no...t particularly >.>

Lol is this a new relationship? Newp and KitKati and now Azai and Faylicia XD

n-no! it's not like that >///< !!

I was rejected right away ∑(゚Д゚)
That. Broke. My heart.

Faylicia you can't just break your woman's heart like that, now how are you going to mend this? ;)

oh geez, okay, I'm going to the bar! (where she's drinking or sth? >.>)
pulls bottle away ^///^ for-gi-ve me, pleaaaasee~? ☻_☻ (kitty eyes) ^///^ I just like secret affairs better
^-^'' does that work?

joined Nov 20, 2015

U gonna fall for kitty eyes, dude?
Femme fatales are always like this..

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