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joined Mar 2, 2016

Nyan nyan nyan.
Cats are adorable~~~
I like cats better than dogs :>

-gasps- :c

hows the game going? xD I cant handle scary things lol. Btw I added you on skype I think.

faylicia uhh.. no I dont think thats possible O__O whoever told you that was just trying to trick you

joined Jul 27, 2015

Okay, I'm gonna have to ask this: is anyone else here like obsessed with a specific type of body wash? I have this apricot & waterlily body wash that I've been using for literal years now and I only ever use something else when the store doesn't have this one atm or when I just have a random phase of wanting to try a bunch of new stuff. Other than that, it's always ApriLily for me. o.o Is that weird? Lin just pointed it out to me as one of my "weird habits" and now I'm kinda asking myself if I'm the weird one for always using the same or if she's the weird one for using a different one each time. o.o

(Yes. We're actually having a discussion about who the weirder one is out of the two of us. And I'm losing! So please help me. OAO)

joined Mar 2, 2016

Okay, I'm gonna have to ask this: is anyone else here like obsessed with a specific type of body wash? I have this apricot & waterlily body wash that I've been using for literal years now and I only ever use something else when the store doesn't have this one atm or when I just have a random phase of wanting to try a bunch of new stuff. Other than that, it's always ApriLily for me. o.o Is that weird? Lin just pointed it out to me as one of my "weird habits" and now I'm kinda asking myself if I'm the weird one for always using the same or if she's the weird one for using a different one each time. o.o

(Yes. We're actually having a discussion about who the weirder one is out of the two of us. And I'm losing! So please help me. OAO)

No I think its perfectly normal for you to use the same one over and over again! Some people like sticking with things that work with them and others like to change things often. Theres nothing wrong with either ^ ^
For me its hard for me to try other scented body washes other than the one Im currently using because my skin gets a little itchy from scented things like body washes and lotions :(

joined Mar 17, 2016

Okay, I'm gonna have to ask this: is anyone else here like obsessed with a specific type of body wash? I have this apricot & waterlily body wash that I've been using for literal years now and I only ever use something else when the store doesn't have this one atm or when I just have a random phase of wanting to try a bunch of new stuff. Other than that, it's always ApriLily for me. o.o Is that weird? Lin just pointed it out to me as one of my "weird habits" and now I'm kinda asking myself if I'm the weird one for always using the same or if she's the weird one for using a different one each time. o.o

(Yes. We're actually having a discussion about who the weirder one is out of the two of us. And I'm losing! So please help me. OAO)

Lol I don't have that for body wash but I do have that for hand soap. There is this one hand soap that is honey something and I'm totally obsessed with it because it smells soooo good!

joined Mar 8, 2014

Okay, I'm gonna have to ask this: is anyone else here like obsessed with a specific type of body wash? I have this apricot & waterlily body wash that I've been using for literal years now and I only ever use something else when the store doesn't have this one atm or when I just have a random phase of wanting to try a bunch of new stuff. Other than that, it's always ApriLily for me. o.o Is that weird? Lin just pointed it out to me as one of my "weird habits" and now I'm kinda asking myself if I'm the weird one for always using the same or if she's the weird one for using a different one each time. o.o

(Yes. We're actually having a discussion about who the weirder one is out of the two of us. And I'm losing! So please help me. OAO)

No I think its perfectly normal for you to use the same one over and over again! Some people like sticking with things that work with them and others like to change things often. Theres nothing wrong with either ^ ^
For me its hard for me to try other scented body washes other than the one Im currently using because my skin gets a little itchy from scented things like body washes and lotions :(

I always buy a different one~ ^-^

joined Mar 8, 2014

also thank youuuu, now I can pet stray cats without worries ^-^

joined Sep 15, 2015


Nyan nyan nyan.
Cats are adorable~~~
I like cats better than dogs :>

-gasps- :c

hows the game going? xD I cant handle scary things lol. Btw I added you on skype I think.

I'll try and check my Skype lateeer. Thanx btw. The game is freaky and creepier than ever and my brother keeps scaring me. Popping out or screaming out of nowhere. I keep yelling at him everytime he do that. I mean, I'm so nervous at playing the game and about to have a heart attack but he keeps scaring the shit out of me. I think he wants me to die for real (T^T)
I've played TWD game and Dead Island before but The Last of Us is waaaaaaay creepier those two games. Ugh


Yeah cats are great, however after having my new puppy I would totally choose him over the cats lol

Naaaah. I'm more of a cat person than a dog person. I would even prefer a grumpy cat and give him a cat nip and go crazy all day long XD

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 2:20PM

joined Mar 8, 2014


Nyan nyan nyan.
Cats are adorable~~~
I like cats better than dogs :>

-gasps- :c

hows the game going? xD I cant handle scary things lol. Btw I added you on skype I think.

I'll try and check my Skype lateeer. Thanx btw. The game is freaky and creepier than ever and my brother keeps scaring me. Popping out or screaming out of nowhere. I keep yelling at him everytime he do that. I mean, I'm so nervous at playing the game and about to have a heart attack but he keeps scaring the shit out of me. I think he wants me to die for real (T^T)
I've played TWD game and Dead Island before but The Last of Us is waaaaaaay creepier those two games. Ugh

that game are you playing???? I love horror games :D

joined Mar 17, 2016

Lol we give my grumpy cat cat nip and cat treats so he doesn't kill us. He's pretty fat now, so when he goes to lick his back he has to take a running start and then quickly roll over and grab his back to hold him up lol. But yeah he is super mean, he doesn't like to be moved (which sucks for me because he likes me the best and is constantly in the middle of my bed so I have to sleep around him) or looked at for too long, and he will trick you into thinking it's okay to pet him then he'll scratch your arm off. Same with walking by him, if you walk too closely he will attack your leg. Plus he will sit in places so my puppy can't pass by because he knows the dog is scared of him XD

joined Sep 15, 2015


Nyan nyan nyan.
Cats are adorable~~~
I like cats better than dogs :>

-gasps- :c

hows the game going? xD I cant handle scary things lol. Btw I added you on skype I think.

I'll try and check my Skype lateeer. Thanx btw. The game is freaky and creepier than ever and my brother keeps scaring me. Popping out or screaming out of nowhere. I keep yelling at him everytime he do that. I mean, I'm so nervous at playing the game and about to have a heart attack but he keeps scaring the shit out of me. I think he wants me to die for real (T^T)
I've played TWD game and Dead Island before but The Last of Us is waaaaaaay creepier those two games. Ugh

that game are you playing???? I love horror games :D

It's "The Last Of Us"
Well, the game is intense for me and also the sound effects makes it even creepier. I haven't tried playing Dying Light but they said it is gooood~~
I tried playing online games too on my laptop but I don't have it right now soooo I can only use my android fone and ps4 to play games. Sigh
I want my laptop back :/

joined Sep 15, 2015

Lol we give my grumpy cat cat nip and cat treats so he doesn't kill us. He's pretty fat now, so when he goes to lick his back he has to take a running start and then quickly roll over and grab his back to hold him up lol. But yeah he is super mean, he doesn't like to be moved (which sucks for me because he likes me the best and is constantly in the middle of my bed so I have to sleep around him) or looked at for too long, and he will trick you into thinking it's okay to pet him then he'll scratch your arm off. Same with walking by him, if you walk too closely he will attack your leg. Plus he will sit in places so my puppy can't pass by because he knows the dog is scared of him XD

Holy smokes. Your dog is whipped by the cat !! XD
Oh man, I would love to have a grumpy Garfield at home but unfortunately, my mom won't let us have a pet coz apparently, we don't know how to take care of them and clean up their shits everywhere. So yea. Sad life.

joined Jul 27, 2015

If you're into scary games,you should try Outlast. That is some fraking crazy stuff there...

Also, talking about cats eh? I better not get started on Reeba. That beast is a whole different level of weird. :T

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 2:32PM

joined Sep 15, 2015

If you're into scary games,you should try Outlast. That is some fraking crazy stuff there...

Outlast ?? Lemme check it out :>

joined Mar 8, 2014

oh I don't have a ps3/4 so I can't try that one for now :<
have tried amnesia, it's really creepy! omg...

joined Sep 15, 2015

Ugh. I'm not into a game that needs to be sneaky and have to use stealth tactics. I'd rather play Dead Island and use all the guns you got to kill all the zombies. Lol
And watching horror movie is better than playing horror games. :/

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 2:38PM

joined Mar 17, 2016

My cat is orange so he is totally a Garfield cat XD but that sucks that you can't have a pet though cause they are totally awesome. And I have such a hard time playing scary games, unless I'm with other people. If I'm by myself I get totally spooked but if I'm with other people then I think they are just funny

joined Mar 8, 2014

Ugh. I'm not into a game that needs to be sneaky and have to use stealth tactics. I'd rather play Dead Island and use all the guns you got to kill all the zombies. Lol
And watching horror movie is better than playing horror games. :/

horror games are much scarier though!!
many of you have pets, I want one toooo, maybe that's why I always get loneluuu ;_;

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 2:40PM

joined Sep 15, 2015


My cat is orange so he is totally a Garfield cat XD but that sucks that you can't have a pet though cause they are totally awesome. And I have such a hard time playing scary games, unless I'm with other people. If I'm by myself I get totally spooked but if I'm with other people then I think they are just funny

Lol. I like it too when I'm with people while playing a horror game. It's just funny when they get scared of the spookiness and they suddenly jump bc something popped out. Best thing ever xD
Yea, it sucks when I can't have my own pet but my cousin have an American Akita and also two cats (one grumpy = Calvin , the other cat is sweet = Angel) so I usually come over to their house and pet the cats. :3


horror games are much scarier though!!
many of you have pets, I want one toooo, maybe that's why I always get loneluuu ;_;

It's better to have a pet when you live alone. It makes you less lonely. But yea, horror games are scary but it's kind of nice to play em once in a while. It makes me feel alive lol

joined Jul 27, 2015

I personally like strategy games like Anno and Command & Conquer a lot. Or building games like the Tycoon series. Or Sims. Nothing beats Sims. There's nothing better than building a pool, having a sim swim in it, remove the ladder while they do and watch them despair and swim themselves to death, because "OMG! There's no ladder! I can't out of here anymore! /)(OoO)(\" XD

joined Mar 8, 2014


My cat is orange so he is totally a Garfield cat XD but that sucks that you can't have a pet though cause they are totally awesome. And I have such a hard time playing scary games, unless I'm with other people. If I'm by myself I get totally spooked but if I'm with other people then I think they are just funny

Lol. I like it too when I'm with people while playing a horror game. It's just funny when they get scared of the spookiness and they suddenly jump bc something popped out. Best thing ever xD
Yea, it sucks when I can't have my own pet but my cousin have an American Akita and also two cats (one grumpy = Calvin , the other cat is sweet = Angel) so I usually come over to their house and pet the cats. :3


horror games are much scarier though!!
many of you have pets, I want one toooo, maybe that's why I always get loneluuu ;_;

It's better to have a pet when you live alone. It makes you less lonely. But yea, horror games are scary but it's kind of nice to play em once in a while. It makes me feel alive lol

well, I actually have roommates buuuut we don't really see each other often? we do hang out ummm a few times though ^-^''
what a sadist! XD

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 2:50PM

joined Feb 5, 2015

I like horror games but I don't like playing them, I only watch people play XD. I personally like rhythm games.

joined Sep 15, 2015

"OMG! There's no ladder! I can't out of here anymore! /)(OoO)(\" XD

What the heck ?? Can't they climb out of the pool without a ladder ?? XD Never tried to play sims btw and I'm more into puzzle and strategy game too.

well, I actually have roommates buuuut we don't really see each other often? we do hang out ummm a few times though ^-^''

Roommate. I'm not comfortable with having to share a room with somebody else unless we get along. I hate awkward airs around me bc I know I'm already awkward enough. So any more of that would really make me uncomfortable lol

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 2:57PM

joined Jul 27, 2015

what a sadist! XD

It's the only reason why I play that game: to kill people in increasingly elaborate, creative ways. XD

What the heck ?? Can't they climb out of the pool without a ladder ?? XD

No. They also can't the leave the house anymore if there's no door, yet lots and lots of windows...and it's a house with only one floor. XD

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 2:56PM

joined Jul 27, 2015

Thought I'd show her to you. This is one of the 3 devils I share my home with.

Reeba (click)

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 3:02PM

joined Mar 17, 2016

Omg I've done that before with my Sims XD and KitKat they can't even figure out how to walk around something on the ground, they freak out lol

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