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joined Mar 8, 2014

these are the greek ones ^-^
don't you have waffer rolls at all in America????

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 11:53AM

joined Sep 15, 2015

Wafer rolls ?? I don't think I've ever had one in my life, but sure I'll have some of that. :3

here ^-^ hands waffer roll
(pretend you) smoke the essence of chocolate

Ohh. I think we have one of these waffer roll back in PH. Lol. I used to pretend smoke this but now I occasionally smoke the real thing XD

I'm still thinking I don't know what these waffer rolls are hahaha

Unfortunately, I can't upload the fricking picture up here. But those waffer rolls are so good~~

Lol yeah I can't remember what page it was on but there was a girl that I think was eating a ice cream in the car and a guy stepped on the brakes so the spoon jammed into her throat

I'll just take a look at the other pages, I think I missed it. Lol

joined Nov 20, 2015

I wanna sleep..
But there is small lizard on the wall abv my bed..

Please Don't call me tiny. ^_^

Gimme a hand to shoooo it, and i will not anymore..

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 11:54AM

joined Jul 27, 2015

You choose sofa over rocking chair? Thats not original, u know..

I know, but sofas got more swaaaag! I'mma be a swagma when I get old. v.v

I read your story about the chopstick and I was dying from laughing so hard lol

I laughed for literal days after it had happened. I mean, my throat was sore AF for a while, but the absurdity of the situation was just too much to not laugh. XD


Has anybody noticed that Adele made a song called When we were young when she's like not even 30 years old? Like WTF man? The lyrics sound like she's some middle age woman who's singing about a guy she hasn't seen since graduation or something. Woman, you're not even 30! Stop pretending you've so much life experience and so much to get nostalgic over. o.0

And WTF is up with Rihanna's new song???

*Werk werk werk werk werk werk
Werk werk werk werk werk werk
Dur dur dur dur dur dur
Na na na na na na

Like, WTF is that?
Bitch, you trippin! Share sum of that stuff you on, it seems like good shit. o.0

BRB. Gonna walk the dog

joined Sep 15, 2015

You choose sofa over rocking chair? Thats not original, u know..

I know, but sofas got more swaaaag! I'mma be a swagma when I get old. v.v

I read your story about the chopstick and I was dying from laughing so hard lol

I laughed for literal days after it had happened. I mean, my throat was sore AF for a while, but the absurdity of the situation was just too much to not laugh. XD


Has anybody noticed that Adele made a song called When we were young when she's like not even 30 years old? Like WTF man? The lyrics sound like she's some middle age woman who's singing about a guy she hasn't seen since graduation or something. Woman, you're not even 30! Stop pretending you've so much life experience and so much to get nostalgic over. o.0

And WTF is up with Rihanna's new song???

*Werk werk werk werk werk werk
Werk werk werk werk werk werk
Dur dur dur dur dur dur
Na na na na na na

Like, WTF is that?
Bitch, you trippin! Share sum of that stuff you on, it seems like good shit. o.0

BRB. Gonna walk the dog

Try twerking with Rihanna's song XD

joined Sep 15, 2015

I wanna sleep..
But there is small lizard on the wall abv my bed..

Please Don't call me tiny. ^_^

Gimme a hand to shoooo it, and i will not anymore..

gives a hand
You can have one of my hands just so you won't call me tiny anymore :>

joined Jul 27, 2015

For KittoKatto

Girl choking on spoon remix

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 11:58AM

joined Mar 17, 2016

Okay yeah we do have those!! I love them!! ^.^

You have a lizard above your bed? Lol

Yeah hahaha I don't know why Adele made that song, and Rihanna is seriously on something, no one knows what she is saying in that song I swear XD

I can't twerk... lmao!! I was not given that ability in life XD

joined Mar 8, 2014

You choose sofa over rocking chair? Thats not original, u know..

I know, but sofas got more swaaaag! I'mma be a swagma when I get old. v.v

I read your story about the chopstick and I was dying from laughing so hard lol

I laughed for literal days after it had happened. I mean, my throat was sore AF for a while, but the absurdity of the situation was just too much to not laugh. XD


Has anybody noticed that Adele made a song called When we were young when she's like not even 30 years old? Like WTF man? The lyrics sound like she's some middle age woman who's singing about a guy she hasn't seen since graduation or something. Woman, you're not even 30! Stop pretending you've so much life experience and so much to get nostalgic over. o.0

HAHAHAHHAHAHA, I know right?!?!?! She doesn't act her age :P Also, in "Hello" she sounds the same, oh!! look !
this is hilarious!! XD

joined Sep 15, 2015

For KittoKatto

Girl choking on spoon remix

Wtf. What a way to start my day. Had a great laugh and people are staring at me. XD

joined Sep 15, 2015

Okay yeah we do have those!! I love them!! ^.^

You have a lizard above your bed? Lol

Yeah hahaha I don't know why Adele made that song, and Rihanna is seriously on something, no one knows what she is saying in that song I swear XD

I can't twerk... lmao!! I was not given that ability in life XD

Meh. I don't even know how to dance. XD

joined Nov 20, 2015

You have a lizard above your bed? Lol

Yes, i have a bad experience with house lizard. There was time when it went in my trousers..
I jumped like crazy and pulled down my trousers..

Since then i cant rest when i see lizard around my bed..

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 12:07PM

joined Sep 15, 2015

You have a lizard above your bed? Lol

Yes, i have a bad experience with house lizard. There was time when it went in my trousers..
I jumped like crazy and pulled down my trousers..

Since then i cant reat when i see lizard around my bed..

Poor you.
grabs a gecko and throws it at Rainy365

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 12:06PM

joined Mar 8, 2014

Okay yeah we do have those!! I love them!! ^.^

oh do you have the greek brand too? :D they have it in the uk! :D
btw, there's a very cool add for greek chocolate
In some of the packages there is a barcode andddd you can scan it and see the message of the one who gave you the chocolate and chat with them online (you don't see their name).
Though it's not my favorite chocolate I must admit ^-^'''' if you like really sweet milky chocolate it's good though

joined Mar 17, 2016

Oh gosh yeah I don't have those here, however whenever I go to Hawaii they are always around but they are so cute! ^.^
In my old house we used to get a ton of wolf spiders in the bathroom and I would freak out all the time.. I hate spiders -_-

and lmao KitKat throwing geckos XD

joined Mar 8, 2014

You have a lizard above your bed? Lol

Yes, i have a bad experience with house lizard. There was time when it went in my trousers..
I jumped like crazy and pulled down my trousers..

Since then i cant rest when i see lizard around my bed..

omg!! scaryyyy >.< I'd probably freak out and break the glasses with my yelling ^-^''

joined Sep 15, 2015

Oh gosh yeah I don't have those here, however whenever I go to Hawaii they are always around but they are so cute! ^.^
In my old house we used to get a ton of wolf spiders in the bathroom and I would freak out all the time.. I hate spiders -_-

and lmao KitKat throwing geckos XD

Well, not like I can grab it with my bare hands anyway lol
But still, I love scaring people with the ones they're most afraid of xD

joined Mar 17, 2016

Okay yeah we do have those!! I love them!! ^.^

oh do you have the greek brand too? :D they have it in the uk! :D
btw, there's a very cool add for greek chocolate
In some of the packages there is a barcode andddd you can scan it and see the message of the one who gave you the chocolate and chat with them online (you don't see their name).
Though it's not my favorite chocolate I must admit ^-^'''' if you like really sweet milky chocolate it's good though

I'm not sure if we have the greek brand, I don't think I have looked for those. Chocolate in the states is not even close to being as good as chocolate in Europe, which I could eat all day because it is to die for!!

joined Nov 20, 2015

You have a lizard above your bed? Lol

Yes, i have a bad experience with house lizard. There was time when it went in my trousers..
I jumped like crazy and pulled down my trousers..

Since then i cant reat when i see lizard around my bed..

Poor you.
grabs a gecko and throws it at Rainy365

Mehh u r playing evil..

The wall, bed, floor are steril now.
I can sleep now..

Dont keep yrself in the corner too long...
Come and join these monsters..

C u tomorrow..

joined Mar 8, 2014

why on earth can't I color pick this stupid blue?!?! I hate illustrator! why doesn't it just go get lossttt?!!?!? arghhhh
ehem* I mean, it's a bit annoying ^-^**

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 12:13PM

joined Mar 17, 2016

Oh gosh yeah I don't have those here, however whenever I go to Hawaii they are always around but they are so cute! ^.^
In my old house we used to get a ton of wolf spiders in the bathroom and I would freak out all the time.. I hate spiders -_-

and lmao KitKat throwing geckos XD

Well, not like I can grab it with my bare hands anyway lol
But still, I love scaring people with the ones they're most afraid of xD

Lol I used to try and catch geckos when I was younger, I was only able to do it a few times, but they are so cute!! I have a video of one in Hawaii drinking water off of a table but it was so dark that it's hard to see it's cute little tongue poking out XP

joined Mar 8, 2014

Okay yeah we do have those!! I love them!! ^.^

oh do you have the greek brand too? :D they have it in the uk! :D
btw, there's a very cool add for greek chocolate
In some of the packages there is a barcode andddd you can scan it and see the message of the one who gave you the chocolate and chat with them online (you don't see their name).
Though it's not my favorite chocolate I must admit ^-^'''' if you like really sweet milky chocolate it's good though

I'm not sure if we have the greek brand, I don't think I have looked for those. Chocolate in the states is not even close to being as good as chocolate in Europe, which I could eat all day because it is to die for!!

well, greek chocolate is not that especially great, well, um... Ion is pretty good.
Swiss chocolate is the best chocolate ^-^, Liiiiiiiiiindt!!! omg Liiiiiiiiiindt

joined Sep 15, 2015

Geckos are cute ?? How ?? (0.0)

Make sure you look under your bed. That lizard might still be there. And it's gonna kiss your lips later at night XD

joined Mar 17, 2016

Geckos are cute ?? How ?? (0.0)

Make sure you look under your bed. That lizard might still be there. And it's gonna kiss your lips later at night XD

See so cute!! hopefully the picture isn't huge lol

joined Sep 15, 2015

Damn. That's huge af. Scared the shit out of me xD

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