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joined Mar 17, 2016

McNugget and love butt ?? Wow.
What's the story behind that ?? XD

Lol well the McNugget one was because I am shorter than that friend and then the love butt one was something from a drunken night that I hardly remember XD haha but she has called me that for awhile now so I'm thinking its here to stay

And I know I should have gone with my friends but my boss wouldn't allow it because we have a big meeting this week with her boss so I had to be there

I'd love to see you holding a love butt paper..

Lol I'm afraid of the people I would attract

joined Mar 17, 2016

McNugget and love butt ?? Wow.
What's the story behind that ?? XD

Lol well the McNugget one was because I am shorter than that friend and then the love butt one was something from a drunken night that I hardly remember XD haha but she has called me that for awhile now so I'm thinking its here to stay

And I know I should have gone with my friends but my boss wouldn't allow it because we have a big meeting this week with her boss so I had to be there

Your boss is such a killjoy. Damn.

Love butt thingy, I'm pretty sure it had to do something with butts when you got drunk. Lol
So you're one of the type who doesn't remember that much when drunk af. Haha

But getting wasted and all is fun when you don't remember a thing. The opposite is quite embarrassing tho XD

Hahaha yes, especially since I hardly get like knock out drunk. I'm usually always this really happy hyper adventurous drunk :P

joined Nov 20, 2015

McNugget and love butt ?? Wow.
What's the story behind that ?? XD

Lol well the McNugget one was because I am shorter than that friend and then the love butt one was something from a drunken night that I hardly remember XD haha but she has called me that for awhile now so I'm thinking its here to stay

And I know I should have gone with my friends but my boss wouldn't allow it because we have a big meeting this week with her boss so I had to be there

I'd love to see you holding a love butt paper..

Lol I'm afraid of the people I would attract

I'll snap yr picture and upload it to my facebook... kekekeke

joined Sep 15, 2015

McNugget and love butt ?? Wow.
What's the story behind that ?? XD

Lol well the McNugget one was because I am shorter than that friend and then the love butt one was something from a drunken night that I hardly remember XD haha but she has called me that for awhile now so I'm thinking its here to stay

And I know I should have gone with my friends but my boss wouldn't allow it because we have a big meeting this week with her boss so I had to be there

Your boss is such a killjoy. Damn.

Love butt thingy, I'm pretty sure it had to do something with butts when you got drunk. Lol
So you're one of the type who doesn't remember that much when drunk af. Haha

But getting wasted and all is fun when you don't remember a thing. The opposite is quite embarrassing tho XD

Hahaha yes, especially since I hardly get like knock out drunk. I'm usually always this really happy hyper adventurous drunk :P

Oh yea ?? Like loud hyper and jolly ?? We'll get along with that !! XD

joined Sep 15, 2015


I'll snap yr picture and upload it to my facebook... kekekeke

Make sure we are aaaaall pretty when you snap a picture. But of course, make sure you take a perfect shot when someone trips or falls, k ??

joined Mar 17, 2016

McNugget and love butt ?? Wow.
What's the story behind that ?? XD

Lol well the McNugget one was because I am shorter than that friend and then the love butt one was something from a drunken night that I hardly remember XD haha but she has called me that for awhile now so I'm thinking its here to stay

And I know I should have gone with my friends but my boss wouldn't allow it because we have a big meeting this week with her boss so I had to be there

Your boss is such a killjoy. Damn.

Love butt thingy, I'm pretty sure it had to do something with butts when you got drunk. Lol
So you're one of the type who doesn't remember that much when drunk af. Haha

But getting wasted and all is fun when you don't remember a thing. The opposite is quite embarrassing tho XD

Hahaha yes, especially since I hardly get like knock out drunk. I'm usually always this really happy hyper adventurous drunk :P

Oh yea ?? Like loud hyper and jolly ?? We'll get along with that !! XD

Yes! Hahaha and the funny thing is I act the same way when I'm seriously sleep deprived XD

joined Mar 17, 2016


I'll snap yr picture and upload it to my facebook... kekekeke

Make sure we are aaaaall pretty when you snap a picture. But of course, make sure you take a perfect shot when someone trips or falls, k ??

Bahahahaha your facebook friends will be so confused

joined Nov 20, 2015

make sure you take a perfect shot when someone trips or falls, k ??

We can ensure that to happen... Wait for my signal.. ehemmm

joined Mar 8, 2014

Why do I feel like me, Kittokatto101 and dofudofu are the only Team Blonde fans here :(

I'm SO 100% TeamBlonde too!!!!!!!! Didn't you notice?! >.< ;_;
cries in a corner

joined Mar 17, 2016

Yay you are back!!! :D

joined Mar 2, 2016

Why do I feel like me, Kittokatto101 and dofudofu are the only Team Blonde fans here :(

I'm SO 100% TeamBlonde too!!!!!!!! Didn't you notice?! >.< ;_;
cries in a corner

Ahahah I'm sorry Faylicia I didn't know! Glad to know there are more people on board Team Blonde ^ ^

joined Sep 15, 2015

Looool. This is fun XD

Oh yea~
I remember you're a 100% TeamBlonde too. Yesh! We got 4 people on board now xD

I'd be cranky if I'm sleep deprived and I don't get to drink coffee as soon as I wake up. :>

joined Mar 8, 2014

Thanx for the concern. And yea, I'm still friends with the guys that almost did that to me. Buuuuut~~ I've been avoiding them for the past 3weeks now. And not any one of them said sorry. Well, like I said, it was entirely my fault. Lol

If I'm in yr position, I wouldnt be able being friends anymore.. Friends wont do that, although yes, it was partly yr fault..

I'm still lost on how it was her fault.. Thinking it wasn't..

Because, you should know what would happen if you get wasted around guys..
The problem is not being wasted, but who you are with when you decide you get wasted..

I completely disagree. Yeah, some guys are scum and will try to rape you. But I just can't accept the fact that I may be wrong for doing something I like, for example getting wasted, just because some guy can't keep his desires in check.

Wait what?! did they actually try to rape you?! like you told them no and the continued?! and they tried to do it at the same time? I mean like... many of them? if that's so you should totally avoid them and not consider them your friends anymore. I get lots of weird guy but this has never happened to me... Well, I've never gotten drunk like that either though buut. I don't seem to be able to get drunk, I just get really dizzy and disoriented physically but I don't feel much of a change mentally, like... I'm already excited and crazy when we go to parties so... >.> and if I'm not then I don't get excited. Like, I got drunk once when I was heartbroken, I had like 4 glasses of whiskey and some sake and I felt really dizzy walking back home and I was really worried I was walking strange but there weren't many people around and I think I was walking fine, maybe I stopped at some points when I felt dizzy though. Then I got back home and I talked to my roommates, and I was like 'yes, I'm fine just a bit tired..." then I went to my room and I my stomach got really bad and I threw up and I lied on the floor and I couldn't even move. So I stayed there so a while and then I changed on the floor and I climbed on the bed and I slept and when I woke up I was fine ^-^''' Also, I still felt just as heartbroken as before but I felt too distracted by the stomach ache so I couldn't think of it too much... and that helped a bit but that's kind of... dumb... Oh and, I can't drink whiskey anymore, just smelling it makes me want to throw up ^-^''' also, other drink that have a similar aftertaste make me feel a bit bad, like limonchello... But I don't care because I don't like them anyway. My favorite thing is champagne, it's so delicious ♥_♥ and mojito oh and yeah I live in Europe so it's legal to drink at 18, just so that you know :P

joined Mar 8, 2014

Yay you are back!!! :D

I awoke from my deep slumber! muahhahahah!

joined Mar 17, 2016

See I need to have my coffee every morning lol but if it's really late at night and I'm with friends, I don't get cranky tired I just get hyper and what my friends call "drunk tired"

joined Sep 15, 2015

The way you described how you felt dizzy with an upset stomach and all, I'd say you're pretty drunk. Just bc you know what you're doing still doesn't mean you're not drunk. You're basically crawling back to your bed. Lol

As for my case, I didn't say yes. Didn't say no either. I was too drunk to say anything. But I could still fight back a bit that night. It's all good. I'm fine. Still friends with them I think. But I'm trying to avoid them.

I'm more of a vodka or gin type of girl. Not beer or wine.

last edited at Apr 5, 2016 12:36AM

joined Sep 15, 2015

See I need to have my coffee every morning lol but if it's really late at night and I'm with friends, I don't get cranky tired I just get hyper and what my friends call "drunk tired"

Yea. Saaame~~
It's only in the morning that I'm cranky. But not at night. I'm basically a vampire. XD

joined Mar 17, 2016

See I need to have my coffee every morning lol but if it's really late at night and I'm with friends, I don't get cranky tired I just get hyper and what my friends call "drunk tired"

Yea. Saaame~~
It's only in the morning that I'm cranky. But not at night. I'm basically a vampire. XD

Yeah I'm totally not a morning person XD my dad is such a morning person and wakes up singing so growing up he was always irritating my siblings and I in the morning because he would be so chipper and we would be dead XD

joined Nov 20, 2015


I awoke from my deep slumber! muahhahahah!

It's nice to have deep slumber..
I will need to drain my stamina to fall in deep slumber. Couldnt sleep well in last three days..

See I need to have my coffee every morning lol but if it's really late at night and I'm with friends, I don't get cranky tired I just get hyper and what my friends call "drunk tired"

Yea. Saaame~~
It's only in the morning that I'm cranky. But not at night. I'm basically a vampire. XD

not a morning person, huh..

joined Mar 17, 2016


I awoke from my deep slumber! muahhahahah!

It's nice to have deep slumber..
I will need to drain my stamina to fall in deep slumber. Couldnt sleep well in last three days..

Oh gosh not the stamina thing again XD

joined Sep 15, 2015

Oh, yea I have someone like that back home too. He's basically a grandpa to us but we have to call him uncle. He hangs out at home at 6 in the morning and he has such a loud mouth and he annoys the shit out of me. I'd be forced to go out of bed instead of sleeping in. Ugh

Definitely not a morning person. But my job requires me to be in at work at 8 in the morning soo I don't have any choice but to wake up 5 or 6 in the morning.

Sleep is for the weak.
You're gonna miss out on all the fun again. XD

joined Nov 20, 2015


I awoke from my deep slumber! muahhahahah!

It's nice to have deep slumber..
I will need to drain my stamina to fall in deep slumber. Couldnt sleep well in last three days..

Oh gosh not the stamina thing again XD

  • a hand on forehead.. I mean gotta go to gym.. Lol
joined Mar 8, 2014

also regarding hairstyles, my hair is quite long. It's layered, but the longest bits reach my waist. I plan to cut it a bit but it's so awkward when I tell the hairdresser because I want it to end somewhere around the middle of my chest... because like... above my chest it's too short but exactly under my chest it's kind of long plus it doesn't fall back very well because you know >.> and it's not like I have a big chest but I wear push up bras so... >.>
I do have a flannel shirt though, but I never wear it. It's like pink and blue with some ruffles in the middle so it looks quite girly though :P does it even count as a flannel shirt?! I don't know! >.<
I have a classmate who has a bob haircut + flannel shirts and she always hold the door for me. It makes me so embarrassed >///< I get a bit embarrassed when guys do that to but when girls do it I feel a bit more embarrassed but also a bit excited at the same time becuase... err...? I've never had a girl do that to me before? if that makes any sense... >.> Though my type is more like a girl who wouldn't usually do that so it's not like I find it especially attractive or anything.
Aaaanywaaaaay, I tried to wear a feather earring once, I mean for a while, but nothing interesting happened... =.=... I have this roommate and she's straight or bi-curious or sth and she already "seduced" two girls (like she just complimented them but one flirted with her after that and the other just blushed suggestively :P). Last time, with the second girl, we were at some classmate's house and I told her voice sounded a bit different, kind of like seductive and she was like "I think the drink has influenced her already, haha!" to the other girl -.-... Tbh, I didn't have better wording for that and she is not my type or anything, maybe I was trying to hint that I did find her voice seductive personally (just her voice!) to hint that I like girls but she didn't get it at all! >.<, maybe I would've said it even if I was straight but she was just so surprised, she was like "haha, what did you say?!"
Sometimes, I feel I look more straight than straight girls... -.- I don't know what's wrong with me!!! >.< Like, maybe it's my attitude as well... I don't usually say anything about pretty girls that would give me away because... usually I don't even like them or even would like it if they liked me (but I like it when any guy likes me unless they're annoying or like me too much >.>). Sometimes I see some tomboyish or serious looking girl I think is attractive but I don't say anything about it. I do sometimes to my close friends but yeah, not to people who are not that close to me, so not anyone who doesn't know I like girls! >.< Like, I feel some straight girls say this girl is hot or whatever but I don't usually say that because I'm generally uninterested in... most people... >.> I don't say it about guys either. And like... I don't knowwww... umm... I don't have that basic interest in attractive people most girls have... '-' that's why I can't relate much to seeing hot girls and feeling distracted... ^-^'''' It happpens with some but like, it's not a common thing... I'm only interested in very few people, I can count them with... half a hand >.>... >. What do you think!? >.< Like, I just want people to know so that it travels to the ears of some beautiful girl that'd be my type you know!!!!! Like, for example someone would tell this girl them that they know me and that I'm interested in girls! because I'm really picky so the people I know are not enough to pick from -.-... you know! The place where I can find people I like the most?! AIRPORTS! seriouslyyyyyy, there are so many different people there so it's more common to see a girl I find attractive and it's not supper big like ofxord street where you can't see anyone among the crowds! The train station works as well kind of but all those places are bad to meet anyone because they're all rushing to get somewhere!! That's why I really want to go to a very big cafe in London, but last time I went to Starbucks it was so small... >.> I don't even know what the good cafes in London are... I mean I don't live there! I live in a small city and the only datable people here are from my university which is super small as well so... -.-

last edited at Apr 5, 2016 1:06AM

joined Mar 8, 2014

omg, sorry this is so long, why am I writing the story of my life?! I need to stop... gosh... what on earth am I even doing...? >.>

joined Mar 8, 2014


I awoke from my deep slumber! muahhahahah!

It's nice to have deep slumber..
I will need to drain my stamina to fall in deep slumber. Couldnt sleep well in last three days..

Oh gosh not the stamina thing again XD

  • a hand on forehead.. I mean gotta go to gym.. Lol

is that really what you meant? >.>

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