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joined Feb 5, 2015

The only Korean I'm pretty positive I can always read is "team leader" lol...

For me its "Ah". I am sorry. lol.

You're not alone on the "Ah"

By the way, anyone interested?

joined Feb 8, 2016

By the way, anyone interested?

I'm very interested in looking at and reading all the submissions lol. And lol @ "Question Format: Anyhting goes (Just don’t send us a exhaustive, comprehensive list of two thousand questions)"

Also there's a big Easter sale on coins you guys might want to consider.

last edited at Mar 23, 2016 1:05PM

joined Aug 31, 2014


RIP TeamPink fans.

joined Dec 9, 2014

Lol it's not like TeamPink fans thought Sumin and Seju would be back together again. Despite that, I still can't help to find Seju the best character.
I fee like she's the most 3 dimensional out of the three.

My prediction for the end. Sumin/Sungji together, Seju/Nami (probably) together too. Sumin forgives Seju only because Sungji asked to, and everyone gets a happy ending like this.
I hope Team Gaji proves me wrong though lol

joined Feb 8, 2016

Lol it's not like TeamPink fans thought Sumin and Seju would be back together again. Despite that, I still can't help to find Seju the best character.
I fee like she's the most 3 dimensional out of the three.

My prediction for the end. Sumin/Sungji together, Seju/Nami (probably) together too. Sumin forgives Seju only because Sungji asked to, and everyone gets a happy ending like this.
I hope Team Gaji proves me wrong though lol

I think you're right lol. Maybe just for kicks I'll root for TeamBrunette (Black x Blue) and TeamPastelle (Pink x Yellow). Pink x Yellow makes me think of power rangers though. Gaji can turn it around in 34 chapters! SARCASM

joined Feb 5, 2015

My prediction for the end. Sumin/Sungji together, Seju/Nami (probably) together too. Sumin forgives Seju only because Sungji asked to, and everyone gets a happy ending like this.
I hope Team Gaji proves me wrong though lol

I would prefer that Sumin forgives Seju not because Sungji asked her to. Itt would be better if Sumin forgives Seju on her own will, maybe with Sungji's help.

Gaji can turn it around in 34 chapters!

Oh please don't forget the unexpected plot twist. Maybe Sumin will end up choosing the single life xD

joined Dec 9, 2014

I would prefer that Sumin forgives Seju not because Sungji asked her to. Itt would be better if Sumin forgives Seju on her own will, maybe with Sungji's help.

Me too but...I think it is quite possible for the Sungji route, so Sungji's character helps healing both Sumin and Seju. Plus sumin still seems nowhere near forgiving Seju by herself.

Gaji can turn it around in 34 chapters!

Oh please don't forget the unexpected plot twist. Maybe Sumin will end up choosing the single life xD

I think Sumin ending up with Nami is more possible than this tbh haha.
Plot twist: there is no plot twist xD

I kinda feel how the rest 34 chapters will go. Sumin/Sungji sex/moments for 2-3 chapters,then 1 Seju chapter for a break and repeat.

joined Mar 2, 2016

Dundundn Newp has been summoned by dofudofu san xD

Sorry for the late gist translation guys.. had some company stay over last night and had no time in the morning to write one up lol. This weeks chapter also seemed longer than usual (not that I'm complaining haha). Better late than never though right ? ^ ^"" hope you enjoy~


Sungji: " Team leader'
Sumin: "Hm?"
Sumin: "Under here are all cabinets. Inside there's shampoo and body wash, towels are here, change of clothes are here"
" I'm right here." (eeee <3)

Sungji: "Team leader."
Sumin: "Hm?"
Sungji: "Lift up your arms. Lift em" (she says 'man-seh' which is a korean saying for raise your arms)
Sumin: "???"
"You're in trouble." (she says the word 'honnah' which means trouble. A cut off way of saying 'Honnandah' which is 'you'll get in trouble')
Sungji: "Nng" "Ah!"
"Ha ah... " "Ha..."
Sumin: "Don't just touch me there as you please. Ask me for permission before you do."
Sungji: "Ah..."
"Can I touch you now?"
Sumin: "Okay go ahead."
Sungji: " Team leader, which side do you take after more?"
Sumin: "What?"
Sungji: "Your parents."
Sumin: "Oh. Uh... dad?"
Sungji: "I see... he must have been cool."
Sumin: "what do you mean cool."
"He was short and small so I heard he got teased a lot as a kid."
"So thats why he would tell me that I need to grow up healthy and strong and made me exercise a lot..."
Sungji: "Ah... so that must be why you are so good at excerising." (heh.. we all know what she meant by that ;) ;) )
Sumin: "No, well." "I'm not THAT good at it..." (ahahah that blush)
Sungji: "I heard while you were in school you were always the leader/representative for relays and such?"
Sumin: "What? Who said that?"
Sungji: "Miss Nami did"
Sumin: "Since when did you two start talking alot with eachother?"
Sungji: "Miss Nami comes to the office quite often to visit."
Sumin: "..." "You talk about anything else?"
Sungji: "Mainly asking when the President (Seju) will be in." "Asking for my phone number." "Or asking me to quit the office and start a contract with her..."
Sumin: "Sungji-ssi. From now on just ignore what she says."
Sungji: "But still... sometimes she talks about about you."
Sumin: "If you have anything you're curious about, you can just come ask me about it."
Sungji: "Can I ask you anything?"
Sumin: "....."
Sungji: "It's okay. I think it'll be more fun talking to Miss Nami about it."
Sumin: "Sungji-ssi aren't you doting on/liking miss Nami a little too much?"
Sungji: "Team leader."
Sumin: "What." (hahahaa Sumin showing a bit of jealousy~ Just love this part ~ )
Sungji: "I'm so happy right now."
"Team leader. Should we get matching underwear?"
Sumin: "What are you talking about so suddenly..."
Sungji: "I thought about things that we could match together with, but it doesn't seem like there is much."
Sumin: "I'll think about it."


Nami: "Midget, there must be something good that happened to you recently?"
"Your face is more relaxed" (kinda like saying your face is glowing/you look less angry)
Sumin: "This?"
Nami: "See. It looks less rotten than before."
Sumin: "..."
"You know, that medicine."
Nami: "The one that will help you grow taller?"
Sumin: "No, not that."
Sumin: "Do you have anything that will help my body? Something like a health, or energy recharger/body strengthener."
Nami: "Why, it's too hard to keep up with the energy of a youngster?"
Sumin: "... Sungji-ssi isn't THAT energetic." (The word used was 'healthy', but they're talking more energy wise so yeah) .

Nami: "If you want to live longer first quit drinking that poison-like coffee of yours.


Choi-gun: "Sungji-ssi whats wrong?"
Sungji: "My ear suddenly tickles..." (an expression used when someone is talking about you)


Random bubble: "Customer."
Nami: "Hey President Baek. Again what a coincidence .
"I guess you were just completely left hanging today?"
Seju: "I showed up and was waiting, is that so unfortunate?"
Nami: "What do you mean unfortunate. I must congradulate you."
"It's a historic moment where our President Baek was left hanging by someone for the first time for a marriage interview."
"So you must have been completely black listed by now right?"
"The arranger (the person who arranged the meeting between the candidates) also must have gotten a lot of hate."
Seju: "Just what on earth is it that you get from doing all of this?"
Nami: "The Dinner time of President Baek who was left abandoned during her marriage interview."
"Come on let's just get a drink."
"With me." (it sounds awkward split up like this but basically she means let's get a drink together lol)

Anyway, oh man. Looks like Team Pink isn't looking so good right now.. lol not that I have any problem with that :P
Starting to love the interaction between Sungji and Sumin even more
I wonder whats going to happen with Nami and Seju though.. and how Seju will react towards Nami's advances.

last edited at Mar 23, 2016 4:45PM

joined Feb 8, 2016

I would prefer that Sumin forgives Seju not because Sungji asked her to. Itt would be better if Sumin forgives Seju on her own will, maybe with Sungji's help.

Me too but...I think it is quite possible for the Sungji route, so Sungji's character helps healing both Sumin and Seju. Plus sumin still seems nowhere near forgiving Seju by herself.

Sungji's definitely the medic in this manhwa.

Gaji can turn it around in 34 chapters!

Oh please don't forget the unexpected plot twist. Maybe Sumin will end up choosing the single life xD

I think Sumin ending up with Nami is more possible than this tbh haha.
Plot twist: there is no plot twist xD

I kinda feel how the rest 34 chapters will go. Sumin/Sungji sex/moments for 2-3 chapters,then 1 Seju chapter for a break and repeat.

Sorta seems like it'll go that way. For awhile I thought "shit has to hit the fan for Sumin x Sungji at some point", but now I'm not so sure. I feel like it will seem really incomplete if we somehow go this whole time without Sungji finding out about Sumin and Seju's relationship.

@Newp you're the best. This is pretty hard to follow with all the test this time around lol. Need some time.

last edited at Mar 23, 2016 3:52PM

joined Feb 5, 2015

Sungji must find out about SuminxSeju at some point, maybe through Nami, since it turns out Sungji interacts with Nami quite a lot. Also, this might be kind of weird, but I'm kind of expecting a full chapter of Seju and Nami hanging out and talking about the midget or whatever. I'm still not that into the idea of them getting together, but Nami would make a pretty nice friend for Seju.

joined Jun 18, 2015

Sorry for the late gist translation guys.. had some company stay over last night and had no time in the morning to write one up lol. This weeks chapter also seemed longer than usual (not that I'm complaining haha). Better late than never though right ? ^ ^"" hope you enjoy~

Appreciate your work! And I love your comment! Made me laugh.

joined Feb 8, 2016

Sungji: "Mainly asking when the President (Seju) will be in." "Asking for my phone number." "Or asking me to quit the office and start a contract with her..."

Lol. I'm not really taken with Nami as an individual, but damn between her and Sungji some really funny shit happens.

"Team leader. Should we get matching underwear?"
Sumin: "What are you talking about so suddenly..."
Sungji: "I thought about things that we could match together with, but it doesn't seem like there is much."
Sumin: "I'll think about it."

If/once Sumin caves to this request, she'll be 100% whipped.

Thanks again, Newp, great week.

joined Dec 9, 2014

Thanks for translation!

Suddenly a wild Nami appears! Lol
Anyway, Seju seems like she doesn't hate her so much this time...slowly growing fonder of Nami. Chances are, Gaji plans Seju to have Nami. I mean, what talks and walks, like a duck, it is probably a duck.
When the story is over, and if that happens, I'll write my full analysis on this.

I think Sungji will find out about Sumin and Seju at some point, but I think she won't react much. Probably will be like "Team have to forgive her"
and then Sumin will go all heart eyes and say "I didn't care much, but since you say so, I guess it's worth it"

Totally hate how I grew fond of Seju and Sumin's lost relationship, that I had to force myself to not care at this point.

last edited at Mar 23, 2016 4:16PM

joined Feb 8, 2016

"Team leader. Should we get matching underwear?"
Sumin: "What are you talking about so suddenly..."
Sungji: "I thought about things that we could match together with, but it doesn't seem like there is much."
Sumin: "I'll think about it."

If/once Sumin caves to this request, she'll be 100% whipped.

Thanks again, Newp, great week.

Hahaha idk though, her telling Sungji to ask for permission before touching her seemed pretty dominant of her ;P

Haha you can be a top and whipped at the same time.

but yeah I can totally see a chapter of them going lingerie shopping together :D oh man.. Possible upcoming change room sex?! Hahahah

Very possible future scenario now that you put it that way. Though in reality I don't think that's possible. I was in a dressing room with a now ex girlfriend and someone knocked on the door and told to use separate ones. We weren't even doing anything, but I guess the "they're both women" privilege doesn't apply anymore...

joined Mar 2, 2016

Haha you can be a top and whipped at the same time.

Hmm true true...

joined Mar 2, 2016

Oh yeah.. I forgot to mention. After Sumin Gives sungji permission to touch her , Sungji massages Sumins butt under the covers hahah XDD. There's a sound effect for 'massage massage' written and also the blanket folds suggest Sungjis arm over sumins butt XD she is also still massaging when they are talking about Nami :P the small but funny details ~ thought it would be nice to point out lool

last edited at Mar 23, 2016 8:51PM

joined Feb 8, 2016

Oh yeah.. I forgot to mention. After Sumin Gives sungji permission to touch her ,when they are talking about Sumjns dad and even after that.. Sungji is massaging Sumins butt under the covers hahah XDD. There's a sound effect for 'massage massage' written and also the blanket folds show sungjis arm over sumins butt XD the small but funny details ~ thought it would be nice to point out lool

Should see the goofy smile on my face after reading this lmfao... Feel so lame enjoying this so much.

Extra humorous since I was just saying to myself earlier that it'd be funny for Sungji to grope Sumin's ass at the office at some point.

last edited at Mar 23, 2016 5:41PM

joined Feb 5, 2015

Oh yeah.. I forgot to mention. After Sumin Gives sungji permission to touch her , Sungji massages Sumins butt under the covers hahah XDD. There's a sound effect for 'massage massage' written and also the blanket folds suggest Sungjis arm over sumins butt XD she is also still massaging when they are talking about Nami :P the small but funny details ~ thought it would be nice to point out lool

Hahaha Sungji really can't get her hands of Sumin xD

joined Mar 2, 2016

Yesss grope is the word! Couldn't remember it while I was writing xD

joined Feb 8, 2016

Yesss grope is the word! Couldn't remember it while I was writing xD

Hehe teamwork :P

Also I don't see Sungji wanting to be dropped back at her brother's home every night anymore. At some point we're going to have to see the silverware/dog bone drop again for when she's like... I'm thirsty and need to go grope my boss-girlfriend's ass, not coming home tonight.

joined Sep 15, 2015

Yesss grope is the word! Couldn't remember it while I was writing xD

Hehe teamwork :P

Also I don't see Sungji wanting to be dropped back at her brother's home every night anymore. At some point we're going to have to see the silverware/dog bone drop again for when she's like... I'm thirsty and need to go grope my boss-girlfriend's ass, not coming home tonight.

Oh my god. You guys. I can't stop laughing with your convos. It's just way too funny xD╰(▔∀▔)╯

joined Mar 17, 2016

Thank you Newp for the translation! ^.^
I loved Sungji's and Sumin's interactions today. Someone will need to refresh my memory, have Sumin and Seju slept together since Sungji and Sumin started seeing each other?
I thought it was hilarious that Sungji wanted them to get matching underwear lol.
I'm also wondering what Seju's and Nami's relationship will turn into.. I think Nami will be more open to a friendship but I think Seju won't be as willing lol

joined Sep 15, 2015

Someone will need to refresh my memory, have Sumin and Seju slept together since Sungji and Sumin started seeing each other?

I don't think they did. Last time they did it was when they're in Sumin's new car (Seju's gift btw). And that was when I think #TeamBlonde had a misunderstanding due to Sungji's inexperience about love and sleeping with someone. Or so what I remember.

joined Feb 8, 2016

Someone will need to refresh my memory, have Sumin and Seju slept together since Sungji and Sumin started seeing each other?

I don't think they did. Last time they did it was when they're in Sumin's new car (Seju's gift btw). And that was when I think #TeamBlonde had a misunderstanding due to Sungji's inexperience about love and sleeping with someone. Or so what I remember.

This is right. Sumin was annoyed about her last interaction with Sungji and did it with Seju in the car, and that was the last time up to date.

I was also wondering how long it's been from Sungji starting at the company, to Sungji and Sumin starting their relationship, to shower-fucking and undercover butt-groping. Not totally clear to me if it's been months or weeks or what. With all the flashbacks it feels longer, but it could be a pretty short period of time.

joined Mar 17, 2016

Oh okay, thank you KitKat101 and dofudofu!
I am also curious about how long it's been, I'm trying to remember if I've noticed anything that would indicate how long it's been but I don't think I've seen anything.

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