Sumin's workplace is a place where Sumin works. Not a place where Sumin talks to Nammi. Of course, if Sumin wants, she can.
put aside our different standpoints, u still have some logic fallacy in ur argument.
seju can't make sumin do whatever she wants her to do =/= Seju is not doing something controlling or she is not willing to control.
It doesn't matter if sumin is cold towards her or not. U are right, it seems seju leaves enough personal space for sumin, and that's exactly because(only my point of view), as u say, she IS NOT STUPID, she knows where she can use her influence and how to use, and where she can't.
As for namisa, don't u think seju is a little bit overracting in doing so, considering her image u've portrayed for us? We've already seen namisa in chapter 16, who happens to have a quite keen perception of people and the circumstance, I can't help to think that seju really shall have a reason to dislike her
Well, just a suggestion, could we simply move out of this "cul-de-sac" and on to some new topics. There are still a lot of interesting details worth discussing, not only our seju-sumin complex.
last edited at Jul 9, 2015 7:59AM