Forum › Voice of Her Fingertips discussion

joined Feb 5, 2013

Man so short, DX but it did gave its point across... I like it.

joined Feb 1, 2013

this oneshot make my heart skip a beat

joined Jan 6, 2015

Adorable. I figured there'd be a drawing of her in there somewhere, but the way they got around to that point was fun and cute.


joined Jul 3, 2015

this would be so much better if it turned out this girl would drawn only hardcore tentacle porn, tbh

still a very good read

last edited at Jul 3, 2015 6:43PM

joined Aug 16, 2014

I enjoyed this. And what a deliciously adorable reaction from Kurata-san =D

joined Dec 27, 2013

what a way to respond :>
that was a nice read :>>

joined Jan 8, 2014

this would be so much better if it turned out this girl would drawn only hardcore tentacle porn, tbh

still a very good read


joined Jun 6, 2014

Oh my god. I haven't read a oneshot of this quality since........well damn it's been a long-ass time.

joined Dec 18, 2013

This deserves a sequel

joined Mar 30, 2012

this would be so much better if it turned out this girl would drawn only hardcore tentacle porn, tbh

still a very good read


LOL too.

Yeah, the story is a little plain and common but everything was decent so it was okay.

last edited at Jul 5, 2015 6:58AM

joined Feb 19, 2014

so they never once spoke to each other. never interacted. and yet. they both felt the same admiration for each other. how perfect. if only the world is. :) still loved it.

last edited at Jul 5, 2015 9:49AM

joined Dec 6, 2013

Hope there's more. It's cute!! =^^=

joined Apr 18, 2013

The art was really great and somehow I have enjoyed the open ending, though it's obvious their feelings are mutual. :) :)

joined Jun 19, 2015

Did anyone knows the complete name of Kurata?

joined May 30, 2018

this is like the perfect one shot, wow

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