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Forum › Closer, Yet Further Apart Than Anyone discussion

joined May 24, 2012

"In any case, you cant do anything with other girls anymore, okay!?" "...Huh?" <- the word of a true player.
When backed up in a corner, act like you dont understand whats they are saying lmao xD
second time reading this one shot, i think i enjoy it more now than then.

joined May 31, 2013

seems to be the only thing a school nurse is good for is to have sex with her students. I mean if a student gets injured or sick the nurse is never there, but if you want to have sex she'll miraculously be present.

joined May 22, 2013

Wonder what the story will be like if Ai had her sis eventually turned in after slapping her.

joined Feb 8, 2014

She is the teacher mentioned in another of Benjamin's one shots. I love when authors feature characters in other stories even when they don't relate and stand alone.

joined Jan 18, 2014

seems to be the only thing a school nurse is good for is to have sex with her students. I mean if a student gets injured or sick the nurse is never there, but if you want to have sex she'll miraculously be present.

... that would explain why my school nurse is either pregnant, absent or both

joined Sep 20, 2017

Somehow I don't believe that nurse go from player to monogamous all in 2 page? never.

joined Dec 7, 2019

Not for kill the mood but will be funny if Ai-chan go full S mode or Yandere with that cheater Bigsis

joined Jun 12, 2021

I have bad vibes from this.

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