Tusk is a very obvious Fukuda (Producer) self-insert. I guess he only wanted to fuck Nana and not have some NanoFate fuck his self-insert fantasy.
Quite right, remember that Fukuda made fun of EVERY "purity" otaku in the scene where Tusk tells refined brocon that he fucked Ange. That was truly a great scene. He's also a cuckhold because he's going to only obey Ange and she's going to be bedding all the girls.
As for the show, to be honest, aside from a "meh" start I loved Cross Ange and Ange.
She fit perfectly in this crazy world with how little she cared of the opinion of others, she was a great lead for this particular series. Really Ange is the MC people deserve and it's a shame more people don't see that. Her sociopathic attitude was great to watch.
As for the yuribaiting, it was quite clear from the beginning that Tusk and Ange would have somethig going on. Did people here miss the "new-type" naked hand holding between them in the promos? I believe it was even in the opening, although I'm not entirely sure anymore.