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joined Feb 7, 2013

What is this I don't even...

My theory for what happened, someone please check:
1) MC's mother dies
2) MC meets MC-old in graveyard
3) MC-old sends MC back in time to when her mother is the same age as her
4) MC and her mother hook up in the past
5) 24 years later, MC has learnt time travel magic and is now MC-old
6) MC-old meeting her younger self at the graveyard
7) wherefore comes her mother at the graveyard 24 years later????

joined Nov 17, 2013

Its weird because I was just thinking of a mother/daughter idea with time travel and this pop up in my notifications hours later...

last edited at Mar 13, 2015 9:28PM

joined Feb 23, 2014

.........well its happier (?) than the other one by this artist at least?

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

The mother the second time around is not the same as the first time, because her will changed her history. So I believe there'd mom (the mom) and mom' (the lesbian who's not a mom at all) existing in the same space in a way. I like the idea, although it'll take at least a couple more reads for it to make sense.

joined Oct 15, 2013

Girl is in love with her own mom, a magician (who can time travel) sends her to the past to meet her mom at a younger age. Mom says she can't see the girls' past nor futue, probably because she was just inserted there, must be what sparked her attention on her.

The magician from the future could be her mom or herself... most probably the latter, hence the "that is something for you to decide in the future". Says that the mom could see past and future, it is never mentioned whether she can interact with it. The magician indeed could.

Suppose this is multiple dimensions of existance, non-linear, or else time paradoxes.

Aaaanyways, this kept making me think of Back to the Future movies... this needs a Delorean!

last edited at Mar 13, 2015 9:47PM

joined Nov 20, 2014

What is this I don't even...

My theory for what happened, someone please check:
1) MC's mother dies
2) MC meets MC-old in graveyard
3) MC-old sends MC back in time to when her mother is the same age as her
4) MC and her mother hook up in the past
5) 24 years later, MC has learnt time travel magic and is now MC-old
6) MC-old meeting her younger self at the graveyard
7) wherefore comes her mother at the graveyard 24 years later????

Well if I didn't misread it, on the bottom of page 40 ( they say "Let's go. To our future." Didn't this mean that the two of them travelled back to MC's timeline, where MC-old meets MC and tells her that her future has been changed.

That's what I read at least.

joined Apr 14, 2013


joined Sep 19, 2014

joined May 7, 2014

I kinda understand a little but it just hurt my head so much and I just simply say it was magic, self-seeing ( don't know how to express 'cause not good at English ), the past changes the the future.

joined Feb 2, 2013

nice, but i continue to think that this artist has a talent for bad ending (not all manga can have good ending)

joined Feb 15, 2014

Whoa whoa whoa! Magician, are you telling me that my mom has the hots for me!? Man, this is heavy.

joined Jun 6, 2014

This was a complex one, and I loved it. It's a fantastic and happy end for everyone involved, and a bit of salvation for the mom. I wonder what the timeline was like for the mom the first time around, though. Surprisingly amazing ending though.

nice, but i continue to think that this artist has a talent for bad ending (not all manga can have good ending)

Difference between 'bad' ending and 'not happy'. Unfortunately Yui7 sometimes has issues with this. Her stories always should be amazing on paper, but for whatever the reason they tend to fall short, and the 'not happy' ending ends up not being a 'good' one.

As I said, not this one though.

last edited at Mar 14, 2015 9:58AM

joined Jun 6, 2014

What is this I don't even...

My theory for what happened, someone please check:
1) MC's mother dies
2) MC meets MC-old in graveyard
3) MC-old sends MC back in time to when her mother is the same age as her
4) MC and her mother hook up in the past
5) 24 years later, MC has learnt time travel magic and is now MC-old
6) MC-old meeting her younger self at the graveyard
7) wherefore comes her mother at the graveyard 24 years later????

Close. It's a weird time paradox thing, but MC-Old in the graveyard existed before she sent MC-current day back in time, but MC-Old IS the MC-current day who advanced in time to teach MC-current day to time travel and take her lover/mom with her back to current time.

joined Aug 24, 2014

I can't think anymore.......

joined Dec 16, 2013

what i'm getting is the fact that she go to the past and snatch her mother from whomever non yuri cause and that also cause her to had no past or future, cause she don't exist!!

joined May 28, 2011

this story seems to borrow some elements of "all you zombies"

joined Jul 8, 2013

The author must have recently watched Predestination.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

"-All You Zombies-" didn't have multiple versions of a person the way this one did though, it was the same person going through the same point multiple times. See also, " By His Bootstraps".

joined Feb 8, 2013

omg........ people should stop smoking stuff

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

omg........ people should stop smoking stuff

Excuse you, they should smoke more!

Akashic Records
joined Sep 24, 2013

Eh... It reminds me of Predestination...

I know it's different since there's 2 person here...

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Eh... It reminds me of Predestination...

...which is a movie adaption of the previously mentioned story "-All You Zombies-"

joined Dec 14, 2014

I was lost..but I think I get it now. Short: Shizuku took akira to shizuku's futur! THE END! -flings my desk and hides face under pillow- was sooo confusiiiing!

joined Jun 6, 2014

I was lost..but I think I get it now. Short: Shizuku took akira to shizuku's futur! THE END! -flings my desk and hides face under pillow- was sooo confusiiiing!

For future readers:

Shizuku goes back and saves her mother by becoming part of the wonderful world of yuri. The end.

joined Jan 8, 2014

No no no its the flux capacitor thats key here...just dont run into yourself because there are two possible outcomes..'
Lol, okay now its time to geek out with bttf quotes ^_^

last edited at Mar 17, 2015 1:31AM

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